Seeds to Weeds : Live & Learn Organic Edition👨🏼‍🌾📝

I’ve done it before where they looked kind of pale but then I gave them a full strength dose and shove them into bloom. I like them looking good though, that’s definitely for the best.


Im gonna dose them up real nice in 3 days with some flower nutes. I have some flower girl from dr earth i want to use but i need to read up on it


2016 Purple kush clones are looking great. I removed the humidity dome yesterday and so far no droop.

Im gonna really try my best to keep these ladies fed. I think im finally starting to realize my biggest flaw/issue is that i do not provide enough nutrients to the plants resulting in pale plants


Seeing a lot of droop 2 days after watering. Plants are getting the same amount of water they were in the 2x4 and were praying but now theyre are not. Im thinking maybe the light is too intense at around 800 par and only maybe 8-10 inches from the tallest tops. Probably getting baked. I watered 6 cups in the 3 gals and 8 cups in the 5 gal pots 2 days ago


Eh, they look a little close to the light but I’d think they’d be okay. They look pretty hungry to me. Light intensity means they’re using a lot more nutrients. With plants that size in 3 and 5 gallon pots, I’d be feeding pretty much daily and most definitely every other day. Doesn’t hurt to run some extra water through them either. I like to wet all my pots with plain water if I have it handy before feeding them all. Helps with saturation while not wasting nutrients. Goodluck though my homie


Im hitting them every 3 days with water or fert but this is 2 days after watering im a bit worried to feed tomorrow. Hopefully they perk up so i can feed them tomorrow. They really need some nutes bad like you said.

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How many cups would you be watering into these pots? If i did 5-6 cups every day or even every other day they would definitely get overwatered from what im experiencing

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I don’t measure what goes into the pot. I take 3-4 gallons down there every day and distribute it amongst the beasts. It’s really hard to overwater roots organic or promix. Pretty sure you’ve got roots organic though right?

Once roots are established in fabric pots it becomes that much harder to overwater in my opinion.


Yes i am in roots organic original. I too dont think the roots are established very well yet cause they are still at the point where i can overwater them.

Im gonna let them dry back until pots are light and plants are perking then ill hit them with maybe 5 cups of full strength mix. I need to get some nutes in the soil before shit goes haywire like it has in past flower runs lol

Note to self: dont flip right away. Allow plants 1 week to adjust to new environment.

Note to self: water in labs every other watering or once a week at 1 tbsp per gal

Yesterdays pics. Flower tent looking sad :disappointed:
Watered in 5 cups at 6.2ph can’t remember ec ill update this part later today


After pulling the light up and turning it down plus a 5cup feed i realized i had the light way too close. I had my 800w led on almost 50% witth almost no gap between the tallest tops and the light bars.

Im thinking over the next few days, plus another full feed, this ladies should be on track to turn out some decent flower


Looking in the dry tent has me in shock. The biggest buds have lost the most size.

I clipped a piece of island sweet skunk and it was some nice smoke. Im gonna have to revisit it when its fully dried to give it a true review.

Ordered a pair of chikamasa b-500sf scissors :scissors: to trim with cause i really like the feel of the small stainless steel barber/fabric scissors but they were pretty painful around the thumb and finger. Hopefully these chikamasa scissors feel nice after using for a few hours.
Also got 2 trim bins to collect all fallen trichs. Were at day 5 of drying and id say were about half way done. I cant wait to see what ive yielded this round

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Some clone shots today…. I guess its time for fert??


Fiskars aint got ish on these bad boys

Man im gettin old. Im hyped over a pair of scissors



Day 8 of drying. Things look to be coming along nice. Some of the thicker stems are snapping but some smaller stems are still bendy. Gonna start checking daily now and maybe jar up whatever plants i feel are dry.

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Lots of new growth on the purple kush clones.


Japanese scissors/trimmers >>>