Seed Run Co-op: Goroka Highland, Papua New Guinea

Ooh I forgot to mention the males started throwing pollen today. I’ll leave them for a hot minute to make sure we get the absolute maximum number.


They don’t look unhappy at all. Looking really good. Vigorous grower, huh?


Yeah, they’re pretty tough, environment is far from controlled. Highest temp they see is <95 Fahrenheit, lowest, low 50s.
Humidity spikes and drops daily.
Been feeding a half a gallon a day and it was not enough. lol (edit: was feeding half a gallon every other day and upped it to half a gallon every day.)
Plus they were a little hungry. I like to keep plants borderline N deficient, because it’s so easy to overdo. Let them get a little hungrier than they might have wanted.


Looking great! Going to be some massive colas if the buds all join. Can’t wait to see what this looks like in a month! Can you get a smell besides yr fumigation smell? How did it work? How much hollytone did you add?


Oh yeah. Yeah the essential oils wear off pretty quickly. I forget how many days it’s been but you’d never know now. On a positive note, there’s like single digit fungus gnats left. They weren’t too bad yet, before, but still.

I’m not 100% sure how to quantify the hollytone as an instant feed, because some of the minerals aren’t instantly water soluble. What I do though is put a cup or so into one gallon of water, and eventually it will turn coffee colored. I use exactly one fat splash of that in a gallon of water and it just barely changes the color.
If there was enough in the soil I should have been able to go the whole run water only. No biggie tho.
I have some Big-6 micros from buildasoil too, that they’ll get a dose sooner or later. Just in case there’s anything in low supply.


Can you give details please? ? Do you think growing mint in the grow room would workout? Would that be minty enough?

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As a disclaimer, I’m still only testing this out so I’m not yet suggesting it works or that anyone else copy it. With that said, the first time I tried using eucalyptus and rosemary essential oils in water, in a spray bottle, mixed with shear force. I sprayed the walls and floor of the tent and zipped it up.

This time, I tried passively evaporating the oils and it did not work as well.
Might still be a viable option in a small container like a trash bag or a fridge, or even a five gallon bucket with a lid as a quarantine measure for new clones.


No, but if you know any abandoned lots you can turn em into gigantic mint gardens in a single season, and never have to buy any again. There’s nearly a quarter acre of mint nearby that started as part of someone’s garden.


59F at lights on, 89F at lights off. I could keep the temps within a tighter range, in exchange for more effort and or electricity, but two thirds of the plants don’t seem to mind the weather at all.
The one third that do mind are all from heavily worked lines that are used to climate controlled grow rooms. Either they’ll acclimate or they won’t.


I missed the memo on mint…??? I have lots of mint growing at my place. If you ever had mint growing on your property, you know. It proliferates once it’s established for a couple of years.

Anything cool I can use it for in the garden?


Usually just end up making a batch of mojitos and leave the rest for the bees. If you have a still available you could make your own essential oils, and turn that into some organic pesticides.

More or less every essential oil has some pest it will work on.


I just keep telling myself, “Eight more weeks. Eight more weeks. Eight more weeks.”

Been saying it for a month now. One day it will be true. lol


Beautiful! Is there resin forming yet? Picture is a touch blurry for details. One day I’ll make essential oils. Its a great idea. @GMan- sounds like you found contentment. Money can’t buy that.


Looks like some trichomes. Bracts themselves are still pretty small, and my vision is garbáge.


I was doing garden installs a free years ago and one house we planted mint and 8 tomatoes in a 8 x 3 bed and that mint was out of control by the end of the year lol. Almost smothered out the tomatoes. First time i head ever seen it grow. I didn’t see ant pests on the tomatoes all year so could be a good companion… If it doesn’t take over everything haha. These png plants look amazing. I unfortunately would not be able to finish them outside… But id love to see something like this in autoflower form. Itd probably still finish in October which would be epic :joy:


Im not so shure an Outcross to Indica or Autoflower would be as usefull. I would tend to rather search for such a Thing done by a professional Breeder.
I feel (not necesarly know) that for a Homegrower a simple Autocross would loose so much. Shure, im Outdoorgrower, and if there is no Way around, then you might consider indoorgrows, or like you told outcross it.
I am at 45 Degree, and i stick to early harvesting. It wont express nice then, its still pretty soft then caus Sun is just weak. BUT a simple Autofloweroutcross might be kind of soft/strange too. It may give more anxiety from Hybridness, will express bit better since it fits Climatically more (Be bit more cristally and so). BUT overall its pretty same/same . Its like no improovement to just taking it earlyer . Will yeald kind of the same half-Tripweed.

Thats why i preffere to look out for Breeders that probably do highnumbered Selections to find a Plant were you really gain abit. I guess most often a Homebreeder dont gain any of the Ultimatifity.

One day you might end up with a Auto Guinea, but that Day you need still to have pure Guinea in storage. Thats a possible heightend amount Work.

A good breeder could probably even only use one fourth Percentage of Automatic while still retain Automatic Traits?

In short: gaining more trippyness per Floweringtime is from what i feel not easy . Its advanced Breeding. Often Tripyness goes Hand in Hand with performability.

The halfway performable Vietblack (southern hallucinogenic Viet x Chinese ) is halfway Hallucinogenic, not fullblown.

Or what doo People say about it?


Don’t hype up your heroes to the point of self deprecation. If another man can do it, you can do it.


I dont hype things. Like said i have only seen sufficient good Results from Breeders, and just in few Cases. Meaning only they heightend the Trippyness per Time Ratio from what i seemed to see…

The only time i heard someone to rave about trippyness of a reasonable short Plant , it was a Strain from Breeder. So, that doesent say its impossible for Homegrowers, but… might , just might not be thaat easy. Doesent mean nobody should work on it, just says what i think about the difficltility


Male flowers don’t get the credit they deserve. The Goroka produces pure white blooms, with just a little *poof of pollen in each.

Going to take a lot of flowers to pollinate these ladies;

And if I’m keeping it 100 with you…

I’m not sure if the difference is due to one plant having a higher heat tolerance, or if one plant was getting better airflow than her sister, but the one I described as a South American structure is bolting.

The girl with the more Thai structure is coolin. Changed lighting schedule to 5am-3pm to cut out the hot part of the day.


Those males have lots of :muscle: work to do, them women’s is big bone’ed :nerd_face:.
Looking good bruh :ok_hand: