“Seed Breeder” discussion/opinion

I’ll take one in the morning. Lights out in the first week of flower. It’s squat, because I threw it in the flower tent early. but looks smells straight up Durban - one of my favorite smokes. Thanks for that one. Will take clones @Hashpants (out of likes for now)

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I’m running an f1 cross right now,
All I say is I’d rather stable lines as grower
Any animosity or judgement go talk to your mirror
I’m in this to learn and grow
I have my opinion
that is why I share
to see the points and opinions of others in regards to the topics that interest me
Sorry I’m not pretty go find a playboy

Glad you like it, that’s what it’s all about. My friend held that ACC line for 30 years plus. There’s a couple phenos. The squat one gets thick.


Nice want to smoke that.


Yeah but it’s just a chuck really.


I judge every plant independently as a human being


But it’s a Chuck Norris though.


That one where he joins the convent:



Good Durban and good coffee and I’m getting some work done.



Does he have his own strain named after him like Willie Nelson? Golden Opportunity here For breeders


@MikeyMeteor kind of a weird place to give a shoutout especially right now,
But there is an awesome (f1 cross , yep :wink:) underground dweller pack named after 33 of lakers fame out soon wink :wink:
a solid ,
And well thought out f1
(for a 100% real life example

Or chuckers?

That’s it. Romulan Bikers Cut x Big Sur Holy Weed is now Chuck Norris.


How do you know it’s really an f1?

I don’t know who number 33 is magic?

I’m more of a John starks and Anthony mason fan when I stopped watching basketball

take a half auto strain
Then cross to super short a heavy hybrid and then cross to everything you can get for free
Sell pack for $50
You have 9/10 of seed market doing exactly this as current right now

what sadly happened to the Gary Payton or Pure Michigan strains (which to begin with are (although top shelf) as far as market potential) which have been so crossed to everything that nobody wants it.
Do it if you wish

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Ah yes I see a lot of Gary Payton in New York supposedly that’s what it was. Flavor of the week

Good Durban is timeless

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Not trying to knock,
Just trying to make aware that some lines don’t need any input or benefit and are the way they are for a reason
For a lot ,
Up until I would say around 2018 is when I started to really see the cut corners on side of breeders in simply trying to make quick buck , and due (probably mostly for financial gain) have now left a remnant of weirdness in what I thought to be a standup (yet always taboo) community of growers and most important seed producers
Also anyone knocking the likeness of people such as copycat genetics or any landrace enthusiast who does preserve lineage to an absolute T obviously doesn’t understand the significance of this work.
(I can elaborate the copycat statement as well for those who think copycat genetics is bad taste // thanks be to them for the work they do.)
I say this all out of passion and not anything else

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I’m trying to like your post but am out of likes. I respect your dedication and passion. People love that Gary Payton it’s true

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I’m humbled to receive seeds from anybody. I have tons of seeds, and way more than I can ever grow. I’m grateful have this wealth. Most people here are going to grow what interests them most. If you want your seeds to be grown by more people, you just need to catch people’s interest. And part of that can include the methods you used to create your strain or hybrid. Some people don’t even care that much and just choose based on the plants or strains used in the chuck.

Ultimately it doesn’t matter to me as long as I know how the seeds were made. I’m capable of making my own decisions from there.


i have no hate for chukin, some combinations result in various special plants. bodhi and lots of breeders i buy seeds from (most actually) work one side and chuck the other and the results stand on their own.

i do appreciate worked lines too…