Seed Trading, Moderated (Part 1)

100% annoyed about that too. The “about us” page is so casual that it makes me think southern california :rofl:

I’ll update all us here as there’s a bunch of Mexican landraces I’ve been drooling over on this site but never thought about the Ruderalis option! Now I’m counting nickles (no more pennies in :canada: ) in hopes of having enough to pull a trigger if the payment/shipping is something I feel comfortable with.

Considering the situation goin going on now… I’m more looking at the Ruderalis as a “MUST BUY AND PROTECT” deal.


I saw that one but like y’all said. No way to know where they’re at. It’s kinda ambiguous and I just didn’t feel like jumping through all their hoops to find out! Only way to contact em is through a friggin email?! Come on now, this IS the 21st century, right? Phones are everywhere…

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I got you @JohnnyPotseed and everyone with the info gathering :+1:

I asked specifically about “I would like to know your sales practice for orders to Toronto, Canada” so my hope is getting a generic “this is our expectations for a sale.”

I desperately want to hear:

  1. secure money transfer option
  2. secure shipment option
  3. no bullshit.

I think it’s gonna work out well for all things but I’m not putting bills into an envelope and sending it in the mail. Money order = maybe.

My thoughts about no phone is the global nature of their preservation. An email is military time all the time versus the time-zones required for calling and actually having someone pickup the phone. Also could be language barriers on phone versus online babelfish. :fish:

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I think TLT is Spanish. When I emailed them they said that stainly lists their prices in dollars when they should be in euros. So somewhere in europe.


Well that settles that!

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I seriously would love to try and cross Mexican Death Sativa with a Siberian Ruderalis and aim for some strange as fuck “Siberian Death Sativa” :thinking:


They do have a good reputation and a few people here order from them. I’m sure @upstate has lol. I was thinking of placing an order with them or kwik seeds in a few days. But my address has been flagged at least w/the vault (uk seed seller), so I’m searching for a safe address atm.

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They just replied to my email, they’re somewhere in Europe since the said it was 50euro plus 10 euro for shipping. $60 Euros for 10 Ruderalis?! lol naw

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Looking to trade some Mephisto beans for autos from HSC, Night Owl, Gnome, Fast Buds, but will consider other autos, especially regs. Will also consider photos, especially from top notch breeders or larger quantities of own crosses.

Cherry, Blueberry, Peach, Papaya, Apple photo reg phenos of particular interest. Bog, Bodhi, and any other good breeder. Pure Michigan and CWT others of particular interest.

SODK currently not available



Man I will trade for alien x triangle! I been looking for that for a LONG time.


I’m still asking them about the Jalisco. Everything about that plant is making my gut scream: “suck it up, get them and do a single open pollination run and it’ll all be worth your time and money.”

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@Reefer Any Sour Livers in that lot? Been looking for some for a reversal run…

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I’ve been thinking about their congo black and sinaloa for all the same reasons.

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Sorry, no, but I’m on the hunt for livers

If I find some I’ll let you know…

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That’s a lot to pay for 12 rudis definitely. But 10 euros for shipping is cheaper than I thought. I was thinking around 20-25 dollars. That’s what I was paying through the vault. That helps me out.

They ask for payment in euros, but Khalifa specifically says that they ship from inside the US, if that helps. Also a much better price than TLT, it seems, if they’re asking 60 for 10.


That’s the EXACT strain I asked TLT about as well.

The Jalisco is 90€ for 10 seeds. It’s a lot more than i’d like to pay but I can’t find this anywhere else :man_shrugging:


Yeah, that one doesn’t seem to be widely available, at least Google doesn’t have many vendors trying to sell it to me. :stuck_out_tongue: @eskobar apparently used it in a cross to make Jalisco Jaze, that’s about all that jumps out at me. Not that I’m seeing that for sale either, I assume it’s long-since discontinued.


If anyone has any sour bubble bx2/3 from 2009-2010ish that’s been properly stored I am always looking :sunglasses::beers:

And willing to pay out :ok_hand:

Sadly this makes me think it’s gonna happen even more. Doing a preservation run as my first goal to make them more available for fellow OGer’s THEN fucking around with it after sounds like both a really FUN and worthwhile use of my resources and time. :hugs: