Seedjunky Vs Cookies.. the lawsuit šŸ˜†

I donā€™t know much about any of this but Gilbert Milam Jr is a hilarious name :joy: :joy: :joy:



Strange move for both : SJ throwing this on social media (obviously written and advised by cheap lawyers), and Cookie accumulating broken partnerships.

Now, in a context of saturation of the market ā€¦ itā€™s absolutely not weird/strange/new to gulp all companies around as a dominant actor to kill the competitors in the egg, in sucking their tech. This practice exist since ages in all economic cycles. And China is doing this since decades on a worldā€™s scale btw ^^

For those that will be enough successfully a day to be approached by Cookies/Name-the-brand : sell the genpool a good price, restart stronger, do it again stronger ^^ Or fly away if your work is just plain luck and canā€™t be done again.


Oh manā€¦.that series still causes me to curse uncontrollablyā€¦.

Such a disappointmentā€¦ā€¦

Itā€™s not purgatoryā€¦No itā€™s not purgatory. Weā€™re telling you itā€™s not purgatoryā€¦ā€¦ Ohā€¦.wellā€¦ā€¦itā€™s a place you go before you move on to heaven or hell or the next life or whateverā€¦.

Yeahā€¦ā€¦ itā€™s purgatoryā€¦.


I believe there was something similar but different with GGG and Cookies in the past as well.

Cookies has a really bad reputation in the bay area. How is seed junky much betterā€¦

and he wont guarantee germ rates or replace any duds.

Keep S1ing these fuckers yall. Bring it back to the community.


Anyone who gets in bed with Berner 100 percent deserves the ass reaming that goes with it . The dude is a cancer that needs to be cut out .


I have a pack of Permanent Marker S1sā€¦ got em for $85ā€¦ made by Copycat. No way I was spending $300 a pack like the SeedJunky packs were selling for at the time.


Jbeezy and Berner are the kind of cannabiz bros that deserve each other. I wonā€™t deny liking some of his strains like Jealousy/Kush Mints/Wedding Cake, but I am glad that they are increasingly available at more reasonable prices than the extortionate prices they put on their seeds.


berner was a pimp and the people who went into business with him didnt stop to think about how he might treat them like he treated those women. not trashing bodhi, his pura vida was the only killer stuff we could grow by the ocean that wouldnt pm/rot, but kind of hard to maintain that onelove irie peaceful persona when youre cashing out with guys who cut their teeth by being as brutal as possible.


that soft fake gangster was a pimp? lmao dude is fake and cringe worthy


i am comfortable saying what i said in front of anyone, including berner or bodhi, to their face. wouldnt have posted it here publicly online otherwise.

bodhi is the only one he mightve thought twice about screwing over though, the rest of those guys are straight up marks to a man like that. they should be embarrassed for crying out for help publicly.

Marks to a man likeā€¦ berner? :joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl:

Berner has been used as the front man for those other guys cutting their teeth this entire time. The real gā€™s behind the operation arenā€™t gonna be seen or known, on purpose. Berner is not that. Heā€™s just the marketing face.


what is this based off? i lived in the presidio before he started rapping with equipto.

i think the assumption that he was a soft, fake man is what got all these fake wavy babies into this mess, no? they got pimped out.


it is an assumption based on his character and complete lack of knowledge when it comes to herb.
Heā€™s a salesman. Thatā€™s it. Can hear the man speak and know enough right there.


Youā€™re saying thats ALL a con and heā€™s some secret evil mastermind over there fucking everyone over?


not a secret evil mastermind, just its in his nature to use others and discard them. it seems to me that there were some egos involved in people overlooking the fact that its just who he is.

i forget where but hes admitted publicly he didnt create any of the strains, and i feel confident that you are more of an expert on growing bud. i think it is a good thing not a bad thing that you didnt have the connections to those cuts when he did, because you probably wouldve had to deal with people who dont fit your vibe and ideals.


Iā€™ve been in and seen similar situations, where a front man exactly like, to the tee, Gilbert is needed for the whole op. Meanwhile the REAL hard people that actually get things done, are in the background running everything and no one ever knows who those guys are unless youā€™re in there with them. The front man thinks heā€™s it, on purpose, so he can take the fall later. I would assume the same thing is happening there since again, Gilbert had absolutely nothing to do with cookies other than marketing the bag that fell into his hands.

If Gilbert is indeed the man behind the op and the front man tooā€¦ its worse than I thought :rofl:


Heā€™s a businessman, not a grower. Heā€™s just the face of cookies. One cog in the billion dollar company.


all i said was he started off as a pimp. at some point he started rapping about coke (the white album) and then it became the cookies promo tour. but its kind of hard to forget seeing that guy in a neighborhood that is nearly 100% latin/hispanic or 100% asian. dont know anything about how cookies works, other than ive seen their product in oregon and its not good.

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