Seeds to Weeds : Live & Learn Organic Edition👨🏼‍🌾📝

I have to make more. I wonder if i can do it in winter, my house isnt very warm like when it was last july when i made it


Just takes longer is all. It should be fine tho. In the summers it’s much quicker.

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Im constantly washing rice here i wonder how much labs i skipped out on making over the year lol.


Same. Every time I see someone washing rice im thinking should I grab that? :rofl:

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Im sure you know this already but apparently blackstrap unsulfured molasses is the way to go.

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My job goes thru about 2-3 lbs (at least) of coffee grounds a day im always wondering should i snag this shit up? But i dont even use coffee grounds in my gardening yet lol


Ya I haven’t found a place for coffee grounds yet I’m sure they are good for something. :rofl:

I’ll bet @Rhino_buddy would know a good use for coffee grounds in the world of labs.


I heard its good for alkaline soil, mix some grounds in to make it more acidic

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You rock @Kasper0909 ! Thanks to tagging me.

@seeds2weeds is right! I add coffee grounds to my blueberries because they want that acidic soil. I just top dress them and water it. All the excess grounds just go into my compost and it works great in there.


I used to try to top dress my cannabis with it for nitrogen, but they don’t all like that. Probably too acidic. 🤷

Oh… Another thing we use them for is, lay it around areas around my old foundation where pests can get in. It’s good at deterring mice and ants and such. :+1:


Ah nice! I knew you’d have a stellar answer! We throw so many away, gonna have to put them to use. :call_me_hand:


Welcome @Rhino_buddy
My gpop uses plenty of coffee grounds in his outdoor garden. I believe he makes a compost tea with scraps and ferments it then waters in into the ground, ill have to ask him to make sure exactly.


That’s sounds perfect! I love knowledge passed down. It’s such a lost way. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I need to get back into the compost tea game. I’m not a fan of the funk, but when it overcomes the hump to the sweet smell, I can deal with it. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Lmao neither of us know what were doing dont let us fool ya😂 we just got into gardening and we both just wing it and it works or don’t lol

It does smell like hot swamp ass when hes mixing that stuff up


day 52f shots


Look how different these damn feed charts are. Dang bruh


They changed shit up big time. Ive been going off the chart on my left at 1/2 strength this run. Idk if im gonna follow the new updated chart. It seems like they are trying to get me to use more of everything… business tactic or something they actually recommend? Ill never know

Going from 8ml per gal to 18ml per gal is a bit sus to me

Veg tent this morning. Its been 3 days since i watered but my pk looks a bit droopy.
Pots have some weight to them but the soil is not saturated.
I mixed up a feed for later on today for both the veg tent and flower tent. Wow as i typed this i realized i mixed flower nutes for the fucking veg tent again! ARGHHHHHHH! 100ml of nutes and 3gals of water wasted (maybe not). I lowkey want to feed it to them anyway. Hmmm…


biobloom and topmax were accidentally mixed into my veg mix cause im a stoner overthinker who watches dmx interviews while mixing nutes.

Biobloom is 1-2-2
Topmax is 0.2-0-0.1
Ec is 1.4 and it was only 1.3 last feed without the accidental flower nutes.

Ive done this once before and im going to do it again. Wish me luck ladies and gentleman.
Am i overthinking? Most likly!
Will it kill me? I sure hope not!?

Now let me take a second to shout out @BigMike55 again for making these island sweet skunk fem beans and shout out to @JohnnyPotseed for spreading them out! Without yall two there would be no iss here in my garden! Love this plant