“Seed Breeder” discussion/opinion

I hope that secret seed storage spot has a clever name like “Area Seedy-One”.

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I likewise have made and grown a lot of fems, I think I’ve had one hermie on me in all that time. I think it’s not so much the femanizing as much as the selfing. if you have a trait that is deleterious but recessive, it’s easy to accidentally end up with a dominant trait without realizing until later. I suspect this is what is going on with selfing fems. The bigger issue comes from the fact that most of these strains are derived from very few parents, and the constant selfing has a high likelihood of things going awry.
I notice a lot of the modern poly hybrids are often severely lacking in vigor.

The issue imho is driven by the commercial system that has developed around weed, often development focuses around what will be a ‘safe bet’’ rather than taking the risk of putting in the work to develop something completely new from base principles. It’s a common theme in many fields, computer game developers stick to know franchises and movie titles for the same reasons.

Most of the current issues can be fixed with adequate testing as you say. But again there is time; effort and cost in testing.


@Jetdro …jedro…send me your adress!!

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here in Canada, Autos and Fem seeds are sought after over regs I think, for most growers. Not necessarilly the well versed forum folks, just regular joe grower who is buying seed. Reason being we have ridiculouse laws that only allow for 4 recreational plants. Some provinces don’t allow growing at all. So the fem and auto… and the fem auto (lol) seeds are i higher demand here… I think anyways. In my experience in personal offline conversations with many people I know who grow , the fem seeds of some of my stuff in particular were asked for repeatedly, so I finally broke down and reversed a cut I knew was solid after running her for 3 years inside and out.


That I think is the big driver of demand for fems auto fems. Most people don’t want to deal with all the details that weed nerds do.
It’s simple for them, they want to plant a seed, grow a plant and have some buds.


It happens for many reasons but genetics is the main cause. And outdoor growing would probably only hermie with very bad genetics.


I’ve always just seen hermies as a numbers game, All things being equal it’s normal to get a few hermies in a hundred plants. It’s also possible to breed for them, and this is done for some hemp varieties because typically the males die off before the females are ready for harvest and the fibre content sufferers . A population of hermies solves this problem.


Look at this (english translation), respected company here and their catalog is dope i find (for my taste) :

It’s a bit more complicated, more specialized lines that really a monoecious/dioecious mechanical specialization.


That’s super slick. Kinda shows the difference between an agricultural crop and our little cottage industry lol.


I just LOVE how those who imply nostalgia is just perception today, when I luckily unlocked the popcorn pheno of TK, which is the true Crippy plant THAT is 1-2 hitter potency has now been brought back. I wrote in my thread I’m suspecting the smaller popcorn size nugs have the stronger potency and terps than larger buds, well it’s true! My Maui has large buds on its own w decent potency and mint terps, but the Maui with BX2 went popcorn, its potency and terps are now extremely pronounced, which makes a far more stronger potent smoke. Maui was definitely nothing that impressive alone but going iced popcorn put it on a new level. Want strong terps and potency, then rethink what bud size means to you, because I’m more convinced by the day larger buds/colas don’t actually produce the strongest potency and most flavorful terps in the end. Food for thought :thinking:

Maui A x BX2


You did a great job breeding this Dankmaster for those with a certain taste for Crippie. I’ve been following since last summer and no bs. I’m impressed and learned something. Can’t wait to grow and smoke it.


1-hitter quitter, you say?

(coughs Peanut Butter Breath)


I’m confused as to how you unlocked a pheno of a clone only?
Did you end up with a mutation?
As far as small popcorn buds being more potent than large buds, I believe depends on the genetic potential
of the plant. A healthy TK will typically have the same potency whether it is grown conservatively or blown up.
I suppose an unhealthy TK on the otherhand can vary tremendously on its potency depending on its limiting factor or factors.
If big plant A is big because it has been selected for size over potency, like all the big yielding boof strains of Amsterdam with Big Bud, then I agree that big buds = suck.
I have seen people break the rules of typical low yielding strains like GSC or OGK and crush it in size and the buds are just as potent as the typical popcorn versions under normal growing conditions.
Does anyone notice a potency reduction of a crushing crop of Sour Diesel Donkey Dicks?

I personally enjoy growing big buds and have never found a correlation between size and potency from a known clone only.
But I will agree that when growing plants from seed, oftentimes the biggest producer in the pack is not the most potent.
This is not always the case and I have had the largest producing plant of the pack also be the most potent.


