Seed Run Co-Op Bodhi F2 Snow Lotus B

@GMan brother im here to ask and learn 2,but i can try to help…

1st u throw out most of mendelian botany… its not wrong but its applied inaccurately to weed…when u hear ppl talking about punnett squares n cubing… assume theyre trying to act smart or makin stuff up n have nfc… most of the old strats 4 weed breeding r wrong…

start w/ kevin jodrey recent panels + interviews, bodhis pot casts, and @Sebrings thread re: cannabis breeding not being consistent with botanical or agricultural definitions… Cannabis crosses are not F1s, so says science! —then just start doing it urself bc weed breeding isnt science,its art and preference and observation…

w/ f2 its simple - u only choose open pollination or selecting the parents…no hindsight…its easy my friend… most of us dont know the parents of packs we buy,u can read abt them but thats it… so use all males + females to open up the gene pool…or select only 1 of each if trying to go a specific direction…youll be surprised when u grow em out-----in a good way !!!