Seeds to Weeds : Live & Learn Organic Edition👨🏼‍🌾📝

I toss a kilo in there, but I’ve gone as low as 400 grams. The 8 bag system is for engineering your product! Once you get into the high level process, you can determine which trichomes will end up in which micron bag based on microscopic measurements of the trichomes on the bud you harvested. I go for 90 because it’s the most likely to get the caps of the capitate trichomes. Usually the capitate trichomes are >90 and the sessile are <90.


Is the 90u stuff dabble or there still too much contamination?


Yah I dab that shit non stop. If there is too much organic contamination it won’t dab.


O fuck yea !

When you say you’re putting a kilo in a batch is that a kilo of fresh/frozen?

Google is telling me yields for dried buds is 15-20% and fresh frozen is 1-3%.
In your experience are these numbers accurate?


Flower tent day 25
10 cups every 3 days
Herms have been found and picked in the front row but no clue how many remain in the back. Seeing signs of pollination (orange burnt hairs early and random throughout)

This may he the hash candidate.


It varies wildly. You COULD get numbers like that though. The dried buds yield better, but only because they weigh 90% less.


I had a feeling that would be the case.
Im looking to establish a baseline for worth while results. A minimum of 14gs of dry hash would be worth while for my efforts.

My first batch is going to be dried buds around 150-200 grams, really hoping i can see 10-14grams from that.

Really tempted to run 1 pound of fresh purple kush on harvest day to see what that yields.

Has there ever been a time where you felt like you wasted the bud? Like you washed it and got such a little yield you wish you kept it as buds?

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Nope! If I make a shit batch, which happens, I toss it all in the compost including the hash.

This is a kilo of buds turned into a tiny blob of hash that I tossed in the trash.

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That is exactly the kind of answer i was hoping you wouldnt say! Wow i had no idea that was possible that actually just made me rethink everything.

WAIT I keep forgetting we are talking fresh frozen weight. A kilo wet would be 220 grams dry? For a second i just thought u told me a kilo of dry buds produced that small amount and i had a heart attack and thought holy shit i dont even have a kilo to smoke let alone a kilo to compost lol.

Also does the fresh buds have to be frozen? Basically you just chop all buds off the stem and bag and freeze then wash?

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Yah that’s right. I cut them down, trim off a few leaves, and make sure they are in chunks with no long stems. Stuff them into a bag and into the freezer.

lol! Here’s a picture of a really good haul.


Thats more like it!!

Im going to fresh freeze 2 or 3 of my purple kush in flower and use them to get the ball rolling. Super hype cant wait for my bags to come in the mail.

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I run the grow as a hash plant thunder dome. I’ve managed to wrangle up 2 superior plants that are 3% and higher yield from fresh green buds. I love chunking out 30-40 grams of 90 micron bubble in a single mix. I had to start my grow over in 2017 because of a flood that took out my hash plants that were like 4%. SIGH, so I ordered big bud from switzerland, and started rebuilding. Now, 7 years later, I’ve located another really good yielding plant the GojiOG-Delta. I probably trashed 20 different brand-name strains in the meanwhile that were below 2%. That’s the cutoff mark for hash making. If it’s below 2% it’s actually more value in the buds than the hash.


Thanks for all the killer knowledge joe.

What in the world is that lol?

Can you recommend a few strains to look through? Yield is pheno specific im assuming and there isnt some holy grail strain that is a huge yielder everytime?

Is there a way to tell if a plant is worth running without running it? Or do you have to find out the hard way if you lost or gained value from the run? (Not that im even remotely interested in value just curious)


One last question for now.

If i wanted to sacrifice quality for quantity what other bag should i run inbetween the 220 and 90?

If i run a bag inbetween the 220 and 90 will i lose out on my 90 bag or will i still have the same exact amount in my 90 bag plus some lesser quality hash in the middle bag?

I need to start doing my own experiments i have so many questions


If you want the sessile trichomes the 73 bag will get those, and if you use the 25 bag as well you can get all the leftover garbage. I’ve done runs of 220,90 and 25. Eventually the 25 part built up in a pile of garbage in a jar so I stopped making it. There is definitely a way to tell if the plant will be worthy of making hash out of, but it’s technical. I have thousands of photos of plants trichomes at all stages of life, from veg through bloom until the end. Sorted by strain and bloom time. So I established a baseline of plants that yield at 1,2, and three percent. That way when I get an unknown strain, I take a photo and compare to the baseline to make the prediction if it’s more or less yield in the hash dept.
The bubble bags are arranged from largest to smallest 220-25 so if you use a bag between 220 and 90 it would be like 140 or 160 or something. It’ll get the largest trichomes from the calyx midvein. I’ve seen them up to 180 microns.


hah hah that last post was insane, hopefully it makes sense. I forgot about the “thunder dome”. Two plants enter…and one plant leaves in a garbage can. The plant that produces more hash stays and the loser rots in the compost.


It makes perfect sense, those are the kind of details i needed lol.

What is sessile trichomes? (I googled it but not sure why they arnt as good as the 90u stuff)

Do you have a picture on what the 25 produces? The pictures of the 90u that is dabble looks amazing, wouldnt the 25u be more refined better quality?

If i put a 140 bag in between would it catch hash or plant material? If it will turn out simil to kief in terms of quality i wouldnt consider it garbage.

My concern is, if i run a 220,140, and 90 bag, will the 140 trap hash that would make it to the 90? I dont want to lose out on the 90u trying to save scraps if that makes sense.


Sessile is a type of trichome that doesn’t have a stalk, it’s almost just a cap. The 25 captures the bulbous trichomes, which look like tiny piles of something on a tiny stalk. The 25 doesn’t catch anything “refined” it just gathers a different trichome type. Lemme dig out the photos, it’s wild.

If you stare really hard at the 90 you can see the largest of them would wind up in a 140 sack. Probably. That’s why I don’t do it, I’m not sure I need to gather the 160s and keep them separate from the 90s, because they are both capitate.

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Thats what i was wondering, If i run a in between bag would it lessen my 90u yield.

By running a 200 and a 90 i will be capturing all the prime cuts so to speak?

Is the 25u stuff shitty smoke? Is it worth mixing into the 90u ?

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Im not sure what you mean here, got a bit confused I thought you only run a 220 and a 90u?

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