Seed Trading, Moderated (Part 3)

Hi Buddy,

I have those and will DM @Thetravler for a mailing address. No need on the replacements. :green_heart:



But that is honestly what makes OG so great, The generous and giving nature of the community here. When companies are charging 10 to 30 bucks PER bean and some packs going for up to 500+ per pack. This is nothing against the great genetics companies doing awesome work out there, I get it, its a business with expenses and they have to make a profit to stay in business. Some of us are disabled and simply cant afford our meds at that price, Kinda like the cost from Big Pharma without health insuranceā€¦

But if you compare the cost of Cannabis seeds, to literally 95% of other seeds on the market, the prices is literally insane considering how many seeds 1 plant will produce. With one plant producing over a 1000 seeds, that is 10k just on ONE plant at 10 bucks a bean. Compare that to other flowers that produce FAR less seeds, and yet you can buy a pack of seeds for 3 to 5 bucks and there are usually 50+ seeds per pack. Its not until you get to the Super rare and hard to grow flowers that you get any where near the cost of cannabis seeds.

Which is why I am so thankful for this forum and the generous community here, I would literally not be able to afford my meds without all of the wonderful people who have been so kind and generous and sent me seeds. I am working on trying to reverse a plant and doing some crosses, just so I can give back on here.


I hear every word youā€™re saying ! I get so frustrated with the prices, but I truly find this community has some of the kindest hearts, and I really dont know any place you can compare when it comes to friendly support !


Same here. The only reason Iā€™m not really actively-trading seeds right now is because Iā€™m overwhelmed with the piles of seeds Iā€™ve been given. I want to grow everything I have, but I donā€™t know if Iā€™m going to live that long! :rofl:


I think OG is great just the way it is. No complaints over here.


Thanks @TricycleOfDoom , I appreciate that. If you see something from the upcoming OG Kush types hunt and change your mind, please feel free to reach out.:pray:


I am honestly good for prolly the next 5 years or so, just on what I have. I plan to start breeding, so once that happens I will likely be in the same position with the execption of looking for new stock for crosses.


This is why I always offer a trade or donation when I approach a person about obtaining beans from them, but Im sure if you look at my post I always post who gave them and always show I grew there beans particularly . If someone is kind enough to give me something I like them to know when I use it . I never give something given to me if I bought it I will trade it . But I think again if it was given no regifting when it comes to beans but that just me !


Thank you very much for speaking up for me it means a lot and truly appreciate !!!


I am a bit different here, I will trade with beans I was given, especially if its a strain someone REALLY wants, If its something im not likely to grow myself or If the trade is for something on my Dream list. I am really really into Autos. I Do have some photos that I wont trade because they are on my dream list, and I rarely trade ALL of the beans I was given, Example if I was gifted 10 beans I might trade 3 to 5 of them. This helps others get strains they really really want and it helps me get strains I really want to grow or breed with. I look at that as a Win Win.

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Once they are in your possession you can do with them as you please. If i ever send you something just know that. That goes for anyone else as well


I would have to change what I said I guess you are right if there was someone in need of that strain giving a couple out is the thing to do ! Being in that position myself I better see the light hahah !

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I firmly believe it helps keep the generous nature of the forum going. I dont look at it as a slight against anyone if anything I would personally take it as the highest compliment that my work was so desired by someone, and I hope any one I trade with or send beans to when i start doing crosses will do the same. Sometimes forward trades are the best way for everyone to get beans they really really want.


Still on the hunt for most Solfire and Exotic strains. Also looking for Phoenix Forge playing cards from Solfire.

I found a few Ethos Roze Cookies seeds, but I am still looking for more and also some Ethos Mandarin cookies varieties.

I am sure none of the recipients of the Grape Runtz Candy giveaway a few years ago are on here at all, but looking for any of the last remaining GRC seeds that may be floating around.

If anyone randomly has something on hand that would make some super terpy flower rosin, I may be open to some other prompted options.


I may be able to help you @bassman5420
Iā€™ll have to check my sheet but i do believe I still have ā€œGrape Runtz Candyā€ .
Iā€™ll check in a bit and let you know for sure.
I did give away the SFV OG Bx3 in the giveaway for toast.


That would be amazing! I did not know you had possibly won a pack of those, I thought I had stalked and tried to message everyone I had seen that had won some in the past :rofl:

Sadly I had to kill my epic GRC keeper because some clone I was given infected my plants and soil. I cloned the HLVD out in 1 run, but it just kept coming back from the soil or container. I have been in the middle of a complete reset, got to get rid of the plague for good lol.


Hey I am looking to trade for some Sour Diesel auto seeds. Would prefer Fem seeds, but will not turn down Reg seeds if that is all that is available.


Hey i got the GG#4 Josey Whales certified, from GGStrains.
6 beans 120ā‚¬

The last i popped was a male, that is funny because its an female pack. So i dont understand it.

I popped now Zlue from GGStrains as well.

If i wanna experience the real glue, where should i look?
Which seedbank has the real deal?

And does someone know what Strabwerry dude is?


even on a fem back 1 in 1000 or so can still pop male.

I heard the podcast of darkhorse (jason)
and he said ethos did the fem seeds for ggstrains.

so iam not suprised, i think i got reg seeds, or something differentā€¦ who knows what it is :smiley:

Was just sad, had to throw it away, it was in 3.9 gallon of soil in my autopot, that was a really sad thing i had to do.