Seed Trading, Moderated (Part 3)

I have never tried fastbuds myself, but I have read mixed reviews. I have read they are great but I have also read that they are a white label company and that you cant be sure you are getting legit genetics. Especially with the super famous strains that are hard to find or can no longer be found.

I started off super worried about my seeds being “Legit” and I still am, to some extent on certian strains. But at the end of the day, If it grows well, and reduces my pain and helps me sleep, Im gonna smoke it, legit or not. There are some I would really like the authentic strains for breeding, but over all I have stopped worrying as much about it as i used to.


Thats normal buddy.
If u do research and care what ur growing, we all will get to this point “Is my Genetic legit, where can i find legit genetics from this particular strain”.

We all have been there… Its a pain in the ass to find the real stuff, but its worth imo.

U can write me a PN. Maybe i get u covered on 1 or 2 of these strains.
For free, of course.


True, but I also realize, My first grow was white lable and it was fire weed, so im a bit less concerned, but it was also just Mexican Redhair Sativa, it wasnt any big popular strain like Green Crack or Jack Herer, just an old school 80s/90s strain lol. So less reason for them to fake it because there are far less people looking for it or wanting it.


Nobody said that this white label companies cannot bring you good plants.
My first grow was the same… I did bough Seed Stockers AK-420
And i did grew out years later the AK-47 from Serious Seeds. It was def. no AK from Seedstockers :smiley:
Smelled like catpiss, was still fire as hell tho! But def. not AK!
and that is still to this day a nono for me.
It smelled like catpiss, chemie, nail pollish remover. No need to fake the name… i loved the smell
9€ for 3 seeds. Amazing stuff! But i would never again buy from this company. They’re lying i dont like liers.

Its just not the name that is written on the package, and for me thats a nogo - i dont have the motivation for carrying a plant 4 months threw, if i know its not a “zkittlez”, Gelato or whatever is written on the package.

I support then a guy who i know is putting years of work into his strains and love the plant like i do.
Khalifa Genetics for example, i will not get tired of recommending his Limon Blanco.

I got regs from him (just in fem version buyable if thats a word ^^)
Its an F4 - I will do an F5 and then give it here out for free. So better genetic then the hole catalogue of RQS, for free :slight_smile:

@Ace71975 Maybe the real Mexican Redhair Sativa is not anymore available? So that could be the reason to “fake” it.


Oh for sure, When I get to breeding the strain Idea in my head, I will for sure do my best to look for legit genetics. I am doing my “pratice beeding” with Strains that may or may not be legit or are new strains that dont have a “legendary status” attached to them, Like Multiverse genetics “Event Horizen” that I just put into a baggy. I plan to Self one out for more seeds and Cross one with some Pollen I have coming. But I am still VERY new to growing, I only have one grow under my belt, with my second grow in flower now. So im still learning the ins and outs of things like selfing and crossing strains.


@cYx if he doesn’t charge an arm or leg for the seeds and he still offers them for sale, I feel like what u described doing would be cutting his throat just giving them away for free.


I’m running a pack (seed at a time) from a popular breeder on the west coast. It doesn’t resemble, in any way, what the breeder said to expect. I bought these seeds because I’m looking for what they’re selling. So now I probably have to run the whole pack.

That’s a problem no matter where you get your seeds. That’s why I grow log everything. I want everyone to know where I got what I think is good. And a little revenge, or at least warning about, those popular breeders who have no compunction about betraying their loyal customers’ trust.


Could this not just be a throwback pheno-atypical expression? From what I undersand it takes to F4 or F5 for stability, but that genetic throwbacks, while less likely are still possible, is it possible that you just hit a genetic throwback or an atypical phenotype expression? I am in no way an expert in plant genetics, or genetics in general, so im more curious IF this could be the case than saying it is.


Sure. It could be that every seed in the pack is fire except this one, and I just grew the wrong seed. I can’t be sure without wasting time growing out the others. People trust known breeders, but maybe they shouldn’t.


I dunno if I would go so far as to say we “Shouldnt” Trust Known breeders, I think it should be more like we understand that no matter how much work you put in to stableize a genetic, you can still get atypical phenos even at F6+, they are just less likely.

Kinda like two people with brown eyes, whos parents and grand parents all have brown eyes can get a child who has blue eyes.


I’ve grown enough breeder stock

I expect a few atypical phenos. What I don’t expect is a pack full of seeds that bear no resemblance to what was promised in ad copy. But maybe I’m judging the whole pack by one seed. So I’m reserving final judgement for now.


I agree wholeheartedly.

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My friends in AK sent me some of the most consistent seeds I’ve seen. And they are not seed sellers.


To be fair, if you have only Popped one bean, you could have just hit that 1 in a 100,000 Atypical Pheno and the rest could be exactly as advertised, Which I truly hope is the case and you get exactly what your looking for brother.


Hopefully that’s the case and I should buy lottery tickets. :rofl:


OMG’'s @LedZeppelin you okay?! :worried:


is this US only ? im in canada

have a pack of this compound and purplecitygenetics cross i ran before and found amazing plants


Who want’s some Columbian Hulk and Blue Hulk? I dont need anything in exchange.
Please not only “new members”

Columbian Hulk=
Columbian Thai x Savage Hulk F2 #12
(AK-47 PRE 2000 serious seeds x ThaiStick’76)

Blue Hulk=
Blue Dream (Blueberry x Super Silver Haze) x Savage Hulk F2 #12

Savage Hulk F2 #12 = Bruce Banner #5 x (Zkittlez x Do-Si-Dos F2).


Love to try, but will be a while till I get them started…

Haha we all have 2-3 runs planned out.

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