“Seed Breeder” discussion/opinion

@the_bot facts :+1:

Nothing but mad love for all my OG chuckers out there.

Nothing but OG crosses the last couple of years in my garden and quite a few have been heaters!

That said Seeing F1 crosses from the a lot of the big dog breeders out there just makes me want to run the growmies gear more and more.

Carry on.

This happens when the dude vocabulary that you gotta look up sometimes… a man of a great many words that @Foreigner


So ah, with weed becoming damn near legal, it should be possible to have some shit like the American Marijuana Society or something similar.

One of the goals of some of the existing societies for other plants is to put a cost on registering named cultivars (usually not a lot) so that breeders slow down and present only their best offerings. A throttle also works to help consumers have a chance to keep up.

A society, once funded, should also be able to manage historic seed banks, trace genetics, and otherwise slowly work to improve the hobby by shining some light where there is darkness.

It could also help with some of the BS companies selling rando seeds named as a classic cultivar. Right now is probably as wild as the market will ever be.

Might still be chuckin’ but there might be a way to improve the quality of each chuck.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but won’t growers have exposure to a higher (potential) number of phenotypes in an F2, then an F4? The better the breeder, the better the outcome. Give me more options, more is better (I’ll take door # F2 please).


These discussions are so tired for many reasons

You like og kush? That wasn’t intentionally bred
You like gsc? Same thing
You like chem? Same
Sour diesel? Same

And then you get people who want the above, they don’t want to wait 5 years for your carefully bred f4

They’ll pay whoever has the goods

“The goods” is different for everybody but that’s the bottom line. 90% of people don’t care f whatever, that’s what they’ll say. They just want nugs


Also a bunch of people will talk shit and say oh man people don’t take the effort to line breed anymore! It’s a shame! Then turn around and buy a frickin dozen f1s like a seed addict.

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Also these genetics are so bottlenecked in this day and age people are happy with the variety of results a f1 offers. It’s not like we are in 1970 anymore and trying to find that 1 pheno that we can smoke


I hope a lot of you are playing “advocate” here and aren’t 100% serious in the topic,
Give it 10 years in the hash screen and see who is still true to stand then top shelf as far as pure lines or maintaining lines, or any of these hundreds of (yet daily) new “breeders” doing their F1s?
@leetdood yes all noteworthy,
but no none of those strains named are yet on top shelf smoke at all
and have their place on backlogged shelves obviously
You have a major point there, but to say “screw it im going to do it too” without being educated in WHAT IT IS you are actually doing is the point I’m putting on table.
No not new discussion I’m aware, but among us who are obviously in the know, need to have.

You should sell licenses to chuckers. Quotas, I dunno.


@Foreigner youre so cute

It’s my pouty lips.

The way you tap that keyboard bb
Get butterfly’s seeing your name on the “writing response”

It’s more like texting.

But more ballsy…
You are a chucker aren’t you

Nah just fleshing out the topic.

Again, cute

Sure am one.

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All in fun.
Anyone here I would guess your lines all pure to pack f2
That’s a lot of green dots
No hate from me here (señority rules)
I don’t question your pollen chucks

I grow chucks almost exclusively unless I’m making hybrids. Then I want it to be solid. Doesn’t really matter if you just want some smoke.

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I get it tho the intention.
Your intention (correct me I’m an ass) strongest pollen wins
You are not wrong
Homeboy with 3 packs first grow “new breeder” doesn’t get it