I decided to be responsible and wait to go to the state fair until next week besides I do not have much patience for other peoples little ones…snot nosed brats doing stupid shit while parents seem oblivious and that was just in the store before dealing with parking, entrance etc so kicked ass picking up my oldest son’s room instead. I’ll try again on Tuesday after my youngests’ occupational therapy appt
Now I am kicking up old messages trying to get tracking numbers out though out of the little patience I had left for the day Unfortunately, it seems I have to wait 23 hrs before I can “start a new message” Sooooo, hashtree, thenasty1, ct2003viper, Jdem, Bubbaray, Randrobertson, Stepintotheligh and Khaoohs please pm me as I have tracking numbers for you…
Pookie123, GoatRock, whadop, muddragon, otiscampbell, Burnso, misolo313, NRG, UndeadToker, Trichomelab and ohhhthatsmell andOleReynard I will have yours out on Monday…
Baltimore, Meesh and Sebring I will have your perennial boxes out on Monday as well…digging up after work (~midnight) on Sunday so the bare roots/bulbs will be thirsty when they get there - these were promised early in the year so is not apart of the preservation runs and only have a couple spots to dig up this year. Now next year, everyone will get a little something with their boxes as it will be dividing time…some in the spring and the majority in the fll
@Gaz29 @Shadey I have had a fuck of a time getting your boxes out! I started with a flat rate box = 32.00. Repacked in a large mailer envelope to get it to 24…ok. Went in and they were like, 56.00 each wft!!! Of course I wanted to talk to the postmaster…had to get his 2nd grader from school - 102 temp, throwing up and just plain miserable so was understandbly unavailable. One of the attendance suggested in a box or wrap in butcher paper to get the 17.50 fee so thats what i’ll be doing tonight so they are ready to try again on Monday
Once I get these boxes out I will be doing an audit as some have sent to my personal wallet on Paypal instead of using the current link and lost track - think I have it fixed now though we are stoners - it happens Plus there are those that have slapped down a 20 or 50 to “use for whatever”, “wanting to contribute” etc and got behind updating my records - just need to do periodic checks and balances …finished it at work soooo may as well do it for this