Seeds to Weeds : Live & Learn Organic Edition👨🏼‍🌾📝

Japan makes some good shit. Dirtbikes to scissors im a fan


Hmmmm i hope these plants are a decent size in 50-60 days. Trying to figure out whens the best time to start clones/seeds to keep my grow perpetual

Hmmm couple more days. Buds smoke but are not completely dry. Im thinking 2 more days will be the sweet spot. @JoeCrowe hey how do you use one of those wood moisture meters? You stab it into the bud?


It’s got two prongs you can stick into the stalk or some other area. I do the squeeze test! I really squeeze it hard checking for moisture and then put it into the bag after it feels right and doesn’t smell like hay. After a few hours I open the bag up and squeeze the bud again, feeling for dryness. If it’s stable in the bag, it’s good to be bagged up. It’s more of an art than a science.

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Welp today is day 9 of dry. I decided to unplug the humidifier since were at the point where the tent needs moisture to stay above 47%.

For the last 8 days the dehumidifier would kick on to keep levels in check. Now the humidifier is kicking on and i watch the rh drop until the humidifier kicks back on.

I decided to unplug the humidifier and let the tent run itself dry over the next 24 hours.

I will then trim and jar accordingly.

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Are you squeezing the bud, the stalk, or both?

So once you squeeze and you see no moisture you then throw it into a ziplock for a few hours and then take a sniff and if it smells like hay you go back to drying?

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I squeeze the bud to feel for moisture. It feels kind of squishy inside if there is any. Hard to describe! Usually it’s like that a day or two after they hay smell ends. I never bag it up if I can smell hay. When I walk into the lab where it’s drying, I can smell it.
Yah if you bag it up and it smells like hay, leave the bag open to dry still.

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I can imagine what you mean.
Basically when the bud is soft and squishy it is holding moisture compared to dry and crunchy (but not too dry and crunchy)

My hypothesis:
I wonder if instead of squeezing i can try to “snap” a bud in half. I imagine if it is holding moisture the bud wouldnt snap and would be more likely to bend/peel apart.

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Sort of firm yet pliable, and springs back to original shape. lol! NEver tried to describe the process with words. If I make a crunchy bud, that’s fail. Moldy bud, that’s fail.

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Hmmm i dont think ive ever had a true example of quality bud in my life to be honest. Between the street and the dispo ive never had a bud spring back to its original shape after a squish. I did see videos of it tho so i know what you mean.

Im gonna go squish some buds today and see how they feel.

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Tell me about it. I learn from experience so it is super hard for me to teach someone anything ive learned without showing them.

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lol! Someone asked me how I got such a good “cure” on the buds. Anyone who got a care package from me knows once I bag that up and it’s perfect, it’ll remain like that for at least 6 months just laying there. Flexible, yet dry and not crumbly.

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Another thing that i bet will help me gauge how dry it is , is when i grind a bud and there is some residual bud bits left around the grinder teeth. When i grind up dispo bud it all drops through onto the screen layer of the grinder (but then again that shit is 6 months old and dry as fuck)

The small larf buds i been grinding are leaving residual bud bits on the grinder teeth so im thinking they are still slightly too moist

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Whoever got a care package from you is LUCKY

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Okay my shits definitely dry. I have to wait until tomorrow to trim and jar.

Definitely have crunchy buds lol fuck me but its better than nothing. Next time im gonna feel the buds sooner than day 9. I went to squeeze a bud and it busted right off lol

Dry but good! Man this kannabia purple kush is some smoke !

those sugar leaves look scrum-diddly-umptious. love it!

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Thanks man appreciate it!

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Flower tent on day 10 yesterday.
Hit them with 6.0ph 700ppm flower feed with a light dose of cal mag, micronutrients, and LABS


3 hours to trim 1 hanger. 9 hangers to go. This is a good problem i think