Sebring's Perpetual No-till Living Organics

I reuse mine and have for the last 4 years. It starts as a base of ProMix with EWC, some Ocean Forest mix. I use Roots Organics dry nutrients along with a healthy microbe community. I use Roots Oregonism that has a nice myco/bacto mix.

So, when I go to re-use it, all I do is refresh it win new EWC, and I go ahead and add in all of my dry, raw ingredients from Roots. I go ahead and put a teaspoon of the Grow, Foundation, and Bloom nutes, per pot, in the mix. I’m not waiting for the microbes to activate it so that way it won’t burn at the start and acts like slow release ferts.

I might add a little foundation and bloom nutes in toward the start of bloom to get the extra nitrogen needed to build new bud sites. Then towards the end I ammend with some bottled boom booster, HP2 or HPK from Roots. It’s guano based.

Eventually, when I have extra cash, I’ll begin buying all of the individual components from Build a Soil and do it all from scratch on a larger scale. I’ll be collecting more natural stuff this year and may get to start making large quantities to always have on hand.

I’ve been collecting natural sources of shit and hummus in order to capture the microbes that are adapted to my climate. I have a small bucket of chicken shit curing, about 3 gallons of local elk shit… one came into my yard for a night, and I’m going to be going to the mountains/foothills to get some buckets of forest hummus. I was picking some mushrooms up there last year when it hit me; the stuff the mushrooms was coming up in was bout 6-8 inches deep of perfect forest hummus… full of life!

I still have a lot to learn but I’m having a blast getting there!


In a no-till situation, the fertilizing starts with returning as much plant matter as possible to the pots. Fan leaves, stems, etc should be allowed to decompose in place. I like to make hash, so my water and plant material goes back to the beds too. Next I like to top dress with EWC and show a cover crop. This gets everything going. At the beginning of flower, a bit more EWC and a nice neem/kelp tea.


Just going to drop this here.

These will get popped soon for a cooperative project with Shango Los! (Wouldn’t it be awesome if both strains were auto flowering and free? Hehe)

Making auto Maui Wowie by crossing to @ReikoX strain Dyvider is also starting soon!


Is that Andrew Dice Clay?


The original foul mouth! Lol


Taking suggestions on what auto strains to use for making auto crosses.


Sugar black rose would give them bulk might make for a decent auto cross


Still hoping to see some cherry Maui get released again along with some reg autos. Thank you for all that you do seed sorting and breeding is tedious work.


Been looking at the Auto Malawi NL at ace, as well as their auto Zamaldelica, if you’re looking for something new and unusual.
Mephisto’s another that deserves all the praise they get.

How many auto seeds are you looking to procure?


I personally want to use the red Lebanese auto flowers that are on attitude but am financially dedicated to other things atm. Would love to see some older landrace genetics thrown into the auto gene pool. Some of the super autos look interesting also , sativa flowering times but in auto form so they have plenty of time to finish.


I shouldn’t need very many seeds. Maintaining a high yield auto with funky nasty rotten terpenes is desired for the foul mouth.

Reg Maui Wowie cherry bomb seeds will be on the list; that’s a side product of the auto breeding project. :wink:


Oooh! Now that would be exciting! Count me in the list for seeds when this project is done please.


Just the brother I was hoping to see. :blush:
:heart::heart::heart: @ReikoX :heart::heart::heart:
I’m thinking an auto GDP cross would pair with Foul Mouth and an auto GG#4 cross would pair with PrimateOG. Thoughts? (Pm me if you have a line on either variant.)


I’ll be watching this project. Looks like some fun genetics to play with. peace

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Not familiar with Foul Mouth, but I would mix the GDP with something tall, like a Mephisto strain. GG4 x PrimateOG sounds good.


I’m thinking of using SamsquatchOG by Mephisto (if I can track any down) for crossing with PrimateOG.

I’m thinking of using Forum Stomper by Mephisto (if I can track any down) for crossing with Foul Mouth.


Hehe, it’s what I can afford, so let’s hope it’s enough.


OMG a strain called Samsquanch, I want to create one called Skunk Ape lol.


Looks like you got some exciting things going on here.


I wanted to revisit the “leggyness” of Sebrings Revenge. I just popped these to go outside and They are doing the same thing as the other SR I grew…

Lights are about 10in above (CFL approx 250W) Now, I just realized that there is a 2700K right above it, which I could swap with a 5000K (or 5500 I can’t remember now). Am I crazy or are these too leggy and what may be causing it? This is exactly what happened the last time and the just fell over.