Seeds to Weeds : Live & Learn Organic Edition👨🏼‍🌾📝

thanks for your response DST. appreciate you.

hmm… i hadn’t considered it being the end stretch period. but that also seems to be when you reduce the amount of N your giving and boost the P and K.

makes sense. thanks.


Water day today! Pics will be dropping in a few hours!
The buds are budding and its already day 17f. Boyyyy does time fly when you have enough headstash to make it all the way thru veg.

Its not a good feeling when youre running to the dispo, forking out cash for grow supplies, plants are sickly, etc anyways im glad were out of that situation for now and can focus on these kickass plants that i got going now!


…Rooting for you @seeds2weeds – and for your poor dogo to heal quickly so he can get back to runnin’ round like a good boy should!

It’s nice to see those plants thriving. Nice that the dehumidifier fits in the tent too. Things are on the up and up! :+1:


The doggo is quite the trooper. Were changing out his guaze wrapping 2 times a day and so far so good. Its a real shame he just wants to live a dogs life but them damn back legs always end up limping after a good running around the yard. Especially if he is chasing something.

Now out of no where he cuts his foot open with an almost 1 inch gash. All the while he is limping on his uncut foot.

Thanks for rooting for me. My gpop and i really need this head stash so we can start saving our spare money instead of giving it to the dispo pigs.
we spend 10k± a year on smoke.

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Forgot to post pics yesterday. Didnt get done watering plants til 9pm. I dont think im going to run 9 plants next round, maybe 7 to lessen the time i spend watering. I swear i can get caught up and stuck in the tent for hours. I need to stop fuckin around and do the “get in and get out” approach that way i can litfa and have family time after work.
Anyways heres the pics

I noticed the one coral kush bud site has a bunch of singed orange hairs not sure whats up with that


Coral kush and island sweet skunk clones for next round coming along nicely!

My 2016 purple kush clones went from perky and great to droopy and discolored on fan leafs. Also has purple stem. I transplanted them into roots organic 707 25 days ago. I only fed them one time so far and that was with a cup of bloom oriented nutes for my flower tent about a week ago. They wont perk back up im afraid to let them dry back too far but thats the only thing i havnt tried yet. Trying to get used to the 707 soil dry back

Ive seen these marks on my banana ogs that i just had to axe 5 of. I thought it was mood when i seen it for the first time. I couldnt get the banana ogs back on track and i still have one im attempting to bring back. Hopefully this doesnt wreck my purple kush clones. These are very important to me. Im going to go in with 1/4 strength veg nutes in a few days and see how they react.


I would say that’s a nutrient thing. The plants usually look sad when they get root bound or the nutrient levels drop off below .5EC ish depending on size. As long as excess moisture can drip out of the bottom of the pot and the pot isn’t sitting in a puddle all the time, over watering is a really low risk.


Hmm then maybe its not overwatering because this roots organic 707 soil drains super well.
The top soil dries out really quick but its still kind of moist a few inches down.

0.5ec is a good place to start off nutrient wise ?


That kind of dose shouldn’t shock them, that’s for sure. Might be a little low, but it definitely won’t be too much.


Ill mix up a 1/2 strength batch and test the ec and if its too high ill just cut it with water.

As for the droop, if its not overwatering what could it be?

This things have had a super rough start, they were nice little buds that i revegged in used soil and didnt give any nutrients what so ever for 1.5 months. I started giving them mild doses of veg nutes and they greened up and took off but now theyre running out of gas it looks like. Im thinking they could grow a lot more in them 1gal plastic pots but maybe its time for a transplant? time will tell


If it’s been a long time and it was a mild dose, they probably ran out. If they don’t respond you can transplant one and see what the roots look like.


Sounds good thanks @JoeCrowe. Its always nice to see the hash mac stop by and kick some knowledge :love_you_gesture:t2:


Awesome day today!
My boss knows i love to ride my quad in the snow and let me leave at 2pm so ive been tearing up my neighborhood for the last 2 hours. Had to tighten up the chain and gas er’ up. Ouuuu the lovely smell of 2stroke. Doggo stopped by cause he too loves the snow and he somehow ended up with a water bottle lol. I think he stashed it out there yesterday. His foots healing up pretty nice and hes been prettt much unfazed even when he was gushing blood all over the yard. Hes a hard headed dog just like his dad lol

Anybody else get snow?


Here’s today’s mix pics dropping soon


Well not the kind of pics i expected to post…
I did some day 20 stripping and i found some nuts guys. Nuts on a chick is never cool.

My coral kush #4

I found plenty of other sacs on lowers that i also cut off that did not bloom yet. This bloomed sac actually had visible pollen go airborne when i cut it off. (Ikik water spray but i was so frustrated and upset i just wanted it gone)

My skunk had some seeds forming i found also

Anyways heres the tent guys


Now the early orange hairs make sense….
I was in a rush but i checked over the rest and didnt see anymore balls.

Whats my worst case scenario here? A shit ton of seeds or just a few possibly? Ive heard of others having issues with pollen being accepted but i see a few seeds already


Gonna keep my chin up and keep moving forward.
No hard feelings


You seem to have caught it pretty early! Just keep an eye out, but expect a few seeds. It’s hard to catch em all, man. I do know the frustration. May not end up that bad, time will tell.


L&L bro
Live and learn.
I definitely learned that if I’m seeing orange pistols early and then I’m finding seeds forming most likely means there’s a herm nearby.
When I seen the seeds for me today, I told my gpop there has to be a ball somewhere. Then I found a plant with balls, and I told him one of these balls must’ve opened. by the end of the watering, I said, checked out one of the balls and sure enough some buds have been pollinated. That’s why I’m seeing seeds and orange hair this early. Or at least thats what i think i learned.
I look forward to learning how many seeded buds will show in the end from one/a few sacs.

I checked every other plant and I really only think it’s the one coral Kush that has balls I’m not gonna kill it I’m just gonna keep an eye on it every three days when i water and take it from here.

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Not sure why these pk clones are so droopy and u happy looking. I still never fed them yet i let them dry out a few more days and everything is pretty much the same still.

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