Seed Run Co-Op Bodhi F2 Lucky Charms - Closed

You handle yourself like that. You’re a trooper. I hope you get yourself well soon my friend. I’m rebounding from an infection that went to my blood stream. Shut me down for about 5 years (was almost in my spinal cord). Thank the stars. I shouldnt have made it. My legs are finally healing enough for some creams. Itl be time to see Sebring soon.

If you ever need to vent or just shoot the shit. Hope you have meds to help you in your journey. I’ll make sure you get some BB seeds when they finish (if you’d like). Godspeed. :call_me_hand:


Youre a good dude as well. Nothing but a stand up guy. I hope you make it far Sam. Really. You deffinitely got magic going. Thats really cool to see you add special stuff to your genetics. It’s a joy to watch it happen. There’s a lot of great breeders here. I just love your choice in breeding. If there’s anything in my collection that might help you I’d love it to go for breeding. Thanks for your kindness.



Thank you. I am learning to do peritoneal dialysis and should be much better in time. The constant fatigue forces me to pace myself and prioritize daily tasks. KISS is my daily motto :wink:



Thank you. I am learning new things every day and some of it is terrifying. Dialysis is a treatment, not a cure and has risk and complications. Kidney transplants are not available for everyone and the system is rigged. Artificial or synthetic kidney is a research item.

I am lucky to have cannabis oil and flower because hydrocodone makes me sleepy and is not great pain relief. The combination gets me through the day. I have Mazar-i-Sharif in coconut oil, Sinai bud and a Zamal hybrid in late flower. I need to start seedlings and hoping the dialysis will increase my energy as the sessions become daily.

Good luck with your BB (blueberries?) and I hope to grow some. Good weed is food and medicine :smile:


Amen brother. I’m trying to find a way to.give back. A lot of people have taken care of me. This is a beautiful journey. I realized I’m not alone. Isolation makes my illness worse. Some days are better than others. That’s good you got some indica helping with the pain. Good dude. Be safe bro.

As long as they seed well @DanzaKuduro I’ll get a pack to you. Hope you get to feeling better.


Cool batch of people here makes me smile…I’m proud to be a part of overgrow!!:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


If any are still available I would love a pack @MomOnTheRun


Very generous donation @DanzaKuduro best of luck with the upcoming surgery


I’m heading on vacation on Friday for a week. Didn’t know when you are mailing stuff. Do you need some postage from me before I go? No rush here, just don’t want to hold you up.


this run is possibly going to take longer for reasons beyond our control
but it also may be better because of this !
when things are sorted out I will explain…


I hear “reasons” are usually the stepping stone to AMAZING things :smiley:


I took a class called group communication…I was looking for a fluff class and that one seemed to fit the bill. I really learned a lot of useful stuff in that class but the number one thing I learned was groups somehow are greater than the sum of the parts. It’s going to be cool to see the group effort unfold


It’s all good. Just making sure I’m getting everything paid and all my ducks in a row before I leave. :grinning:

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Just wondering if I should hold off mailing till you get back? Let me know.

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I have a housesitter and Dad coming by to water the plants. It’s all good. They won’t sit outside or anything. No rush either, buddy. Send whenever is convenient for you


I’ll have my phone with me, so I’m not unreachable. I’m just paranoid and never do monetary transactions over my phone.


:clap: :heart_eyes:

:evergreen_tree: :nerd:


New to the party here love the generosity


ok we are up and running again
the Lucky Charms f2 beanz that Mom sent to me were stopped in customs and are hopefully being sent back to her someday
I cannot go chasing after a package which will land me in trouble - so it goes
this was straight bad luck and has happened to me only 3 times in the last 30 years
I am told that this happens randomly
I have since received several packages so I am not on a list or anything like that
but as a result I have been sent by a fellow OGer 5 Lucky Charms f1 beanz (thank you very much) which are now soaking !!
we are starting with the originals which I like much more !
wish us all better luck and on with the show

Lucky Charms closeup


:astonished: :mag: Ooooooohhhw… [holds breath]

That’s about as dense a trichome jungle as it gets. Damn. :slight_smile:
