Seeds to Weeds : Live & Learn Organic Edition👨🏼‍🌾📝

ha hhah yah bud on a leaf, those are hilarious mutations!

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someone on here said its definitely not purple kush cause of the thin blade leaves. Said its most likly a bubba of sorts

Either way killer smoke and it has a good story in my house

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Yah good buds are good buds! Even if they happen to grow on a leaf :wink: This is my meat breath thugpug.

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I was just getting ready to ask you about meat breath bro thats crazy timing.

I just got a pack of meatbreath s1. I seen you said meatbreath has to be dialed in. Is it a heavy feeder? Whats the deal with it? Thug pug smoke is great and i dont want to pop them until i get all my practicing done lol

Heres some billys unicorn. My first thug pug grab


They are sensitive plants. I used to crisp up the leaves all the time by going to EC 3 during bloom transition. They hate temps above 22C. I’ve given clones to people who produced totally seeded buds. Those meatbreath will test your ability to grow :smiley:

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Ehh maybe ill save them for when i have more experience.

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It’s very rare to find someone who doesn’t like the flavor!


Lmao clean hospital is the last thing i would have thought😂

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I think it’s kind of piney and chemically, sort of like someone just scrubbed up a hospital room.

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You ever grow any other strains from thug pug?

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nope, definitely not! The meat breath and the big bud are the only brand names I’m growing right now.
Meat breath came from an LP in Calgary AB.

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You lost me there bro. Never heard that lingo before.

After i discovered og i realized name brand doesnt mean much.

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Oh yah in Canada we call them “Legal Producers” aka LP, and Calgary, Alberta is where they are located. It came from a pheno hunt project they did from a thousand plants. So… the rumors are told… I got it as part of a project to clean infested clones before putting them in the grow. They were pulsing with spider mites, aphids and thrips. I dug it out of its pot, scrubbed it off real good and put it into water culture. After it grew some side branches I cloned it and threw away the original clone. 4-5 years ago?

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Dang your a brave man! A damn spider mite project!?

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Day 1 flower
Moved a few plants around, did a lot of training after the pic!
Happy new year everyone!!


Happy New Year my friend!


Island sweet skunk, coral kush, purple kush
Watered plain water 2 times since the 3.2ec fert
Going back to ferting in the next 2 days

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Curious to see how i am going to balance these skunks alongside kush once the stretch jumps off. I doubt ill be able to maintain a even canopy and a net really isnt ideal because i need to pull each plant out to hand water.

Last round i used a net and it was vicious on my back. I got a sub pump and a shower head garden hose pole thing and that was okay. Might have to give that another go but i always over saturated with this method.

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If you have the space and height, tomato cages or the thick plastic stakes work well.

I’d also move whoever you expect to stretch the most to the middle where the light is most intense. It’ll help limit stretch but once they’re done you’ll probably want them on the outside again.


Yea bro theyre gonna give me a run for my money i can feel it lol!

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