Seeds to Weeds : Live & Learn Organic Edition👨🏼‍🌾📝

You know I’m always like feed feed feed! Lol but have you calibrated your pH pen lately? Its my go to when I’m scratching my head and things should be right.

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Yea i just got a brand new one recently cause my last took a shit. Ill double check the calibration at some point today. I just fed them fuckers with 0.8ec veg mix. 1.5 cups each with run off, this roots organic original drains reallly well. Like REALLY well, i kinda wanna see what the 707 is like.

A sad clone

Bonus shot of the flower tent yesterday

Coral kush is budding along nicely despite the herm plant. I got some purple island sweet skunk coming through, of course i didnt take a clone of this one lol


Transplant the sad clones, they haven’t really responded to the nutrient dose, so it could be root spin, root bound, whatever you wanna call it.

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Hey @JoeCrowe i just finally gave them some nutes yesterday. I was waiting on them to dry back a bit before watering again. Im just gonna transplant them tomorrow cause i cant see the nutes bouncing them back. They been in these 1gals for 29 days. I was only supposed to keep them in there for 2-3 weeks tops

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Seems to fit the description. Transplanting tomorrow or today

I wonder if i killed 5 of my banana ogs due to this cause it looks like its following their footsteps. I have one banana og that made it to showing its female parts and it finally got transplanted im really hoping it snaps out but its not looking like the transplant is making a difference cause i let it go too far.

This is my first time flowering and vegging at the same time so im slacking a bit

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I did some thinking today. So if my feminized coral kush threw some sacs and hermed does that count as fem pollen? So in theory any seeds that are formed will be fem seeds with a tendency to herm themselves? Not planning on harvesting any of these seeds just wondering

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From my limited experience, herms that produce S1 seeds just generate more herms just like the original. Feel free to test it though, I only made that mistake once.

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Thats what i was thinking as well. Definitely not experimenting until the headstash permits it lol

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Today is water day
Im gonna be eyeballing these fuckers reaaaaaaaaaaaal good today. I only found one opened pod 3 days ago. So today i need to really check everyone really good and make sure there is no balls left.

When can i stop worrying and checking? Cant it still throw nanners in late flower if its a herm?

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Herms will continually toss out flowers. If there was just an “Incident” that triggered it, then it’ll go back to normal with no additional sacks.

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Damn… i really would hate to chop this plant… i would also really hate to isolate it by itself. I guess ill just keep a really close eye and if i get fed up ill chop it

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Seeing some orange hairs if i look really hard on day 23… bummer

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I always dose the herm into the compost. They are the ones that form pollen sacks in the first few weeks!

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Yea this lady threw sacs within the first few weeks. I caught it on day 20.
What do you think @JoeCrowe ?
Should i toss this bitch or should i pay close attention.
Only reason i would consider keeping is cause i have no bud in the head stash and im blowing thru dispo halfs. Also this would be 1/9 of my harvest. Doesnt really sound that bad now (1/9)

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It’s up to you but I terminate with extreme prejudice. Nothing like getting all your sensi buds funked up with lame popcorn tasting hermie seeds. I hate that.

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If a pollen sac opened already that mean the damage is already done or the damage is just beginning?
Since one sack opened does that mean everything’s pollinated like brick weed full of seed pollinated? If so, I’ll probably just keep it.

Shit this is a hard decision after all this time lol

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It’ll probably get worse over time as more pollen is unleashed.

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Thanks, Joe.
One more question. So its 100% going to continuously release pollen sacs? Is there any cases where you removed the sacs and all is good?

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Only if the male flower productivity was triggered by something like light poisoning, would it go back to normal. Based on what you said, though, it seems like it’s going to keep producing pollen sacks due to the fact it formed in the first few weeks. That’s when the herms pop out pollen sacks, after the buds are established. Usually I see tiny pollen sacks forming within 15 days. That’s when I trash it.

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Good to know. So this plant is in the back corner of the tent buried by 8 other plants. If there was a light leak i really think it wouldnt be this one. Thanks joe im gonna trash it :disappointed_relieved: