Seeds to Weeds : Live & Learn Organic Edition👨🏼‍🌾📝

2 days after transplant


Yesterday afternoon

Today 2 hours after lights on

Also 2 of the clones are headed south suddenly. I cant tell if i locked something out or if they are deficient??

They are the top middle and front right plants


Any idea whats going on with those 2 clones @JoeCrowe

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Potassium deficiency probably! I get that when the plants are running low.

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Gonna throw some flower girl on them. You think thats a good idea?
Or should i get some liquid bloom nutes in there for a quick blast?

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I’d give them all around some more ferts, not just a specific kind. If a major value(K) is running low, the rest probably aren’t far behind. Test the conductivity first if you want to get a handle on whats up.


Took a shot glass of dirt and a shot glass mixed and let sit for a few mins then tested

Slurry test went in at 6.2 pH came out at 6.5 pH
Also went in at 0.2 EC came out at 1.2 EC

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Not sure what move to make on these. Could it be transplant stress? It was going like before transplant tho

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How’s the new growth? Is only the old growth affected? IF it’s old damage, it never goes back to normal.

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New growth looks decent. Just the overall shade of the plant went from a dark jade green to this lighter green and the dying strips on some lower fans

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Yah I wouldn’t have expected that at EC 1.2, because they usually start to get strange around .5. Does look like a potassium deficiency, though.

I dont think they have any p in their diet yet im gonna hit with some flower girl since flip is less than 1 week away and give them a pat on the back and wish them the best

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Potassium is actually K. The P is for phosphorous.

I meant potassium but i always end up calling it p when im stoned😂

I do have potash i could add but i hear that is strong shit and i dont know how to add it correctly

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Everyone got haircuts last night. Removed a shit load of lower growth. Looks like the two planta that were going lime are starting to pick back up. I guess they got root bound and the transplant helped out idk


Flip day for the purple kush ladies. Gonna hold one back as a mother and tie it down big time


Harvest day!! Woot woot!!! Lets gooo! Feels good once you get the ball rolling

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Uhhhht ohhh loook out! Purple kush plants topped and flipped and scrogged!!


Heres my purple kush mom. Just went on vacation for 5 days and came back to a dry pot and a rough looking plant. Here it is almost 12 hours after getting 12 cups.
I also have some dr earth 5-5-5 sprinkled on the top soil, hopefully that didnt cause the ugliness but i am seeing some yellow tips so might be nute burn.


Does this look like over fert? I havnt done a slurry test yet but will be doing one soon. @JoeCrowe