Seed Vault Breakout v2

Documenting some seed starts here from the vault. Currently sitting at 10,291 seeds. Lot’s of popping to do. We’re starting about 2k seeds per year (average the last 3 years). Old logs can be found on Here is what’s next:

Monkey Balls f2s – F2ed from two packs of the best females and some males in an open pollination. All the females had a super dark purple color to them with musky smells, except one. #18 was a green pheno that cured out to straight OG fuel/kerosene terps. Grew great outdoors in Oklahoma with some top notch A+ flower that could pass for indoor.

Will soak some from the #18 mom in the next day or two.

After Monkey Balls F2, on to:

  • Maruf Kandahar Red (Irrizinig Durand Project)
  • Chem 1 x SSDD (Bodhi)
  • BSHW f2s
  • Serenity Now (Plant Time Genetics)

What about a few seeds from the Vault for the upcoming September Donation/Giveaway? Monies raised by participating member’s donations goes toward Server Upgrade Fund. FULL CREDIT is ALWAYS given to Donor/Breeder/Member!! If not interested, not a problem, only wanted to reach out. P-L-E-A-S-E continue to stay safe, take special care, and be well…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


Keeping eyes peeled for Monkey Balls F2, big fan! :eyes:


You’re one of a kind @misterbee

What would us at OG do without you



Along for the ride, this sounds like it’ll be an interesting thread to follow

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For sure, would be glad to chip in. DM me on the specifics and I’ll try to get some out to you asap.


Have you grown this one out from seed or did you get a cut?

Yes thanks, I am sticking around and interacting and contributing what I can. I have not participated in the free seeds and clones thread. Just was trying to find out how one signs up for the fall run, I did not see the where and how. I grew seeds some years ago and its fun and then I did not have to go looking for them. When starting to grow again I have found OG the best source to get answers and direction. Old guys getting back into growing, we have a bit of a learning curve especially figuring out how to get started and where to get things.

You are allowed to participate, people are just having an issue with new members grabbing seeds and running off never to return. Don’t do that.

But as long as you’re sticking around and doing what you can to interact with others and maybe helping people out when and where you can you have every right to be there

No one is forced to give out seeds so if they have any issue with their seeds going to you they’ll just skip onto the next person, no big deal


I wouldn’t mind a pack of monkey balls if you decide to send any out .


Sounds extremely intriguing, next lineup just as much, if not more so.


thanks I am good, you are right no big deal. I’m not going anywhere and I appreciate your connecting with me

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We’re going to send out 50 seeds of Hammer Time (Kandahar Afghan (Nierika) x Big Sur Holy Weed (Coastal). If this goes well we can send out 50-100 each giveaway :slight_smile:


That’s an interesting cross right there.

Thanks. Lot’s of vigor in these and the Afghan really comes through with rock hard buds and ancient looking flowers. Here’s a pic of the mom.

Here’s a bshw mom in the greenhouse. They bring some purple in most phenos.

Most phenos of the Hammer Time will lean towards the Afghan side.


Love me some Afghan @mantismedgrower , stuff is golden medicine for me. I’ll keep my eye out for them.


Beautiful :star_struck:

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Thanks! Will do. This one is a knock out indica I only smoke at night. With friends, we do the “Kandahar challenge” to see how long they can stay awake after smoking a bowl or two.


That’s right up my alley, heavy heavy indica, potent , put you on your ass with heavy painkiller properties. If you ever want to trade for some hmu , I’m extremely intrigued now as 90% of what I smoke is like that. I’ve found it’s the only stuff that truly makes me completely forget about back pain, and my muscle spasms are non existent. The pre-98 I had for many many years was a prime example, could take away almost any pain, anti-inflammatory properties, and if I smoked it all throughout the day I would not even see a muscle spasm and the back pain was non existent or so minimal I pretty much forgot about it


Not yet grown it myself, only smoked. I have Monkey Balls on my wishlist for when I get around to ordering from Hazeman since I doubt I could source a cut.