Seed Trading, Moderated (Part 3)

I’ve heard H&L’s mango work is solid tho, from H&L himself stating there are definite mango phenos to be found. Specifically the Electric Boogaloo/Mango Haze (he said he’s gonna work this one), and the Green Crack/Mango line.


Well then, I wonder what the point of H&L’s Mango Haze release was. If H&L didn’t find killer mango types in there and released that line, that’s pretty lame.


H&L said he found one or two, but Wally for sure said he never did while making it.
It’s all in last week’s breeder’s syndicate podcast on youtube.


Weird stuff. Haha. I’m super interested in checking out some of H&L’s Mango Haze stuff and Green Crack, but I think I’m a little late to the party. I’m getting too full of plans anyways. Haha. Plus, I’ll be down to just a 5’x5’ for flower after this run and bringing in cuts. I have to get it through my thick skull that I can only grow so much these days and quit overdoing it. Haha


Ohhhh god, I’ll go try and make it through ten minutes of a weed podcast. Haha. I do want to hear the info though. Thanks for sharing!!


I definitely missed out on getting anything from H&L that I wanted. I did manage to snag a single pack of his Green Crack BX through a trade with a friend. I’m in the same boat as you tho, too much stuff to go through :joy:

Still tho, green crack is my jam and got me through a decade of work days. good for fasting too. I need to get the clone someday if it’s clean :pleading_face:


I did some H&L Ol Slew Foot. Three phenos and 3 different mango flavours. Very tasty and the high was definitely hazey. Kinda like a mango flavour Strawberry Cough FWIW. One was extreme mango syrup, one was rotten mango, and the last tasted of mango terpinolene. Fantastic in my book.


Ah that’s the Ol’ Betsy x Appalachia cross?

The Green Crack in the Appalachia is mango-ish and can throw mango progeny, but it’s not ‘Mango Haze’ :yum: I like both.

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Sweet!! I have this pack and the Electric Boogaloo crossed to the Appy from him. I need to get to them too. Haha

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Is the Green Crack clone still around? You were lucky on getting a pack of that backcross too.


I would prioritize that one. That Electric Boogaloo is slept on imo. Think it’s a NL5Haze of some kind :thinking:

Allegedly :joy: I mean we know H&L has her but other than that, I’ve seen and been told about a couple clone vendors having her but I don’t trust that really. I think somone here has her tho? @VAhomegrown maybe?


I have purple lemon thai crossed with lucky lime (lucky charms and black lime reserve)

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Yeah, Electric Boogaloo is above the Ol’ Betsy cross for me. Could be a nice “electric” high. The Ol’ Betsy one should have more mango though, but I’m after the best/strongest high.

Edit: Green Crack clone would be awesome for sure.

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My GC clone came from Evermore Cannabis. They grow weed for the dispos in MD. It’s possible it’s not the real deal, who knows? I read reviews about it and the effects, smell, etc. described seemed accurate. They don’t sell the flower near me, so I havent been able to sample it myself. Here’s a pic of mine. Close to done (day 48), and finishing quick, so I think flower time is accurate too. I don’t have a reason to doubt it atm. Smoke test is a ways out though. They also have Ken’s GDP, SC Blue Dream, and a bunch of others.


Thank you. I just found his site.
Appreciate all the help everyone

Was just thinking I should find the “white” from krome and hit it with some Appalachia pollen :rofl::rofl:. Ahh never ending ideas


I haven’t ordered from these places but they are listed.


Did H&L mention dropping a straight Mango Haze pack in this release? JBC, GLG, and Riot never had any.

Shoot, they have this too:

Nobody else got those packs. The breeders that site carries makes me think it’s more than likely legit, but definitely find out for sure before ordering if anyone is tempted. Haha


Anyone have some dragon blood hp they want to trade? (Hunting for the bleeding pheno)


I smoked some herijuana over 10yrs ago and since then I’ve compared all indica types to it. Been lookin in dispos ever since, now that I can grow my own I’m dyin to find some… I don’t have a whole lot to trade, a bunch is from OG members, but I do think I have some gold, again thanks to OG in big part
I’m looking for as close to the motarebel’s cut as possible

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