Seed Trading, Moderated (Part 3)

That sucks! So Ground Advantage does give peace of mind having the Tracking.
The down side of USPS insurance is if you file a Claim for a lost packsge, you have to show “proof of value”. Like a receipt from the seedbank.

And same here for trades that i can’t resend lost seeds, i use Ground Advantage in US w Tracking, and i don’t trade Globally.


same. 5 bucks to the US with tracking, 15 to canada


yep, but sadly I can not afford the 15 to 20 to canada(depending on weight and how big of a trade it is) Its sad, but you just can not trust the post office these days like you used to be able to 20 years ago.


On a Damaged Item yes, but according to my local Post office, If they straight up LOSE it, you get the 100 dollars insurance by default because it was totally lost. Must wait 30 days from date shipped, but you can claim the full amount of insurance if its Lost. Or at least that is what I was told by my local post office.Just estimate the value at over 100 bucks.


This is great detail to know! The USPS website is less helpful and informative than you.


You looking for SOMA’S LAVENDER??? PM your “Personals”, I’ll get a Flip of f2 REGS headed your way…BIG Repro several years ago by @Heritagefarms. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Looking for the longest lasting racy effects strain out there, something that most people can’t smoke because it gives them anxiety.


That’s most likely going to be an equatorial African variety.


So malawi would probably be a good one then?

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I have a few crosses I made in 2012.
MMG x SC Blue Dream

keep a lookout for slurty3 s1’s. she seems right up your league. PP was a bit too muted for my tastes, slurty takes the best parts of her bag appeal and kicks the terps up a notch. the s1s are fairly stable. i dont have any on hand else theyd be yours.

interested in gushmints s1s (gushers x kushmints)? i have a handful in the freezer id be glad to send you a flip of. that batch had a poor germination rate (~50%) but the phenos that did pop were super uniform.


Yes that would be exactly what you’re looking for! Ace has one that fits your needs but there is some questions about it being 100% pure sativa. Most likely has a little bit of Pakistani but still worth looking into. Also the real seed company has some more traditional Malawi in stock

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Does anyone have a pure malawi they would like to trade? I will do up a little list of the few things I gathered in the last year after I lost it all.

Gotta go to Africa for that and might just end up getting some greenhouse cheese instead


Pure Malawi or Malawi gold?

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I have an extra pack of the Acapulco Gold from Mass Med, pretty sure it’s a Bodhi repro.


Pm incoming, thank you

Pure is preferred but if I absolutely can’t find it I would substitute with the gold as a last resort.

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Isn’t Malawi Gold supposed to be unadulterated, aka pure sativa? To my knowledge, only ACE’s Malawi has been hit with indica

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I ran the Ace Malawi and thought it was pretty good. I also thought it was pure sativa until someone here on OG broke the bad news.