Seeds to Weeds : Live & Learn Organic Edition👨🏼‍🌾📝

I was worried alcohol would mess up the mesh or some shit, I did hot water and dawn soap, ill try hot water and iso tomorrow after work

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I toss it in the freezer and after the hash freezes I crumble up the bag or flick it with my finger to make the frozen hash crumble. Then I dump it out and dab it.


So the freezer trick gets rid of all residue that is stuck in the mesh once all the hash making and collecting us done? Mines are really gunked up and i want them to look brand new when i use them again lol. Gonna soak and rinse in hot ass water with some iso maybe added


Personally I never use solvents on my bags. Things like iso will cause extra wear on the nylon fibers. I gave my old hash bags away they had been used for 20 years already, and were still in prime condition.


This is definitely true. I’ve gone through three bags in 10 years but usually the outside material breaks down faster than the nylon for me but that’s probably because I use dry ice primarily. Rough stuff on the bags


Yea i will use iso as a last case option.

Gonna try freezing, flicking, blowing, washing, and rinsing


You dry sift with the dry ice or your making bubble with the dry ice @DirtySlowToes


Dry ice hash! Dry ice and weed in the bag, shake it for a few minutes and there’s the hash. It’s aggressive but easy and fast and efficient. Can be made into pretty nice stuff but really not dabbable unless you press it. Makes great rosin though. I also live where I can get dry ice pellets for cheap.


I’ll have to try that one day cause the shit I get out of the trim bin is awesome

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I love live Rosin. I wish i had some right now lol

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@JoeCrowe so in about a week this hash will crumble into dust and thats how i will know if its done?


Haha dude me too. I’ve been letting stuff collect in the freezer. It’ll be a good run when it gets done but I’ve been lazy. Fresh frozen takes 5-7 days to dry in the freezer for me. Pretty sure it’s the same for washed stuff.

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How do you know if its dry? If it smokes

Pretty much. You can press it between your fingers without feeling any liquid, or it’ll be cumbly and not sticky and it’ll burn smooth and white and bubble a bit :pray:t2:

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Purple kush in flower

Veg plants
2x Wolf cap from @LoveDaAutos
3x Gelato from @Andrane


It’ll get lighter in color and also it should crumble to dust when pressed on with a spoon or finger while it’s frozen.


Is there an ideal size for chopping? Corn kernels sized or marble sized?

Also once it has been freezing for a few days is it okay to chop up into smaller pieces

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The smaller you can get the pieces the better. It’s for freeze drying purposes!

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Can i chop them up smaller now after 2 days in the freezer or is that not recommended?

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I usually smash them with a spoon, it breaks them up into powder.

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