Sebring's Perpetual No-till Living Organics

Those look like nice mature beans


I want to ask what is Grimm glue @Howard.Crane It may be in your thread but i dont remember it. I’m interested. @Sebring I dont know if you starting up a new thread but when Howard do send these I’m interested in grim glue and c99 mix


howard how am i supposed to start all these seeds you make!!! still got a limit over here in my town for plants!

lol great seeds man!


I know I mentioned it somewhere, can’t find it now though…

Grimm Glue is seeds from the GG4 S1 that I’ve been growing for the last year (best plant out of two packs), pollinated with the following: Two C99 Mix males selected for their hardiness, fat flower clusters, scent, frost levels, and distinctive growth structures; and my Highlighter (Apollo 11 x (F13 x Apollo 11) male. The mother is a favorite of family and friends, for whatever that’s worth.

So basically, it’s a mix of Brothers Grimm males and a Glue female :wink:

It’s untested, so I don’t know what to predict. Temper any expectations accordingly :smile:

The Mix99 seeds are from three different C99 females, pollinated by the same males as the Grimm Glue, but more of the C99 Mix than Apollo.


I got my pack this week thank you @Sebring and @Howard.Crane

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Those Grimm glue seeds sound very interesting.


that mix99 has really caught my eye. :airplane_departure:

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I actually have a pack of the FDM c99 mix. And out of it I am hoping more to pin point the esb c99 in the mix over the durban or the thai highfligher. But It will still be fun to already have f2s on hand to see how that play in the mix


It’s not just straight F2’s though, there’s another and some of that Apollo pollen in the mix for added variety. But overall the C99 leaners should be more common than anything else, I think.


And that’s the beauty in creating something new. I am the if it stacks I’ll run it kind of guy lol. But it’s a hunt either way and I’m always looking for greatness…I know you’re good with your selections thats good enough for me brother


Interested how do i get some ?

An unexpected surprise landed in the mailbox recently pulled it out today thank you @Howard.Crane and @Sebring for the care package! You guys rock! Sebring I’ll be sending some back your way soon hopefully once I get around cracking some more buds open if your still Into running some for testing purposes and/or in addition to sending some out with other care packages. I’ll have some AK59, gorilla skittles and some Sour Bluetooth crossed with local pollen .


:heart_eyes: @Sebring & @Howard.Crane

:gift: THANKS GUYS! :clap:



Germ Test Results

After 36 hours nearly all seeds have sprouted tails, and the ones that haven’t have at least cracked open and taken a peek, so I’m gonna call that good enough. I’ll get em in the mail early next week.


Very healthy looking taps. Already getting fuzzy. Nice!


So… Laptop was stolen out of my work truck, which I need to get patients’ seed orders :mailbox: shipped. I don’t have the money :moneybag: for a new one right now (the stolen one was 6 months old, barely) and I need a replacement. I’m hoping that crowd sourcing :speaking_head: my network of friends nets me one capable of fulfilling seed :seedling: orders.

If you have a working laptop :computer: lying around (not uncommon for many of my friends) that you can afford to donate, please contact me. I can cover shipping, just not a replacement laptop. I know everyone wants to help, and I appreciate that desire especially since I spend so much time cultivating that trait in others. If you can’t help, but want to, ask around and see what you might find. It’s why I keep my friends close, and their friends and… etc., because I understand that it’s usually the friends of people I help that can\will help me when I need it most.

Losing the laptop :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: sucks, but it happens, that’s just the society we we’re trying to fix, so I’m :100: focused on the bigger problem of getting whole again so I can keep self sustainable resources flowing for patients. :hugs::green_heart::earth_americas:

Love you all :heart_eyes:
I’m confident a solution will present itself!
-Sebring- :pray::green_heart::earth_americas:


GRRRR… I’m hating more and more thieves, especially ones that bust into cars. I’m sorry I don’t have a laptop to help you with. DId you get the payment thing figured out? I said I was going to chip a ten for shipping seeds but I can help out a bit more.


Sorry to hear about your laptop. Hopefully you get a replacement pretty easily. Karma is real :100:


That sucks man. If I had an extra CPU I’d send you one. You do so much for others. I like your outlook on It though. Much calmer than I would be.


Man, that sucks
People need to keep their hands to themselves
Damn bastards