Seeds to Weeds : Live & Learn Organic Edition👨🏼‍🌾📝

You got rid of the triploid garlic cookies! :worried: Thats a somewhat rare mutation that generally makes the plant produce more. Many people look for those things and hope for it.


Wow im sorry bro i feel horrible now. I just didnt seem to be growing normal so i got scared and the other one wasnt growing im sorry man


It’s all good buddy. Live and learn. Hoping for the best in your growing adventures!


Triploid means it has three sets of chromosomes, not that it has three leafs. That’s called whorled phylotaxy.


Thank you sir!


My bad. Goofed up on the terminology. Still the 3 cotyledons mutation seems to produce more. My point was that it’s not something to destroy. Again sorry that the info was off. I was kinda flustered yesterday.

Here is some info on some cannabis mutations. Thought it might help out you @seeds2weeds. Just incase you come across some cool stuff later on in your growing adventures!


Thanks guys

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Day 34f


Well this morning i mixed up some nutes and this is the first mix without any biogrow (nitrogen) and the feed chart says to run the biogrow (nitrogen) all the way through flower. Im not sure if i should drop it or keep it involved. Biogrow is 3-0-7 so it should definitely help with flower.

Hell with it im gonna add it even tho i said im done with it

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You could also just give some of the plants biogrow and some not, to see what happens.


Im usually super tight on time so i run a one size fits all regime. Thats not the smartest thing to do but its definitely easier on me and the home life. I already had to make some rules for myself cause i literally would spend hours on hours in the tent lol.

That being said it wouldnt be the death of me to mix a batch and split it then add biogrow to the half for the yellowing plants. Hmmmmm

Next round im going to go full strength on the biogrow thru veg and maybe even add some slow release N amendments to the pot to prevent n def in flower.

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Well after 5 attempts to post pictures i finally give up. Ill post yesterdays pics later on if i remember

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I got my fingers crossed guys. I got 2 island sweet skunks and the purple kush with all white hairs stills. But all 3 coral kush and 1 island sweet skunk are covered in orange hairs. So my guess/hope is that ill have 2 skunks and a kush with no seed (fingers fuckin crossed)

I wonder why the pollen makes the hairs turn orange so quick. Im guessing the trichomes will still mature as normal?


Good morning whoever is out there.

Considering taking a clone in thru another member. Any thing to be on the look out for? Do you guys quarantine clones? Spray them? Any advice would be greatly appreciated so i can minimize the risk of infestation

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Quarantine and wash the plant. Inspect daily for bugs! Mildew is always a possibility as well. So if you have an ultraviolet flashlight, you can inspect for it.

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Just ordered a uv flashlight. Any special “wash” you recommend?

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I just use water, but you could add some kind of surfacant to break surface tension. Make sure anything you add isn’t oil based because you can also add some sulfur to the water, if you want to eradicate mildew as well. Once you dip the plant into the death brew it has a reasonable chance of killing everything off.

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Hmmmm so tap water, few drops of dawn. I dont have any sulfure that i can remember, ill have to check my shelf.
The only sulphur product i have is potassium sulfate and it is 17.5% sulphur

Edit… no dawn… It is oil based.

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I don’t know if I’d use dawn that stuff is deadly. Eventually get some sulfur from the store for killing mildew. The shit dies easy if you have some elemental sulfur!

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Aint that the goal here lol just kidding😂
But seriously my old mentor who went mia told me to add a few drops of dawn dishsoap when doing epsom salt foliars to help it stick. Idk im a noob so i just did it but im not doing it anymore lol.

Gonna do some homework on where to get some yucca extract or some other organic surfactant that is cheaper hopefully. Also need to look into this elemental sulphur more. Can it be pellet? Is there any specific brands u recommend or am i just looking for a certain sulphur % in the ingredients?

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