Seeds to Weeds : Live & Learn Organic Edition👨🏼‍🌾📝

I gave these plants 2 plain waters since the 3.2 ec fert. I still see some slight clawing. What do you think guys i should fert or water again until the tips perk back up?

@JoeCrowe hey man what do you think? Im in the middle of mixing up a half strength mix for them but im gettin skeptical half way thru so i wanted to post the pics above and ask

Anybody please feel free to chime in. All advice is appreciated.
Just trying to see what everyone thinks before i go thru with half strength transitional nute mix

Following transplant section

Will bud ash raise ph like fire ash?


Time to test this theory on a small cup of water

Anybody know what can be bad about using bud ash if it did work?

Edit: it does raise ph! Wonder if there is any negatives to it?

What was the runoff EC level at after the leeching?

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I pussied out and just did plain water no run off. Overwatering ptsd.

Uhhh oh is this white mold?

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Looks like water scale to me.


Thats what i was thinking and hoping bro. I was spraying the fuck out of them until they rooted.

I did have 30 or so cutting sitting in a cup of water for the last week or so. Ive been topping the water off as it evaporates. I noticed some funky white shit so i freaked out tossed the cup of cuts. Then i seen this and couldn’t determine. The white shit on the cuts was mushy looking, not much but enough to notice.

Oh and i ferted the plants with the half strength transitional mix. 600ppm 1.2ec (500 scale)

Except the ugly purple kush which seems to be greening up with plain water. I gave that one plain water again for the 3rd time. Thinking maybe i did over fert it thats why its greening up now?


If you’re going to leave cuts in water you should try to replace the water daily to keep the oxygen high in the water. It will prevent the black slime rot and keep them from going bad.


Oh shit l didnt think of that. Thanks man! I was planning on keeping them until my plugged cuts rooted but i tossed everything that wasnt rooted once i seen some whte slime on the stem.

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There’s a great thread on here about keeping cuts in the fridge for weeks and then rooting them later.
I can’t find the one I remember but Budderton is who I heard about from and here’s a link to where he talks about it.


I think your feed schedule might be a little aggressive. I give mine a fresh dose every 2 weeks.


Yea i definitely agreee man im still toyying with dialing it in. I cut it in 1/2, if not it can go super high ec following the chart

Thanks ! @Budderton on there says he puts cuts in a sealed ziplock bag with no moisture I’ll definitely have to give that a shot cause he said he is getting 7-8 weeks routinely :exploding_head: @FirstCavApache64
Thats awesome


“Live & Learn…” HA ha ha ha. That could be my motto, at this point.

There’s lots of great information being shared in this thread. Thanks to all the experienced growers for contributing their expertise, in the best spirit of OG.

@seeds2weeds , your plants are coming along very nicely IMHO. I don’t have much to offer in terms of constructive suggestions. Based on my admittedly limited experience, I would echo @Gaz29’s comments about avoiding the temptation to “babysit” the plants too much. That has been something I’m learning, anyway.

The simpler, the better. We want to make these plants the best they can be, but sometimes paying too close attention to every little flaw can backfire. (Take my advice with a grain of salt, though. I’m still living and learning myself…) :+1:


Glad you chimed in! I needed to hear those kind words! My new routine is to water and back off and not even look in the tent for at least a day then i peek and then one more day and its time to water again. Any slight imperfection i see on a leaf causes a lump in my throat. Totally unnecessary to feel that way. Im working on accepting things as is and trying to actually understand vs freaking out.

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Why a 6.0 ph if im in soil?
My last run i did this and a lot of people said i should be watering in at 6.5

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Coral kush @Andrane

Island sweet skunk @BigMike55

Day 5f
Kush :deciduous_tree: & :skunk: just how i like it :sunglasses: