Seeds to Weeds : Live & Learn Organic Edition👨🏼‍🌾📝

I got some microbe blast by earthjuice en route eta 3-4 days. Gonna hit the yellow clone with some root drench by fox farm while i wait

Wondering if too high ec cause this?


You can test and see if there is high EC with slurry test, but I’m leaning towards low EC as the culprit.

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arghh i guess this pheno got prettt bad nute burn


wow, do you know what the conductivity is at?


Its only this one plant that got burnt up this bad. Everyone has been getting the same feed. Last feed was 1.5ec on day 55f.

Just flipping thru my notes over the last few weeks im seeing feeds of 1.9ec, 1.8ec, 1.2ec. Prettt much everything in between. Im watering every 3 days and feeding every other water (water, feed, water, feed)

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@JoeCrowe ive been following biobizz feed chart at half strength and it looks like the shit runs a little hot.
I got tip burn on almost every plant now that im looking at it. The one in the pics above is the most burnt plant in the tent.


Slurry test complete. The ugly plants slurry test came back at 7.4ph and 0.3ec.

Good call joe i just fed her 8 cups of 1.8ec feed


That PH is really high as well. IT would probably be better near 6.5


Yea i water in at 6.4 im not sure how it got that high. I guess i can water in with 5.5 water and see if the soil ph changes with slurry test after a few waterings? Whats the best move here to get the ph in line in a 3 gal pot?

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Ive had this happen on a previous grow where a plant just went like green purple stemmed and stunted growth. I did a soil test and the ph was super alkaline like this plant. Only thing is i never figured how to adress the issue and i let the plant go til harvest and got 7g off it :joy:

You think it would be a good idea to topdress coffee grounds/peat moss? Or should i water in low ph water like 5.5ph for a few waterings then slurry test again?

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You will probably want to change the ph by .5 and what I do is put the meter in the soil, see what it is, then I add the ph down and put the meter back in and see whats up after a bit. I use umm sulfur pellets but I’m sure that’s not what a normal person uses as ph down.

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Ok so if im understanding correctly you are saying to lower my input by .5, put my oh pen in the soil (when its just been watered?) then i water in and stick ph pen in dirt again until i see it dropped to the same ph as the input water?


Yah water it in then wait a bit and put the probe in. I give it a half hour or so. If you lower the ph by more than .5 the plant will suffer. If the ph is radical I slam it by .5 then I slowly lower it by fractions until it gets to where I want it. “slowly lower” means pellets of sulfur are slowly disintegrating into the soil. Just be careful you don’t go too hard with the ph down.


Waterings have been strict at 6.4ph. I am now going to drop that to 5.9, ill water in the plant and wait 30 mins. After 30 mins ill stick the ph pen in the soil or do a slurry test (i dont think my apera pen will get an accurate reading if i stick it into the soil directly but idk) if the slurry test is around 6.5 should i continue to water 5.9 for future waterings and monitor?


Next watering I would see how much the ph has been affected first. You can do the slurry test right in the pot, but yah it’s easier to do it in a cup or something. I have one of those meters with the probes you put down into the soil.


So water in at 5.9 then check the soil ph before next watering? Sorry if im not understanding everything its a bitch for me to learn thru reading and not hands on

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Just make sure after you adjust the ph with a lower ph dose, that the next time you water it with a low ph dose, the ph isn’t dropping too fast. lol…PH! Since you are adding more and more acid to the mix, eventually you’ll get to the right zone and then just use a ph dose that keeps it there, instead of lowering it more. Here’s my practical example:
ph is 6.8 but I need 5.5. So I add a bunch of aluminum sulfate to slam the ph down right away to 6.3 and then add a couple handfuls of sulfur. Over the next few weeks the ph creeps slowly down, and once it gets below 6.0 my acid plants start to green up. If the ph is already 5.5, I just add a single handful of sulfur because I know the ph just needs to stay the same, not go lower. You aren’t using sulfur but the same principals apply.

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Noted thanks @JoeCrowe im going to start off with 5.9ph water and check it after 30 mins and monitor soil ph the next water after that.
What soil probe are you using? Ive heard pretty bad things about them so i never got one

I do have sulfur if this is something you would recommend or leave to the mad scientist?

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heh heh I’ve always wondered why people don’t use sulfur for ph, considering it would be a great match with organics. I think it’s easy to get carried away with solid amendments in pots and make the ph go down too far. It takes some experimenting to get the dose right, and it works slowly. That could be the reason?


How much would you topdress in a 3gal pot?

I think I’m gonna go for the water technique because I’ve never played with sulfur or solid amendments yet but I’m definitely interested

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