Seeds to Weeds : Live & Learn Organic Edition👨🏼‍🌾📝

When giving pH 6.0 the plant can uptake more iron and nitrogen.

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Looking great!

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Thanks bro!

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Keep it up :grinning:


I plan to bro, its frustrating sometimes but its all worth it in the end. (Growing in general as a noob)
How was the pink kush smoke in this cross? Ive never tried pink kush before


The Pink kush is really nice. I like it. It is what I’m smoking right now from my outdoor grow this year.


Im running low on buds so im super excited to get to try this kush and skunk.


They look very healthy now, glad to see you tackled the issue!


Thanks bro! Hopefully i can make it thru flower nice and smooth now lol

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Watered with LABS today.
3tbs labs to 5gal water. Was gonna do 5tbs but i didnt feel like running back to fridge after i found out i only had 3tbs.
This will be the 4th time the Sickly PK got water. Hopefully the labs frees up whatever nutrients is left in the soil and when i get back to ferting it doesnt go lime green again

Tents gettin pizzacked !


What Rh is everyone running at during flower? After watering and lights up rh shot up to 65. 50 is where we wanna be right? Then towards the end of flower like 40% rh?

@DirtySlowToes what rh do you run during flower?

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Day 21 leaf strip should seriously help with the 65% rh spike at night.

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Those are looking great, man! Filling out and getting bushed. Praying :pray:t2: watering those back plants all stretched out doing the limbo :crazy_face: unless you pull em all out

I usually let it float for the first 3 weeks…up to like 60-65% but after week three I keep it firmly at 50-55% during day and 45-50% at night. 80/72 temps lights on/off.

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Thanks bro! Im gonna keep it at 55rh from here on out since its such a bush in there. Hopefully that dont matter.

Sadly i pull them all out but as long as i aint fuckin around i can have the job done within the hour lol

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I like it much better when you can pull them all out. I’ve just found myself doing some crazy shit to water hard to reach plants when I don’t have that luxury. Hell yeah. :seedling: 50-55 sounds perfect to me. Can’t wait to see what comes outta here

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Me too bro super excited!
Last round i did yoga watering. Never again lol

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Looks like the girls loved the LABS water.

Kush is coming back to life.

This island sweet skunk from @BigMike55 is a damn beast i wish i never traded my last 5 beans🤦🏻‍♂️

Last but not least coral kush leading the pack with early flower development. Its got little tiny buds forming on all the plants.

This 800w mars hydro should do better than lasts rounds 450w. I got a lot of larf and bull shiz buds last round. Me and gpop are already hitting the dispo, we need headstash!!! :exploding_head:

Fert day tomorrow
Have a great night everyone.


I have some more when you need them.
She is a beautiful plant. Wait till you try some of her flowers. Humina, humina.


Thanks ill be sure to hold onto that offer @BigMike55.

Are you completely done with iss or do you still have some going?
I remember you saying they were from federation seeds, i looked them up and it looks like the team split up and some went on to next generation seeds? I seen an island sweet skunk on there but it looked nothing like the frosty beauts you posted.


I do not have one going right now. I retired the mother. But she will most definitely be grown again. By me. I love that plant. And her wonderful flowers. So good.
No I wanted to try some different strains for a change up. ISS will live again. Guaranteed.