Seeds to Weeds : Live & Learn Organic Edition👨🏼‍🌾📝

heh heh yah anything lower than 90 isn’t as good. I wouldn’t mix the 90 and 25 together it would be like smearing great art with shit.
Yah that’s right I only run the 90 and 220. Everything gathers in the 90, and I was just questioning if it was worthwhile separating out the largest trichomes with the 160. And yes, it would only take away from the yield in the 90.

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When I look up bubble hash on YouTube, it shows People running 160u, 120u, 90u and 25u.
By eliminating the 160u, 120u and 25u will i be leaving lower quality hash behind? Or will I be capturing everything in the 90u Except for the smaller bulbous trichomes? I see in the post above you said “everything gathers in the 90” so i guess i already have my answer i just want to make sure

Please excuse my ignorance and if I keep repeating the same stuff in a different way, I’m just trying to get a concrete understanding of what I’m about to get into

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Oh when I say everything I’m just talking about everything worthwhile. The 73 and 25 will go down the drain and never be seen again.

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The 73 and 25 will produce smokable hash that will get me stoned still right? I know youre a cream of the crop guy but i have champagne taste with beer pockets and i need to get all the hash i can lol!

So ill be running a 220,90,73, and 25u bag to capture as much as possible trichome wise. The 90u i will dab and the other shit i can make edibles with or top off a bowl ( as long as the 73 and 25 will still get me stoned)

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Definitely, and make sure you keep the different one separate so you can try them individually. When I toss out the lower grade hash it’s like 5 grams or less from a total of 35.


Yea ill definitely keep them apart i dont want to ruin my fine art with smeared shit lol


Cap junky x big bad wolf and gelato.
Lost one of the cj x bbw :frowning: wish i had more than 3 i really hope i find something decent worth cloning out of the 2


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Power went out no signs of coming back on.

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I have seedlings and plants in flower both in the dark during lights on hours :man_facepalming:t2::man_facepalming:t2::man_facepalming:t2:

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Oh man that sucks! One day shouldn’t hurt too much though

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Hope not bro. Already dealing with herms in flower tent hopefully this doesnt encourage the herms

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I’ve had the power out for 36 hours and it was fine.


Thanks guys. I waa gettin pretty worked up there and didnt know what to expect.

Lights came on hours ago, finally woke my ass up after the 4th alarm to go water the plants i was supposed to water before power went out

Flower tent day 28f
Purple starting to show


@JoeCrowe gonna crank out a batch of dry flower bubble.

Do i have to freeze the dried flower ?

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Yes, all bubble material must be frozen!

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Thanks man wasnt sure about the dried. I got 4 gallons of water in the fridge and a bag of ice. Gonna run 100g of dry flower for a test run.

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120g dry material over 8lbs of ice (maybe 10-12 lbs of ice total… holy shit i went hard on the ice)

First few mins


About 10 mins in

After 15 mins (i added more ice just incase)

I fucked up and pulled the work bag up to far out of the bucket and i tried to put it back in and water poured out of the bucket everywhere. Fuckkkkk

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I would use a long spoon and push the bottom of the bag back down. Gently.

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I didnt see your reply in time. I drilled for another 15 after the 30 min wait. Heres the result. I try to push down and it literally pours out of the bucket. I over did the water and ice pretty bad… mayne i should do 2 washes?