Seeds to Weeds : Live & Learn Organic Edition👨🏼‍🌾📝

Probably just a few tablespoons to keep the ph acidic the entire grow while watering with ph 7 water.

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Hmmm this seems so much easier then the water method… interesting but i am scared to try new things.

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Veg tent not looking too good lately. I havnt really been feeding them and i accidentally fed flower nutes then gave them 3 waterings to try and rid the flower nutes. Gonna finally get back on them tomorrow with some veg nutes.


I had to plunge right in after the store stopped selling the fertilizer that acidified the soil and my plants started to die. I first started with old wives tales about ph and quickly adapted from there.
Like a chump I was trying to use pine needles and wood chips to acidify. Hah hah I quickly figured out that was bullshit. That’s when I learned about agricultural sulfur, and the rest is history. Took a while to stabilize the ph and figure out how much it needed at the start of the year to remain at 5. The plants loved it! My friends were trying to grow blueberries and I told them all about how you manage the ph with sulfur. Their plants died from high ph because they never purchased a meter to measure it.


Anybody ever seen this before? Not sure what the hell is causing the purple leaves in veg. Could too much light cause this? This plant grew into the light but it seems like all tops are effected.
Fed them a good 650 ppm (1.3ec) feed last night hoping they turn around


Day 68 time to chop!

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Dry tent set and stabilized at 59-61% rh.
All 7 plants are cut and hung in there. I have a 12 inch oscillating circle fan set on #2 speed, hopefully this is enough airflow to prevent mildew.

Veg tent in their new apartment! First day of flower is tomorrow for these ladies


It’s mold you have to worry about, not mildew. When it reaches .6 AWC, there is no possibility of mold.

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On top of what Joe said, what are your temps in there? 60 can be less than ideal if temps creep up. I personally dry at 55-56% rh 66-67f and it takes a solid 10-12 days(and I personally think it’s better than 60/60).


I dry it at 45% rh, and I start testing the feel of the buds after they stop smelling like hay. IF you bag that shit up before the hay smell is over, that’s not good. I don’t do the “curing” thing. Never understood how that was supposed to make it better.


I cant get temps down to 60 im around 70.

I always heard the 60/60 rules so i set the tent to 59-60% but im gonna go ahead and knock it back a few % based on what you guys are saying


Yea im definitely concerned about mold. What is awc?


New set up is 56rh and temp is 68f


AWC means active water content. They make a device that can actually test it that you use on wood.
It’s also important for food safety as something <.6AWC will never go bad.


How many days do you dry for at 45%? I had some sbit dry in 4 days before i knew anything and it smelled and smoked like a hay bale

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Yah never bag it up when it smells like hay. That’s critical. I leave it until the hay smell is gone then I test the buds.

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I think you’ll be set with this :muscle:t2: is almost exactly what I’m at. Decent indirect airflow and you’re good. My tent is set and forget.


I had a 12in fan oscillating on #1 speed on the tent floor. It shoots the air up the tent walls and i hope thats decent enough


Smoked a small little shit bud of the kannabia purple kush and i must say i am wrecked pretty decent off one big toke

Left a toke for my gpop and i just got word back from him that its good :fire:

I cant wait to enjoy this harvest with him. We spent a lot of money over the years and its nice to finally be able to consider sitting back enjoying our herbs and saving loot


Plants are looking better now that they have some room and a decent veg feed. I probably should have kept these in veg until they greened up. Hopefully i can get on top of feeding them and they will transition without a hiccup… sounds good right? Lol