“Seed Breeder” discussion/opinion

Imo it’s a holdover from when fems were typically made by purposefully stressing plants to make them herm and self pollinate, a la Soma’s article on rodelization. Now that we have sts, cs, etc. to manipulate hormones I don’t have any reason to believe feminizing would have an affect on herming unless inbreeding itself causes it


I don’t think inbreeding can cause herms by itself, it’s the selection happening during this inbreeding that can raise their occurrences.

But I think STS/CS sprays are actually stressing the plants, and DIY sprays more so than professional ones. So it still affects the chances to reveal a latent herms if the plant was not tested for it before by other means.


I’d say the trait is either there or it isn’t. I’m somewhere around f8-f10 maybe with 2 strains that were old when I got them. Never a herm in 25 years. Both are very inbred.


I don’t know about this logic man, makes it sound like we are inflating a balloon and the dots are getting further apart lol.

Trichome density relative to leaf area seems to be mostly genetic. If you cross two plants of different morphology, say a short squat hash plant and a big tropical sativa tree, if they are both have high levels of potency, then you can expect, on the whole, to get a plant of blended morphology, plus a bit to a lot for heterosis, with potency roughly between the two. the relative potency tends to be an additive thing, again plus or minus depending on some other variables. You can outcross and back cross to exploit this additive inheritance. Flowering time is probably another example.

Size always matters imho. Lol.


A landrace isn’t or at least shouldn’t be an IBL. Landraces have mostly evolved with natural selection in populations, with some mass selection as guidance sometimes but they are very heterozygous. This variability is a survival mechanism, it helps ensure that some plants survive various harsh conditions and reproduce. An IBL might produce well if the conditions are perfect, but then fail if anything happens like a drought or too much rainfall or a plague etc.
This is why it’s difficult to get a true landrace and use it to pass traits on consistently. In many ways an IBL is at the other end of the spectrum to a landrace, also a regional heirloom may or may not be a landrace!! Shit all just degrades into definitional semantics past this point lol.


You can improve the sexual health of a hermied line by breeding it many times in regular seeds. I’ve seen this in my stress testing and breeding.


Think about it like putting dye into a body of water. Eventually the dye fades away. Of coarse it depends on how much dye(foreign genetics) is added and how big the body of water(Original Population) is. This would happen even faster in the landraces and plants that are highly adapted to the environment.


Yeah you can breed herms out, which also means you can breed them in with a bad choice on the female that is reversed :smiley:


Breed herms out ,
as in pulling them out.
I don’t care what line you’re working with,
There is no line to date that requires a herm.
Unless you want to screw your namesake…
Opinion btw…


Side note, and would like input…
HERMS of certain lines can create more potency in thc content?
No I’m not implying to cross herms here, simply asking a question regarding potency in the matter…
What’s your take?
And any research out there??

Double side note
XXmale ,
X(YX)herm x XYfemale

Is this the reason/theory in herms?
I still can’t reason why someone would yet work with herms?

Here is a quote from a white paper about gender testing and the olympics. “Consider the Spanish hurdler Maria Jose Martinez-Patiño. A gender test revealed that she had a Y chromosome, which normally makes a person male. She also had complete androgen insensitivity syndrome, or CAIS, which prevented her body from responding properly to testosterone and caused her to develop as a woman.”

This shows that even though chromosomes are factored in when determining gender, there are always exceptions. I suspect cannabis intersex has to do with their hormone sensitivity.


I don’t have any links, but I’m fairly sure the latest research indicates that herms are at least partially, if not mostly based on hormone imbalances rather than chromosomes. And I think you have the chromosomes backwards… XX is female, XY is male. Anyway, if the conditions aren’t right - often stress-triggered, but presumably sometimes there are other triggers - those hormone imbalances won’t manifest and people won’t realize they’re working with herms. People have also suggested there might be a correlation between herms and potency, though I can’t recall ever seeing any research on it or ever reading about the idea outside of cannabis forums. :stuck_out_tongue:


Your sentence is quite good actually, well built. The “certain lines” is very important.

That drug cultivars with cannabis are mechanically improved when the dioic state is maintained without any form of pity.

True. I’m genuinely waiting someone that revendicate this kind of work to the bone, then make it possible to enjoy with our constraints. Let’s say sterile herms lines as final release, to don’t appear cynical.


It’s kinda funny so many people bitch about herms, yet. …

Almost ALL the most popular strains in the last 40 yrs have been either the result of herms, or were herm-prone lines that were held onto as clone-only strains.

So people are bitching about something they’re actually perpetuating :man_shrugging:t2: if you’re growing GG4, I’m talking to you. Got Cookies strains in your lineup? --talking to you too. Chemdog was a bag seed, so if you’re a Chem grower, yep you guessed it. … You too 🫵. Sooooooo many others, but those mostly come to mind.


This has been my position on it for the last couple years after growing and tossing a ton of herms. They’re hormonally imbalanced, like an emo teenager. It is through genetics still for sure, but the expression or lackthereof is hormonal. Wonder if throwing a couple bananas into the flower tent would calm that shit down :thinking:


Sincerely you should dig the subject even more than this, then you will get why so much people are bitching also to don’t have reliable stabilized seeds form of the said cuts you’re mentioning. They are, in general, from the same club.

And that’s all the heat around herms often, people seeing only an isolated herm cut that robbed the dank bank of its line. And people seeing the equation in a more wide/long term perspective.


Bag seed does not imply herm… 🫵

Name anything than Gg#4 and any beleaf strain when referring to high thc herm producing traits.
I’ll wait.

Sour Diesel
Chemdog D
Cherry Pie


Leading me back to the first question I asked and has been quoted already…