Seeds to Weeds : Live & Learn Organic Edition👨🏼‍🌾📝

Here we are this morning

noticing some leaf tips curling upwards on my beloved purple kush that is going light green and with rust spots.

Also some slight tip burn on another plant.


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Cant seem to get this one on track. It was a beast in the beginning, falling right on its face now

@JoeCrowe i heard you know some stuffs man :eyes:.
You ever run into this before? Is this what lock out looks like from possibly over fertilizing?

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Yah if you figure it’s nutrient antagonism, you can take a 25% nutrient solution and leech the soil. Other things that can do it are RO water or distilled. That will also make the ph trend towards 7 if it’s too low.


@JoeCrowe Honestly man i have no clue whats going on. Things went from hungry to happy to this. The other plants look okay.
I wish i would have started this as a grow journal with more details so everyone knew exactly what was going on and maybe somone could spot something im missing. Hell i might convert this to my grow diary

Last night i bottom fed 12cups
15ml bio grow per gal
12ml bio haven per gal
10ml cal mag per gal
6ml activera
Ph 6.4 ec 3.2 (500 scale)

I have been feeding around 2.5-2.6 but i figured it was hungry and i bumped it up. I am running a one size fits all regiment so it was probably a horrible idea to feed every plant the mix i think the one lime green plant needs. Well see over the course of a few days lol.
All my 3gal fab pots were bottom fed 8 cups and the only plant that got 12cups is the lime green purple kush that is in a 5gal fab pot.
It took hours for all the plants to soak up. Some were way faster than others… i didnt note which.

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Well the plant looks a little frazzled, and the conductivity might be a little high for it. Have you tested the plant before on EC 3+?

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Too bad to see all those problems arise. I had the same back when i grew organic and it drove me mad. It felt like growing blindfolded and the solution for me was switching to hydro and mineral nutriments. Since than i have had little to no issues growing.


Ive fed the plant 2.5-2.6 ec and it didnt burn up. I thought it was just a really hungry plant compared to all the others so i bumped up my cal mag and bio grow from last feed which resulted in 3.2 ec

hey if mixing salt based chemicals is too much work (and i hated it, i used flora nova so i didnt have to buffer ph) id like to invite you to my organic thread, it can shed some light on how to have a grow you just water with plain water for 3 weeks

Intro to organic cannabis growing with top dressing dry nutes 101 -

hopefully this helps, if you go cautious with the nutes you can have a decent sized, but valuable crop of organic marijuana

im posting updates every once in a while, i just fed my plants a meal and guano, i think bone meal, and theyve already grown an inch or so

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Its killing me watching it get worse and ive been upping the feed and it seems to just be gettting worse

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I would suggest that upping the feed might be the cause then. Especially when it involves leaves that crisp up quick like overnight crisp.

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The tips did crisp not in typical nute burn fashion.
It was this (is this textbook case of nute burn? I thought it was a solid brown tip working its way towards the base of the leaf?)

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Heres the full veg tent today. It has been almost a full 24 hours from when i gave them a 3.2 ec bottom fed at 6.4ph

There is plenty of curled leaves which is a sign of toxicity? Or overwatering from sitting in the fert mix saucer for hours soaking it up?
Rut roh raggy! (In my scooby doo voice)

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That’s what I would call the cusp of overdose.

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@JoeCrowe When you say the cusp of overdose do you mean the point where shits about to go south and i should get to flushing tonight?

Or i just barely skimmed by without toasting them?

I may have to bust out a back brace for a 9 plant flush at 7pm :joy:

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Naw they look fine and the claw formation should end soon. That’s when you are getting close to giving them too much the leaves get clawed. That plant that looks like crap might need a leeching though.

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Honestly if they needed a flush tonight they were gonna be on their own and have to live up to the name “weed” cause after today i might bust a cap in a plant if i have to flush 9 of them lol :joy::joy::joy:

You think I should flush it asap or let it dry back then flush ?

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I would flush it tonight then leave it for a few days. Like three and see how the new growth looks.


I’m unable to flush today so tomorrow I will definitely flush first thing after work. Thanks for lookin over this with an experienced eye @JoeCrowe i peeked into the unicorn gold party you got goin on over on your side and sheeeeeesh you got some goodies :fire:🪨 :rocket:

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Thanks for the props! I’ve been growing the same strain for 7 years to make that prize winning hash.

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You’re maybe ‘babysitting’ them too much .?!
That’s a lot of stuff ( good stuff, but it’s probably overkill. Lol.)
I hope this helps you somewhat …

The ‘soil’ i use is re-used for a lot of my growing - i take out a finished plant ( harvest it.) and stick another plant/clone from my veg area in the same soil/pot with some new soil on top ( not much. )

I have a ph meter etc but I don’t use it.

I haven’t used anything like that for years now, i only use Megacrop and some MPK & a dash of Epsom Salts now and then.

So, unintentionally i have an ‘almost organic’ perpetual grow - with no issues etc.

I hope this info can help you/someone who wants to grow simpler.
Also saving money on buying ‘soil’ for EVERY grow.
I don’t use tea’s nor anything similar either. :+1:.

Good luck with your next project…:crossed_fingers:
