Seed Trading, Moderated (Part 3)

Cap Junky sucks :grin:


Anyone got any old hashplant seed lines? Ive got a range of Bodhi F2s and incrosses.


Hey Auto,

I did not tryed to offend you. Why dont u believe me?

I even said, San grew that plant, and he loved itā€¦ Maybe i got a seed that was just bad. Like i said, i popped 1 single seed. u gifted me 5 seeds, why the hell should i try to offend u? Doesnt make any sense to me. But i dont bother to try it out once more, i didnt like it. It was just badā€¦ Why the fuck should that offend you?

No - i dont know what u think iam all about. I give seeds away, i trade a bit here and there, i get few gifts.

I gifted like 10k seeds to 2 big european resellers, they include the seeds with every order, i gave away like 50 letters of headbanger + more.

Nothing makes me uncomfortable, i dont know what u mean.
I dont lie, i dont steal, i speak the truthā€¦ so u dont offend me with that alligations

I had a bad experience with your capjunky thats all, and once againā€¦ it was 1 single seed.

and the hell my goals on this websiteā€¦ i have no goalsā€¦ tf u talking aboutā€¦ but i can imagine, because i read what u wrote about the last german guy that posted here he got a letter from meā€¦ ur comment(s)ā€¦ and that was not the only comment.
U tryed obvisly to offend meā€¦ thats for sure.

Then ā€œu did all for that bad 10gā€™sā€ like i can not grow plants. Then i show pictures of beatiful plants, now i have a goal to get free seeds i believe u think?

I have more then i can grow in 5 lifes.

BUT i dont wanna beef, i had enough beef in my life with peopleā€¦ So i will ignore it, like i did before.
I do wish u a lovely weekend!


Cap Junky S1


Looks amazing! It does seem like i had a runt!

Doesnt make no sense why i thought i try to offend him, honestly.
Few guys already told that they got good plants out of the seeds.


Those are sweet, dude should offer these to seed companyā€™s. Nice idea

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Howdy @cYx, itā€™s been happening since a while now that member seems to continually troll and instigate your comments whenever possible.

For example, the other day here in this thread when you were sharing about sourcing some washers to improve your sending method that member instantly chimed in to suggest that buying washers couldnā€™t be any easier and didnā€™t aim to provide any helpful words or substance as to the sizing inquiry you were making. It seemed they just wanted to purposely be rude to you.

Shortly after, again in this thread, you updated about your experience with a letter you sent being opened by the post office and returned to sender of the address on the letter and that member again used it as opportunity to troll and instigate your comment again. Itā€™s obviously the intent of that member to be rude to you and seek out these types of confrontations whenever possible. Itā€™s unfortunate you have to continually deal with that type of harassment as a member of this community. I can assure you that itā€™s not in the spirit of Overgrow. Many blessings and much love


I think because of this he thought i offend him. Because he did it to me, i realised that to late, but makes sense. I dont care anymore, its fine. I have really no interest to engage in this internet beef or hate, iam not that guy. So ignoring is the best way to deal with that.

Thanks for ur words @Sbeanonnamellow Much love.


Am I the only one who gets incredibly frustrated at the ridiculous number of posts and new threads that are started when a simple search would give you the answers to just about every question a new member might have? No one should have to explain the correct way to ship seeds. There are a hundred threads here that describe that.

New members should have to go into a holding room where they view the top topics and questions for a week before they can join the general population. I lurked here for more than a year before I became a member. All of the information, etiquette and tutorials are here.

Thereā€™s also a limit to the number of threads you can ignore. Ask me how I know.


And answer a multiple choice quiz like the DMV before getting a driverā€™s licenseā€¦ Iā€™m kidding about that part.

Like how biker gangs have ā€œprospectā€ status before getting the official ā€œā€memberā€ patch.


Hereā€™s a multiple-choice questionnaire designed to test someoneā€™s knowledge of cannabis cultivation. The questions range from beginner to more advanced topics, similar in style to a DMV test.
Cannabis Growing Knowledge Test
Question 1: What is the ideal pH range for growing cannabis in soil?

A) 4.5 - 5.5
B) 5.5 - 6.5
C) 6.5 - 7.5
D) 7.5 - 8.5

Question 2: Which of the following nutrients is most important during the flowering stage of cannabis?

A) Nitrogen (N)
B) Phosphorus (P)
C) Potassium (K)
D) Calcium (Ca)

Question 3: What is the typical light cycle for the vegetative growth stage of cannabis?

A) 12 hours light / 12 hours dark
B) 18 hours light / 6 hours dark
C) 24 hours light / 0 hours dark
D) 16 hours light / 8 hours dark

Question 4: Which type of lighting is most commonly used for indoor cannabis growing?

A) Incandescent
B) Fluorescent
C) High-Pressure Sodium (HPS)

Question 5: What is the main purpose of ā€œtoppingā€ a cannabis plant?

A) To remove dead leaves
B) To increase airflow
C) To promote lateral growth and multiple colas
D) To protect the plant from pests

Question 6: Which of the following is a common sign of nitrogen deficiency in cannabis plants?

A) Purple stems
B) Yellowing of lower leaves
C) Brown spots on leaves
D) Curling leaves

Question 7: What is the ideal humidity level for cannabis plants during the flowering stage?

A) 20% - 30%
B) 30% - 40%
C) 40% - 50%
D) 50% - 60%

Question 8: Which of the following methods can be used to determine the sex of a cannabis plant?

A) Smelling the plant
B) Checking the shape of the leaves
C) Looking for pre-flowers
D) Counting the number of nodes

Question 9: What is a ā€œtrichomeā€ on a cannabis plant?

A) A nutrient found in the soil
B) A type of pest that attacks the plant
C) A small resin gland containing cannabinoids
D) A method of training the plant

Question 10: Which of the following is a key advantage of using hydroponics for growing cannabis?

A) Reduced electricity costs
B) Faster growth and higher yields
C) Easier to manage pests
D) Less water consumption

Answer Key:

B) 5.5 - 6.5
B) Phosphorus (P)
B) 18 hours light / 6 hours dark
C) To promote lateral growth and multiple colas
B) Yellowing of lower leaves
C) 40% - 50%
C) Looking for pre-flowers
C) A small resin gland containing cannabinoids
B) Faster growth and higher yields

This test can be used to assess a growerā€™s understanding of essential cannabis cultivation practices.

quick chatgpt output


He means me when he refers to ā€œthat memberā€ .


Out of respect to you, didnā€™t you ask me not to speak to you? Iā€™ve no problem to add @LoveDaAutos instead of that member. I thought you said donā€™t so which it now?


Iā€™m gonna back up @Sbeanonnamellow on this one, idk what got into @LoveDaAutos head about you, he normally seems like a chill guy (I havenā€™t personally interacted with him tbf), but heā€™s been extra rude to you for sure. Maybe heā€™s having a bad day? Donā€™t let that be a representative of OG as a whole, most people here are exceptionally chill :sunglasses:


Furthermore, I purposely avoided replying earlier when I noticed your rudeness. Hoping it would just dissipate, but to continually come into this thread and read stuff off topic is not cool. Someone had to say whatā€™s happening because itā€™s ridiculous reading whatā€™s going on because of some childish tiff. Grow up


Thatā€™s understandable, before I sent my first envelope I was already well versed in the millimeter sizing of washers and how it relates to envelope size limits as well as seed sizes of varying degrees. I read all the threads about flips and especially found the successfully arrived pics helpful.

When I see a new member on here I try to be encouraging and helpful. Dude literally posted up a pic of washers that he took time out of his life and money out of his pocket to better send and share seeds to others in the community and asked if they were the right ones. Thatā€™s incredibly frustrating to you? I donā€™t think it is. I think itā€™s pretty awesome.


One person? No.

One hundred people? Yes.

This is the comment in particular:

The member is also from another country where I can only assume English is a secondary language. Yā€™all are a bunch of goofballs trying to defend negativity. Whatever


So right after he posted about the washers this was my reply verbatim. To you this is rude?

It couldnā€™t be any less complicated to purchase washers for mailing seeds. They are hose washers which I suspect are universally the same size. The coin flips are the size used for nickels that seem to work best.


I was in a shop, they had like 30 different ones, and not one was perfect like these red ones.

But i had to improvise.
6x for 2,50ā€¦ thats scam btw.

But because few letters didnt arrived to few guys here i had a very bad feeling. Because i thought now people thing iam a scammer or just want to have free seeds.
Then my package didnt arrived to swe, it goes back to the fake address. And now u come to the picture and said ā€œI know that u know what ur goals here areā€ ā†’ What the hell do u think i feel now?

I wanted to send once more and from now on with washers instead of vesselsā€¦ So that was the story.

Such awesome guys and girls are here, send u free seeds and dont want nothing back, then u give something back and it didnt arrivedā€¦ of course i do feel ashamed.

Thankfully like 20 letters arrived, every german guy got his package/Letterā€¦ And few US/CA guys.
Plus Samenwahl and Cannapot (European Reseller) got round about 10k freebies from me, that they pack in each order.

FOR the community.

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