Seeds to Weeds : Live & Learn Organic Edition👨🏼‍🌾📝

Sounds good ill slurry test it tomorrow to try and see whats going on. What do you use to test your ec? My meter only goes up to 3.5ec i believe.

Is ec going to always be significantly higher in organic grows compared to salt grows?

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I don’t think the EC should be higher, and the high conductivity was not helping, that’s for sure. My meter starts to flash wildly on the final LED light when the EC is above 3.8 or something like that.

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Small island sweet skunk tester nug taken at day 55f was dried out with a fan over 2 days and it smoked decent for being dried with a fan over a couple days.Nice stone, if i had a bit more i would be blasted i bet. i cant wait to see what day 70 brings. :exploding_head:


Cutting dead sugar leaves out of my kannabia purple kush. Not feeling comfortable letting these things rot into the buds with 12 more days left.

I learned that i cant cut these ones out after chomping the hell out of a bud for one and i dont wanna try doing that again


Damn bruh veg tent is so overcrowded!
12 more days little ladies! Thinking maybe i should veg in my 4x4 next round… just this 2x4 runs at half the cost

Oh and heres some uglies i got off the kannabia purple kush. This plant smells amazing, very peppery.


Veg tent perking up around 16 hours after last nights watering

Pk clones looking a bit rough, i dont think me going thru with the flower nutes helped any but hey theyre still there so thats what counts

I should have made my name imbadatpot


Went and got a half o from dispo of apple fritter x runtz and i found 5 beans in my half. Im not sure i wanna play with these assuming they are from a herm.

There was several (i guess 5 lol) small buds with 1 seed in it. How else would seeds get in a bud in a med run facility?

Veg tent going ham, 8 more days til then move into their new apartment.

This one iss clone looks to be developing a deficiency of some sort


Banana og f4 buried by plants

Pk clones have showed roots! Gonna pick a mom and flower some out round after the next. I still need to test for someone and jeez is it hard to make room once you finally figure out how to get the ball rolling


How long can I leave clones in plugs once roots show?
Is it best to plant them as soon as you see some roots?
How long have you guys waited to plant a clone after it showed roots?

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This plant went super yellow over the last 2 days.
How would 1/3 clones go yellow if they all get the same treatment? The only literal difference is that the yellow one is in a 5 gal. Updated pics coming later


Looks like a micronutrient deficiency. The clones don’t clone as well from depleted plants, they clone best from super healthy ones.


Sorry for the confusion joe, i didnt clone this plant, this plant is 1 of 3 clones. Only this 1 clone is looking wrecked and the other 2 are fine. All have been given the same routine.

Also joe how long have you kept a clone in a plug after it starts showing roots?
I know i can get away with 1-2 days, not sure how far i can push it. Reason is im sick as a dog and have no energy to shovel dirt into a solo cup


They can stay in there as long as they look like they are trying to grow. If they look like they are starving out, they need to be planted or dosed with a really low EC water.


Thanks bro


Did you chop the Coral Kush yet?

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No sir i will be chopping on satruday at day 68

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Heres the island sweet skunk clones, all from the same mom.
Does this still look like a micronutrient issue now that i got some better pics@JoeCrowe
You got any advice on how to treat a micronutrient issue?

The yellowing clone has all purple stems, where the other 2 healthy clones have green stems


Oh and heres my banana og. This plant hates me and i might hate it too but i wont chop it i must see some banana og buds with my own eyes!!


The one with the purple stems seems kind of starved out to me. The banana OG has some decent new growth. Look for the bottle with zinc or iron in there. Those are the micros.


I did accidentally feed flower nutes around 9 days ago,
This is what it looked liked 9days ago before i fed the tent flower nutes by accident.

Ive watered plain water twice since then and i was going to water plain water once more.

I dont think i have any bottles with iron, but i do have fox farm root drench and that has zinc.
Off to google a organic bottled nute that contains iron and zinc thanks👍🏻