Seeds to Weeds : Live & Learn Organic Edition👨🏼‍🌾📝

Day 10f
Light is set between 640-700 depending on canopy height.
Light is on 65-70%
Im running out of buds im down to pure larf and shake. Dispo run coming soon


Time for some FUN! And by fun i mean were gonna buy this dehumidifier and shove it in the 5x5 and plug it into the inkbird and hope it brings my rh down to 50-55% during lights off. Well have this bad boy just in time for the weekend!

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Okay so that fuckin thing is getting returned. Waste of time. I put my big humidifier in the tent. I really hope it doesnt overheat the tent

Day 12f
Heres the ladies today budding up


@TricycleOfDoom hey brother. I totally forgot to tag you here. 2/3 of my tent is thanks to you! Thanks for the coral kush win you passed off to me and the kannabia purple kush beans!
The pk are the middle plants (this pics from a few days ago)


Temperature and humidity are linked due to the fact it’s relative humidity. When lights out happen and it cools off the humidity will increase. I have one set for 45% at all times. The plants themselves are humidity generating power houses due to the fact their entire life cycle is moving water up through the roots into the stalk and out through the leaves.


Looking good. :green_heart:

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RH battles are frustrating. I’m in the low end every winter, when the house hovers 25 to 35%.

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So far so good with the dehumidifier in the tent I have it on the ink bird set to kick on at 58RH and drop it down to 55 RH
So far so good it seems to be kicking on every few minutes. Not sure if that’s bad for the machine or not but we’ll see.

In the summer I had high temps and high humidity so I couldn’t use this dehumidifier in the tent. Well, I may be wrong because I tried to stuff it in the 2 x 4 lol
I still got to see if it’ll work in the summer in the 5 x 5 lol


Thanks bro how’s everything on your end?

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Pretty good. Wife and I are in Toronto for the weekend doing some sightseeing. Forgot to water my plants before leaving but the should be ok. I at least remembered to dial back the light dimmers to 3/4 yesterday, which should help. :crossed_fingers:

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Oh no i would be in panic mode

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Day 14f
Fert day. Lights just cut on when i took pics. (Damn led yellow tint, at least one came thru correct.)

Well ive been having a rollercoaster of a weekend.
My dog sliced his paw open pretty bad and he has a gash on it, i got it packed with triple antibiotic cream and wrapped with guaze. He also has a bad ccl and he is limping on his right leg and sliced his left foot. Poor dog just wants to run around and have fun but shit always happens to his back legs 99% of the time its his ccl but this time it was a chunk of metal in the field. Hes only 4 man he loves to be outdoors and exploring and running around. Its ashame he has had bad knees from birth i guess he was a pup when i found him and started limping shortly after


not playing devil’s advocate here. genuinely curious as i have been seeing this mentioned more than once on this forums. what is the logic behind stripping all (stemmed) leaves at day 21 of flower?
are you trying to illicit a specific stress response from the plant?

also i have seen mentioned where day 21 is the best opportunity to attempt to pollenate the females. is there some correlation between the two day 21 points?

grew this out last summer. it’s quite nice. i think the most notable thing about it was not an overwhelmingly powerful high, but it LASTED for a long time. very relaxing. smoke was tasty… earthy, incense, floral. scents after cure are floral and incense. this one was consistantly one of the most healthy plants in the garden. i grew 2 other purple kush cuts with it. kannabia was hands down the winner in the purple kush-off.


I have no idea i just followed the bro science last run and it worked out pretty good i guess you could strip in veg but in my case i didnt strip as much as i would like. Now im not sure whats the best case and i also hear day 21 so i just followed the trend. Bad idea but it worked out once before for me.


lol… ok. appreciate the candor.
there are several others here who swear by this technique. just wanted to understand the reasoning.

just going to have to keep an eye on y’all 21 day (leaf) strippers…


Lol feel free to stop by anytime bro. Im just living and learning. Im not very experienced or experimental yet, i mostly just do what the “instructions” say.

How about you? Do you prune everything thats in the way before flip?


i prune as i see fit. in veg and flower. open up light and ventilation as needed every 2-3 weeks. i am typically doing topping, LST, supercropping to keep things short and bushy (sativa leaners don’t always comply). pruning is necessary to let light in to lower developing branches. i never pull all the leaves. just the ones that are in the way of light or ventilation.

same for both outdoor and in. moreso with inside. stationary lights and all.




Looking great, my man! How have these cold weathers been treating you?

@Til_Valhalla on the 21 day thing, it’s definitely just a guideline and nothing solid. From what I’ve been taught, 21 days and you’re usually done with whatever stretch there may be and it allows you to better shape what you want your plant to look like when it’s finished. Most offshoots and lowers will have pretty much done what they’re going to do so it’s a good time to go in and create the frame you want the plant to grow into during those last weeks. This becomes more and more important the more plants you have in a space. Predictable plant growth, baby. That’s the goal on a large scale. For a lot of homegrowers it’s not quite as important - just a guideline :man_shrugging:t2: my two cents as a ‘21 day stripper’

Sorry to hear about your dog, seeds. :disappointed: It sucks to see the friends in pain


Thanks bro! We just got hit with a few inches of snow but my area is pretty stable its anywhere from 71-75 depending on lights on or off.
Theyre drinking a decent amount, 10cups every 3 days