It’s very clear to me Tampa Crippy is a ‘worked’ version of TK, so the original plant is NOT the true “Crippy” but within this lineage lies that true plant, and this “happen” to combine with Xmas Bud and PTK into its own new uniform line once I added NL2 to it. Follow me, the popcorn pheno is MY cut only plant called CripXmas A until I added a 2nd Xmas male which is my BX2 a number of OG’s will be running. Certain wispy sativa characteristics within Xmas Bud are unfortunately hermie prone, so it WILL be important to single those out, but not all plants will show this pattern, I believe those that don’t exhibit this budding pattern will pass fine. The popcorn plant shows the heaviest glands, strongest potency and terps by far. This white covered cone is what most people that would associate as Crippy to say THAT IS IT! I hope this explains. IF you get the combination (roll the dice pollination) you WIN the prize that is locked within :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Actually inbreeding it ^^ The less potent and the more tasty phenos in this line were always the NL1 expressions, the less generous.

The potency game have multiple gears intricated, it’s not reduced to a tank that you fill with fuel. And the lack of fuel you get if you increase the tank volume.

In following this reasoning, to increase potency of an already potent strain you just have to reduce the vegetal mass of the line. I’m sure you already understand that it sound quite funky and too easy lol


It’s logical yes, but botanically totally irrational ^^


I have personally not found this to be the truth as if the plant can only make a set amount of potency, like your fuel tank analogy.
More massive buds in my experience carry with them the same amount of trichomes with cannabanoids terpenes and potency as smaller buds.
I don’t believe the plant says hey we’ve used our allotment of potency and we cannot produce anymore, but let’s keep growing big.


Actually there’s several anecdotal instances, first was with Bubblegum, the nugs were tiny but extremely frosted to appear grayish, another was with some Gainesville Green, tiny marble and pea size but ridiculously potent and covered, and my final was something I bought called Purple Thai Cheese, same thing popcorn, small but absolutely covered and very potent. So I can say a pattern seems to be emerging and as an autistic we know patterns like the back of our hand :face_with_monocle:


Ok. I did not read the Whole thread but I would like to ask a question. If I breed an IBL ( landrace) to a polyhybrid, Will the offspring phenotypes be an equal blend of each or will the IBL ( landrace) dominate ?


I know, i’ve used this one because it’s how i was thinking the sauce a long time ago and how i was capped in my experiments until i work a bit on high inbred industrial hemp to unlock this ^^

And trust me, i understand totally why : the logic. As creatures we use a neuronal system and its system of links is not always practical ^^ Let me draw something quickly to help you to relativize.


Let’s compare two strains that are almost opposites on everything.

Potency is not linear, you have a sweet spot after which the kick is degrading. And it’s quite linked with the flowering time. And if you harvest 3 weeks earlier, you just have hay on both … even on terps dpt.

But the production of vegetal mass is linear for both to the senescence ! How sadistic it is right ? Some even give all they have really just before to die :smile:

It’s why it’s very dangerous to consider the both interlinked, in an absolute way. Yes, “filling the vegetal mass with dankness” is something. But never forget that what is filling this floral vegetal mass is mostly the flowers themselves.

For the trichomes coverage, same relativity. WW is potent and covered, it’s its signature. But JH is more potent and last longer without this coverage ^^

Add on top of this, as the cherry of the cake, that breeding matter a lot. It’s very easy to breed a line for a single trait. You just brute force your plants and cull everything that is not higher than the champion of the pack.

Breeding a line for potency + yield is not the same story at all. And the more traits, the more it become a fucking dense set of gears interlinked that you have to map like an obsessional topographist.

Landraces always overcome the artificial hybrids on the long run. Just because mother nature is more smart, but also a more radical breeder than us. When she cull specimens, it’s a blind devastation on the proper effiscience of the DNA. Don’t forget the natural propagation of cannabis, just falling massively at the foot of the mother …

Consider indoor crops like advanced hospitals, what is surviving there is not supposed most of the time to survive in nature ^^

Now you can be a smart farmer and to screen your hybrid to mimetize mother nature. It’s just an option over a bunch.

For the blend itself and how it’s mixing on traits at your advantage (a creature that consume unseeded flowers at peak of the potency), it’s more a question of methodology of selection.