Seed Trading, Moderated (Part 3)

Depending I would have to look, but I think I have some of the blue power stuff also. And maybe a pack of raskal berries crosses.


To piggyback off of this - seriously, something is up with USPS right now. Iā€™d say ā€œa 50/50 shotā€ is being too generous.

I have been waiting on at least 5 envelopes for between one to two months and none of them have arrived. All have been sent. All are from reliable members. No envelopes received to my mailbox.

One member decided to re-send with tracking. The tracked package arrived (late, due to USPS delay, but at least it arrived).

Itā€™s getting to the point that Iā€™ll probably need to go to my local Post Office and ask to speak to a supervisor about the situation. There is no reason why 0/5 envelopes should reach their destination after a month. Havenā€™t even received my personal mail except for bills & junk mail, all sent first class postage. Nothing comes thru to me with a regular stamp anymore.


I just ordered sweet tooth from fdmseeds the other day. You can definitely find those there for 60 bucks


I gonna kill my self.
I have now 4 plants done that were seeded.

How the fuck u do this?
The green material is still not dry like powder.

Its now i guess 18 days its drying and still. I tryed to breath the green material away but doesnt work that well and seeds are flying as well away.
please help ^^

im over 24 work hours in.

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Hey Ace, I really appreciate this reply. Iā€™m sorry that youā€™re also experiencing these postal delays. On the other hand it makes me feel a tiny bit better knowing that Iā€™m not alone in the situation.

My prediction is that this situation is ā€œthe system is working as intendedā€ from DeJoyLessā€™s perspective. Iā€™m glad you brought up the USPS changes. Itā€™s making a big, big impact.

Coincidentally, I watched this great video on the USPS changes just a week or two before I noticed that my mail isnā€™t arriving.

Alright, I swear one day Iā€™ll quit moaning over my mail misery. Thank you all for letting this frog blow off a little steam. Now, back to our regularly scheduled seed tradingā€¦

Gonna look thru my stash box later tonight, if I remember.
:v: :sunglasses: :deciduous_tree: :fire: :wind_face:
Got more than a few packs that Iā€™d offer up for a trade


Seed separation is a pain. The best way Iā€™ve been able to find is a folded piece of cardboard held at an angle. Slowly crumble the weed on the upper end, and the seeds should mostly, partially roll free on the bottom. Then itā€™s at least easier to pick out the seeds.


Do you have a dehumidifer?

Use a pillow case or sheet
Dry weed sticks better, and seeds roll to the bottom
Also, 45 degree incline


Since you brought it upā€¦ there wasnt any issue during the Trump administrations term. If any procedural changes were done it was probably put in place under the Biden administration. Would you agree?

Maybe the Russians did itā€¦


Iā€™m guessing youā€™ve never worked in a P&DC.

The problem is not some political appointee. There are many problems, but the biggest is the Postal Union. There were many problems long before Trump, even though his particular appointee may be a disaster, and as @GCBudz has mentioned, the problems now are the worst theyā€™ve ever been.


Well, the changes are done by the post master general are they not?? I personally think about 75% of the problems NOW are the new guy honestly. I know there were issues long before trump or biden, but it was never this bad before. I have saw it got worse and worse since this guys appointment, so I just figured the blame should land on him lol.


Iā€™m sure heā€™s not without blame. Do you know specifically what changes he made that are causing the problems? Maybe he is the reason for for the most recent issues. I can tell you first hand though that the people working in the P&DC are not people you would hire for anything important. And Iā€™m sure after COVID they are only worse.
(Iā€™m generalizing, and Iā€™m sure there are some good people there, but I did not encounter many)


He has been changing the routes they take to move the mail, supposedly with the intent of ā€œimproving gas efficentyā€.


Yeah, I guess if you donā€™t deliver half the mail, you can save on gas.

Anyway, I just realized what thread weā€™re in. Iā€™ll minimize my chatter.


Just a little information I feel is needed. The United States Postal Service is NOT a government operation instead it is an independent agency of the executive branch. The Postmaster General is appointed by the Board of Governors of the Postal Service. Check out the changes made way back in 1971


Trump appointed the whole board who then selected dejoy and now theyā€™re the only ones that can remove him.

The Postal Service has been in existence since before the United States existed.


DeJoy is heavily invested in other carriers. All of this is by design so he can make his own fortune grow.


The conflict of interest is amazingly abundant but here we are, 4 years later, and heā€™s still there.


Yes, that is because everybody on the USPS board is also heavily invested in other carriers, and that board is the only body that can fire DeJoy. Again, everything is by design, rich people get richer, and everybody else has things lost in the mail or take two weeks longer than it used to.


DeJoy does seem like heā€™s bad at his job.

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