Seeds to Weeds : Live & Learn Organic Edition👨🏼‍🌾📝

Is that cause you chopped it fine or enough for it to dry?

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Nope it’s still got the sizzle. Instead, it’s a prize winning hash batch! As I dab it, I know why it’s the winner. OMG the residue is almost non existent and the melt is sublime! Probably another 6 days before I can make it into powder. That’s when it’s dry!
I’ve cranked out so many full melt batches, but this damned big bud hash. It’s got to be experienced! I’ve said it before, but it’ll put rosin batches under ground. With it’s awesomeness.
How much did you accelerate your hash to get rid of the moisture?


I whipped it for about 30 seconds until no moisture was flying out that I know of

I tried to dab it on my e rig at 550f and it turned into a cherry and coal

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Sounds like some contamination. You were using material that was dried already, so that’s a handicap. I also find some plants make hash that doesn’t melt. I call those plants “compost”.


Better luck next time!

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Time for transplant im thinking. I cant keep them from drooping, seems like a constant state or over/under watering. Gonna throw them into the 1 gals today if i have time.

Flower day 37F


You’ve got a great canopy going in your flower tent! :+1:

Was that last round (the ones that were turning purple in late April/early May) the plants you used for your hash-making experiment?

This is an informative and friendly thread – very much in keeping with the “live and learn” title. …Kind of funny that you’ve categorized it under “Sick Plants and Problems” rather than a grow diary. :slight_smile: But then again, we learn more when dealing with adversity than we do from smooth sailing.


I used the island sweet skunk to make the hash. I had a runt plant that vegged for 4 months so i tossed it in with my iss clones to flower and i screwed up the dry and cure and the run plant produced nice huge buds but the smoke was no good in a joint so i whipped it into hash.

Thanks for pointing that out! I need to change it over. This thread originally started out as a “SOMEONE PLEASE HELP MY PLANTS ARE FUCKED LOOKING” thread and then it slowly turned into a diary. Underfeeding my plants really was screwing up my past grows.
The stuff im growing now is a light feeder so its been a prettt smooth grow and the longest i kept plants green, howevere some leaves are yellowing/purpling and dying off due to some deficiency but im not too worried about it.


I guess i cant change it to a grow diary now, no edit button available

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Did you want to? TL3 can change thread titles and move categories, so if you want to just say the word… seems like a toss-up whether the indoor growing/growroom diary or indoor growing/organics category, though. :thinking:


I think i am tl3 bur i dont know how to do it?

Nope, you’re TL2, would need someone else to. I can, if you’d like, that’s what I was getting at. :slight_smile:


Oh help yea please sir, i would like it under indoor growing organics

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How do i become tl3? I cant find the rules

Seems like i just have to read a lot etc


You can get to trust level 3 by…

This is time and activity based, unlike the previous levels. In the last 100 days…

  • must have visited at least 50% of days
  • must have replied to at least 30 different topics
  • of topics created in the last 100 days, must have viewed 25% (currently ~250)
  • of posts created in the last 100 days, must have read 25% (currently ~ 10000)
  • must have received 300 likes*, and given 300 likes.
  • must not have received more than 5 spam or offensive flags (with unique posts and unique users for each, confirmed by a moderator)
  • must not have been suspended or silenced in the last 6 months

* These likes must be across a minimum number of different users (currently 75 users), across a minimum number of different days (currently 75 days). Likes cannot be from PMs.

Not 100% sure these are accurate, but this is the most recent and complete list I can find… I vaguely recall that something changed at some point, but whether this is the prior version or the new version of the requirements is a little foggy. :man_shrugging: Reading a lot and some chatting with people, that basically sums it up.


Ehh ill let it come naturally. Thanks man

So I’ve noticed a bunch of sand on the parchment paper that looks like what you described as dry bubble hash thing is, I could pick it up with the bottom of a spoon that I had to scrape it off onto my bowl when I press it down with my finger it feels sticky and sticks to my finger, also it all clumps and is not sand anymore since i collected it by smashing the bottom of a spoon on it. I think I might have left too much moisture in it when I froze it

I can get it lit with a bit of effort, but it’s not burning how it should also there’s no sizzling sound so I can’t tell if moisture is present or not

Pics of some powder I scraped up without smashing, then me pressing it with my big toe

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Drop it on something at 305C and check for sizzle. I just dab it and see!

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Is your shit sticky like that when dry?

When i drop at 305c if it doesnt melt i fucked up right?

E rigs a mess now half burnt hash got sucked upwards everywhere air was supposed to lol

Seems like when i first drop it there is some melt along with a nice thick cloud of smoke but then the smoke thins out to nothing and were left with half burnt hash

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