Seed Trading, Moderated (Part 3)

That’s why I write beads, cause beads typically aren’t valuable or regulated

Also they can look like beads on x-ray



I think mail handlers … well some of them, are pot growers and recognize the popular manner that we all send seeds out… especially coinflips that rattle and they straight up steal them.
I have lost 11 mailouts since late november that I know about. 2 of those were paid orders.
Now I send everything with tracking if I mail out more than a couple packs.
I will still do the stamp and card method for a couple packs but have really curtailed my mailouts in recent weeks.
I know about the 11 missing mailouts because the recipients let me know nothing arrived but I never really heard from that many people when I sent out stuff for the various giveaway events around christmas. Could be more missing mailouts I dunno


Got my envelope with the seeds.
Thanks for being so generous @cYx :pray:t3:

Take care :call_me_hand:t3:


Yeah i had two packages from @Ris get stolen. Gave up


Some members just seem to have a really horrible time with the postal services when it comes to receiving and sending mail. It seems to be worse lately. Knock on wood I’ve not experienced these pitfalls and I hope it improves for everyone.


I had a problem with a trade that the envelope was ripped (looked cut). What I did for the return trade was I went to the dollar store and got a small jewelry box and put the seeds in the box and sent off. Cost me a bit more to send but the seeds were safe. Works for me and not that much more of a cost than flips and rings.
Just my 2 cents but with inflation my 2 cents are now worth -.04 cents.


Good morning and happy Mothers Day to all you Moms out in OverGrowland!!
I’m wondering if anybody has a pack of the SFV OG Bx3 F3s I gave out last year that they don’t foresee growing out? If so, I would be in you service if you got in contact @Thetravler and made arrangements to send them to him. He is a supporter of the site and a documented grower. I think he’d start them soon and would do well with them. I only have around 30 of those seed left, that I saving to make f4s, or I would accommodate them.
If any of you generous members can help @Thetravler out, I’ll replace the pack with SFV OG Bx3 F4s, along with some other classic OG Kush types, once the seed are made. Gonna be popping in 2 wks. I’m also open to sending any of my current seed batches as replacements. Thanks for your consideration.


I know a lot of that was put up by @Bobgrows recently for the Jake auction


I just try and remember most of my gifts on here were 100% successful. I also try and pay for tracked mail when I can afford it.


All that government spending coming back to bite us in the wallet! Personally, i’ve had packages snagged en route to Aussie, as well as Thailand. If anybody can easily discern the contents of the package, you’re relying on some good luck for your stuff not to be snagged. If you’ve got the funds, tracking is a great way to mitigate issues but when you’re doing trades all the time it gets pretty expensive.


I personally always send in a padded mailer that has tracking, it cost like 5 bucks and change, but there has been no issues with anything I have sent getting their since the post office knows they can be tracked. But I dont do tons and tons of trades so its not a big deal that it cost more. If i was sending out 10 or 20 trades a week then I would have to find a different way for sure.


I have it on good authority that to get seeds to Cuba, sewing them into seams works pretty well. I ain’t admitting to anything though.


Not because of problems with letters being delivered but I will very soon be scaling way back on seed trades and giveaways. The site is flooded with it already to the point it has become almost comical. There is a definite system in place here on OG to amass a huge amount of free seeds at next to no cost and in a relatively short period of time. Anyone interested in purchasing a step by step set of instructions on how to build a huge seed collection in 6 months I have it available for just $499.99 :wink:


I’ve been selling the same thing for $199.99.


Well mine is illustrated


People have been saying it for years

Don’t give seeds to people you don’t know if you don’t want them going into a black hole


Damn! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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I stick around to try and pay back the kindness I’ve been shown, but lots of people are just gonna enjoy the gifts they got, as gifts. If you want people to treat your gifts a certain way they’re more like testers. The best way to make sure you’re not taken advantage of is to maintain boundaries and not set yourself on fire to keep others warm.

I don’t blame anybody for scaling back, just saying this has been a common issue for a while now. Use your discretion, its the best tool you have


Oh I have had no problems with the growers on here with whom I have traded seeds with or shared seeds. That has nothing to do with my decision to scale it back. I have a select group of people here on OG with whom I will always share and swap.