Seeds to Weeds : Live & Learn Organic Edition👨🏼‍🌾📝

Im saying if they arent dry and i want them to dry faster can i cut them up smaller even tho they been in the freezer for 2 days ?

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Random update:
I culled my pk mom due to herms in the flower tent but im kinda regretting it now and thinking maybe it was my fault or something. I forgot i stored a few snips in the fridge. Gonna try and root them today if i have time.

I really love the smell of this specific pheno i have going. I cant describe smells but it smells very loud and it reaks when burnt, very nice high to it also

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Yes you can speed up the drying if you can make the pieces smaller. You can do it at any time, but I prefer doing it before the hash enters the freezer. If there is too much water, it takes a long time to dry, like 30 days. If it’s a huge chunk and has lots of water, it’ll never dry in the freezer.

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Shieeeeeet, i whipped my batch pretty good but it was definitely still moist almost like a wet sand that would clump together.
Gonna chop it down smaller and hope for the best

Welp i officially am out of luck on scoring more wolf cap for next round :-1:t3:

This thread is making me want to try my hand at making some bubble hash :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Do it!!! Its not bad at all. A bit overwhelming at certain points during your first time but nothing major. My biggest issue was i overfilled the bag with water and ice and water kept spilling so i lifted the work bag some to prevent splashing but i pulled it too far out and i couldnt put it down into the bucket any further without shit overflowing out of the bucket. Also i think i lost out on a lot of hash since the mixture wasnt fully submerged towards the end. I over did the drilling and went full blast for both 15 min rounds which pulverized everything and a large portion of buds and ice were above the water sitting on the surface and i couldnt get them submerged without overflow so i took the bags out of the 5 gal and sat them over a trash can and rinsed the hell out of the work bag hoping all the shit that didnt settle and sat on the surface worked its way thru the bags.

I bet if i did a second wash i would have pulled more hash out but it was late on a work night so i tossed all that shit in the bin and i was happy with the plate full of 90u i got

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lol I don’t even know how to consume hash but making it looks like so much fun. And having a small amount of high quality material at the end appeals to me a lot. Would just need to get my hands on some decent bags :thinking:


Ebay is where i got my bags. Apparently you can dab the 90u stuff but be careful not to mix a lot of green material of over mix (pulverize) i think that contaminates the hash and preventa it from dabbing. @JoeCrowe is the fucking man when it comes to this

Other ways to smoke hash is make a burger and put it in the middle of a bowl of weed.


I got a cheapish hand held vape/battery a while back that has a quartz coil meant for concentrates but I assume it won’t do hash unless it’s refined further… otherwise I don’t have any dab equipment since I’ve been on this joint/flower kick for so long. I’ll see what I can find on eBay- maybe it’s not too expensive to give a whirl :grin:


I used to use a hot knife and a bottle to dab it. hah hah don’t do that. I think it caused some lung damage, lol! Now I’m going temperature controlled quartz 305C. It’s all about the flavor!


My sister and her boyfriend broke up and i found his e rig just sitting all alone not being used. It reminded me of that shelf in toy story where the toys go when they are done being played with. Needless to say that fucker came home with me. It even has a dab counter! Poor guy was only up to 77 when it was forgotten about, now were almost up to 300! I cant wait to throw some hash in that bitch and fire it up!


If you have a drill on hand, a cake mixer metal bit/ paint mixer, and a 5 gal bucket you only need to buy the bags and maybe ice if u dont have any ice trays lol


Hey Joe, what is the deal with that slurper thing? I never seen one until i seen yours on here. How different is it than a conventional dab thing (forgot the name)

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The unicorn is the dab rig and the attachment on there is the slurper. Sometimes people have a banger. There’s the puffco equipment. I was at the contest and I tried out everyone’s equipment. When I won the dab rig I went out and bought a terp slurper! It’s also fun to say! Had to replace the pearl with a ruby, because it’s way stronger. I dropped it on the concrete and it bounces.

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Gelato and wolf cap coming along nicely so far


Day 12V
Droopy today, been watering a little heavy

Day 34F
Some funk coming out of the tent today. Creamy gassy smell. I wish i could describe the smell on this one. Its definitely smells like some fire ass loud
First fert in a while. Once i seen tip burn setting it i began giving plan ph water until those leaves starting dying off

Fed 1.3ec
10 cups each


I always struggle with the little guys arghhhhh


@JoeCrowe hash has been in freezer for 6 days. I took it out and chopped it up more last night. Noticed they were frozen solid and even with a fresh razor i struggled to cut thru them. Im thinking thats the moisture frozen inside that is making them hard to cut?

Still cant get it to light or dab. You can see the darkers parts are those insides of the big chunks that have been chopped


The chunks get lighter in color as it dries. You’ll notice the outer parts get lighter first. Yah it’s definitely got some ice in it still. I can take my super fresh hash I made yesterday and I dabbed some of it already. Got a nice sizzle :wink: but full melts.

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