Seeds From Friends

Nice pictures, those larvae are much more effective than the adults. If you don’t know already the eggs are yellow / oval shaped and grouped in clusters as well!

If I read correctly you moved local ladybugs inside, which is diff from purchasing wild harvested ladybugs. You have larvae active in your tent so thats a good sign for sure!


Okay, yeah, that’s, uh… interesting haha. I know this sounds kinda whatever, but I don’t wanna put ladybugs in a bottle of Coke. I dunno why, I just don’t wanna do that. I mean, I wouldn’t like being put in a bottle of Coke, so… haha.

Yeah, that makes sense. Alright, fuck it, I’ll skip the ladybugs haha. I do like them, though. I always get super-stoked on the rare occasions when one randomly shows up in our backyard. Barely ever see them.

Nothin’ wrong with that, dude. We grow how we gotta grow haha…


Yes that’s correct, I did just move some lady bugs from my greenhouse to my indoor setup. And I just squished a large bit of eggs that look exactly like you posted. But I only squished them because from a distance I thought my plant was sprouting nanners! Doh, I feel like such a turd for being so lazy on the research.


Mix the coke with water and spay. 1:1 ratio works great


Wha’d I just say? Fuck Coke haha!


Use Pepsi No need to put them in a bottle


I loose more to them to frying on the hps lights, I run a 4 ft isolating fan plus a 12 inch Shaffer lots of air movement doesn’t seem to effect them


Cheech Wizard F2 Day 34F



Looking good! Are you still having aphid issues? I alternated nube’s IPM thing and a wood vinegar/something-else-I-can’t-remember-the-name-of-right-now haha for the last couple foliars and it seems to have gotten rid of whatever was ailing them. This weirdo I bought the wood vinegar and the other thing from swore by it, thought he was a little kooky, but it actually seems to have worked.

Obviously, it’s too late in your grow for any kind of foliar, but you may wanna look into the wood vinegar thing for future grows. I can give you a link to the dude’s website if you’re interested, I think a decent-sized bottle was like 28 bucks, somewhere around there. The other thing was ridiculously expensive, but I’d been out at this guy’s place for so long that I bought it anyway, just to get the fuck outta there haha. The label says it’s a blend of amino acids, fulvic, humic, fish and something else. I dunno. But the vinegar and whatever that other shit is, alternated with the IPM recipe, seems to have done the trick. For now, anyway…


The battle isn’t over for me but I feel like I am winning. (Not a plug) The DrZymes has been working wonderfully. Right now they’re going through a rinse of water only to knock them down and clean off the plants for the next round of essential oils and alcohol.
Flower tent is mostly untouched except for one DLA 5s1 that had signs of them, not bad at all just on one branch.


Oh, awesome! Good to hear. I thought about using the little Dr. Zyme’s sample I got a while back, but it was only enough for a half-gallon and I needed more than that, so I skipped it. I may look into it for future use, though. The wood vinegar thing supposedly has myriad other benefits, too, plus it says to “lightly mist” only the tops of the leaves, which is great for me. I’m so fucking lazy, if I don’t have to get all in there and saturate every part of the plant, undersides of the leaves, everywhere, that’s even better haha.

So you’re kinda alternating, too? With the essential oils one week, then rinsing the plants off before you use the Zyme’s the next week? I saw on their website that it says not to combine the Zyme’s and any kind of oil, I’m assuming because of the citric acid?


I’m going to try and incorporate that into my ipm as well since it seems to have worked for you.

Yes most definitely don’t want to burn anything. Then I’ll be doing another week of rinsing followed by a week of sulfur. Then on to the citrus ferment. Rinse and repeat lol
The life of spraying once a week is done. It’s almost daily if I have the time


Day 39 F for 3x Cheech Wizard F2
The 2 taller sticky icky foxy ladies

The shorter chunkier beast


Day 49 F
Cheech Wizard F2


Day 56 F
Double Dosidos x A5 Haze/Thai bx


Beautiful bud structure on that cheech wizard And that dd x a5 haze/Thai bx is looking awesome too seems like it’s really stacking hard have heard and seen really good things about the a5 haze/Thai crosses excited to try my half pack of chocolate blitz


Cheech Wizard is looking bad ass… :laughing: :+1:

cheech wizard 2

cheech wizard

Just like the ol’ days…
:rofl: :+1:



Agreed with @Gpaw - looking great in there as always Windy. Any particular smells on the CW?

Also, it seems your soil mix is doing just fine with those longer flowering plants! Did you add EWC/compost or anything else to the pots?



Thanks Nube!

Of the 3, Spicy gas on one and berry-ish gas on the other. I’ll have to get back to you on the other one.

So far, looks good. I ended up not adding anything, I figured I needed to test my soil out on these longer flowering ones to give me a baseline for the future longer flowering equatorials I’ll be planting.


Just ripped the seal on a pack of Wake and Cake from Bodhi and put 9 seeds into paper towel.
Also popped a 12 pack of Peanut Butter Breath x Dragon Energy from Doc D. :seedling::sunglasses: