Seeds to Weeds : Live & Learn Organic Edition👨🏼‍🌾📝

You will. Have a great one.

Here is some information you might find helpful.

This is too much info on grow environment
Grow environment section

Here is too much on soils
Soils and such section

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Banana of this morning.
Pots are pretty dry i will be watering today with 1/2 strength feed with decent run off to try and flush (in hopes it will help)

The banana og are in a tent that is 75f 35%rh and has good airflow. I have an inkbird coming today ao i can bump humidity. The humidity plus the flush will hopefully be the great reset im looking for

Also i think the 2x4s environment is playing a big role in this fuck up. My reveg clones i threw in there are not looking as happy as they were


Proud father moment for the veg tent tho


Veg tent looking stellar, my friend :seedling: I’m fond of that tall narrow leafed fellow.

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That be my island sweet skunk by @BigMike55
I really like the sativa pheno, i never grew a thin blades plant before and i will be taking it down a few nodes to lower the height and by doing that i will gain a clone (hopefully)

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They ARE looking very nice. Keep up your great work. Spectacular!

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Thanks bro im really learning as i go here so that means a lot

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When it rains it pours…
Can someone please tell me if this is mold or not? New fear unlocked. I am afraid all my healthy plants might get these gray patches if it is.
What should i do here guys?
@ReikoX @FirstCavApache64 @DirtySlowToes any knowledge on this bro?

Sorry for the tags guys having a mini heart attack

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It seemed to develop very fast. Within the last day it seems. Two tops

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Do you have these in a bathroom by any chance? Looks like magnesium deficiency but the dark colored areas could possibly be mildew? I’ve seen it happen to a couple different folks growing in spare bathrooms for some reason but no place else.

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Almost sure it’s not pm… but that doesn’t mean it’s not a mold. Did you spray those prior to moving them into the 4x2 where they didn’t get air? I’d still lean deficiency, like @FirstCavApache64 says…but they look really suspicious. And it’s spreading?

I’d probably pull a couple leaves if the plants can stand it, and maybe topdress with whatever slow/medium release fertilizer you have on hand while you feed em back up.


So i moved this out of my veg tent and put them in a spare 2x4. This is where everything went wrong. I didnt have a carbon filter in this tent, so for TWO days the plants sat in the tent after being watered in a 78f and very humid environment. It did have an oscillating fan blowing plenty of air tho. These plants sat in that environment for two days. After two days i unzipped the tent and i was blasted in the face with the smell of a dirty turtle tank (funky shit) and accompanying the intial blast was a a shit ton of humidity (no idea the rh) but there was visable puddles of water on the tent floor nothing major but enough for a few paper towels. I turned the tent i to a humidor for 2 days! I noticed gray spots on leaves and i removed them. Here is those gray spots from wednesday

Now the tent has an exhaust fan and is sitting at 75f and 35-40% rh (no more turtle tank smell or puddles but havoc ensues)

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Im not sure if the plant can stand it but i literally have nothing to lose but a bit of hope. Im so bummed out right now.

I have no idea if its spreading yet. I just noticed it today but it was not there Wednesday or even yesterday. I 100% would have noticed it im a drama king lol

Right on. Don’t panic! See where they are tomorrow. Give em consistency. Live slow, my friend :seedling:


Thanks for the kind words Toes
I seriously am working on it and these plants are really what helps me practice patience. I just beat myself up for everything. I sit here and tell myself a bunch of shoulda coulda wouldas until i get burnt out and exhausted mentally. Im really afraid of whatever this is jumping over to the plants that i recovered. I would lose it if that happened. Im a expect the worst hope for the best kind of guy and boy does it get exhausting.

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The plants in the 1 gal pots if they look sad the leaves are down, then they should probably be transplanted. I usually do the living soil thing with organics, where I add solid materials. Those plants are developing dark patches look high EC and probably are root bound. Check the roots in the bottom of the pot.

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I just transplanted from solo cups to the 1 gals 2 weeks ago. The roots didnt fill the solo cup like i was expecting them to in the first 14 days of life. Once they bit the 1 gal roots shot out the bottom immediately almost.

You think i should pop one or two out and take a pic of the roots?
If the roots arnt root bound i should be able to correct them in the 1 gals and build some root structure before i throw them in 3gal pots?

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I just transplant once into 5 gallon.

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The hash mac! I just was told about your unicorn gold thread. Some mind blowing shit on that there! Some day when i learn how to grow pot i aspire to make hash half as good as you :joy: i have so much to read still that is a great thread

I think i may have a slight grip on these banana ogs, i dont think there root ball filled the 1 gals yet. I could pop one out i suppose to check.
If they can withstand me fucking with them for 13 more days they will make it to 3-5 gal fabric pots based on how stoned i am and who i think looks the prettiest that day.

(3 Topped plant not banana og)

Heres the ladies today everyone

Upon further inspection :male_detective:t2:‍♂i noticed some major rust spots and light green growth on my purple kush. Thats my most important plant mane! I almost screamed like a girl when i seen the light green growth. That shit is the plant devil! Once a plant goes lime green im usually ready to throw a pair a boxin gloves at it and fight it cause it will not cooperate. Usually they go bugfuck stop growing or leaves rot away and shit. Okay im flashing back to the beginning of this thread sorry for the rambling everyone very stoned and falling asleep so i need to get this one off my chest before i pass out :sleeping::sleeping:

Heres some other shit i seen while i was climbing around in there

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