Seeds to Weeds : Live & Learn Organic Edition👨🏼‍🌾📝

Flower tent looking nice, my man. :metal:t2:

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Thanks bro!

I know i just transplanted these not even 2 days ago and im already looking for change lol. But what the hell is this issue? Why do i keep running into it? What do i need to stop it? What do i need to prevent it?
Once i answer those questions ill be golden. Ive never had this kind of issue during veg until now. Once it happened to my banana og plants it seems like anything i try to veg mimics the same issue the banana og had.
Usually im having droop/wilt/some yellowing but this is different


Idk what the hell i was thinking yesterday but i fed my veg plants the left over flower mix🤦🏻‍♂️ clones and all. Everything but the sickly 2 got a dose of flower nutes. Damn i do some obviously wrong shit and dont realize til later lol

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That looks like a flush and dim the light and leave it alone situation to me! As in lockout for some reason. But others may chime in.

Did the plants that got the flower feed react poorly?

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I just fed the flower feed last night on some stoned shit thinking it was veg nutes. Ask me how I couldn’t tell you lol. We’ll see how they all react. Darn pot plants lemme tell ya :facepunch:t2: rattles fist

Garlic cookies takin their first steps

Purple kush Clones that hate me

3 month old iss runt/mutant in a 1gal pot, definitely going to uppot and see what it do

A nacho and el sapo banana og f4
Good thing there is more out there i had to chop 5 of them due to not being able to keep them happy like the pk clones are currently looking now but these just spiraled out of control and i had to move forward.


I would watch the new growth on those plants. They do seem to be sprouting new leaves!

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On the pk clones?

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Yep, I’d keep an eye on them for a couple days, see how the new growth shoots are doing.

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You think i should water in plain water or low feed when it dries back?

This roots organic original isn’t supposed to hold any major nutes, i also watered in a little heavy on transplant so i know thats not helping.

Arghhh i need this two to make it, at least one for the long run for clones. This plant is very special to me cause of my gpop

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Probably a low EC feed would work. It doesn’t seem like they are overdosed.

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Sounds good thanks joe

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Just watered 4 cups into all 3gal veg plants at .08ec.
We shall see how they react

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Angry clones today


@Andrane coral kush
Very sweet smell for a kush. Literally smells like some kind of candy when you get some stickyness on your finger


2 untested garlic cookies fems doing some weird stuff.


First time pulling the trigger on a pack of seeds in over a year. After hearing about deathstar its something i feel i need to grow. Well anyways here goes nothing. I wont be able to get to this for a while but at least i know ill have them. I need to run some rainbow brite for @DEFSeeds and some crafty gear for @Crafty_Flame and then I will pop these deathstars. Hopefully someone does a reproduction of deathstar. I hear its the most stinky dopest dope around. We shall see in the future


When do orange hairs start popping up for your guys???

If orange hairs show between week 3-4 is that from pollination most likly?


Upon further inspection of last nights photo posted above i noticed these green “seed” like things growing on the bud based on the pic. Im at work for another 8 hours and i cant fucking wait to run to this bud and inspect it with my own eyes. Fucking pollen man i swear im gonna be soooooo bummed out if all my buds are full of seed. I can deal with a few but my negative nancy brain is just imagining fully seeded bud with no potency.
Once again time will tell


Another question. Day 32f
When my buds have little discolored fan tips that is beginning signs of nute burn?

Yellow lower fans

Im confused cause there is some yellowing lower fan leafs and i am done pushing nitrogen as of six days ago. So how are they burnt? My last feed was 1.8 ec, i fert them every 6 days with a watering inbetween at every 3 days. Its only the skunks also so im thinking they dont need as much feed as the kushes.
I want to try and replace it today’s fert with plain water, but with the lower fan leaves yellowing I am unsure if that is what I should do