Seeds to Weeds : Live & Learn Organic Edition👨🏼‍🌾📝

I just smashed this little chunk with my finger and holy fuck its like a wet rag! Water literally pools out!

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I smashed it like 4 times now with almost no water coming out but i got a pic of the last bit i could get out. I really dont want to finger smash more but im sure if i do i could get pics of a decent amount of water coming out

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After torturing the smashed piece and finally getting it to talk…. The fucking hash is still soaked, frozen solid with moisture in fact.

I couldnt get this shit to light to save my life

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OK no melt hash. The original puff was the goodies and then it just sits there. The leftovers are the nast! My hash would literally be a puddle if I got a flame close to it. brb I’ll do it.

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Yea thats what i was expecting. I wonder what the hell happened here lmao

Damn im bummed out not sure how to make this shit smoke

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Just shelf dry it for a week and then it’ll be good to go. Put it on a piece of parchment and flip it over every day.

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Will do, thanks again for all the info joe.

Next time im going to spin the living fuck out of the bag for like 5 whole minutes and im going to chop them into the smallest chunks i can. That should help out a lot


I love throwing random info out into my thread.

Anybody remember when i was amending royal gold kings mix to make a living soil for some sip projects? Well i do how could i forget that day breaking my back in the sun and blazing a square in my lawn with a tarp full of dirt in the sun?
Anyways after letting 2 trashcans of dirt sit outback for a year i decided hey im probably not gonna use them anytime soon so i donated them to my outdoor vegetable garden.

Ill mix another batch in the future, i need to get a pile of used spent soil going so i can get in there and amend that shizzz and try a sip out some day. I bought so many amendments i had to buy a shelf and i never even used any of them ! Arghhhh! If only @McShnutz didnt go missing i would have went through with it i bet. He was walking me through every damn step. What a bummer

@DirtySlowToes i know you remember bruh lol


Hey @TeamOG , can one of you please make the OP a wiki for @seeds2weeds so he can edit the post with some more information? Thanks.


@TeamOG can you please make post 1 a wiki as @DougDawson said👍🏻

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You sir are like lightning @Gpaw , thanks very much. :v:


All done thanks

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de nada :+1:



Well when i throw my hash in a joint it burns, so thats good!

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Transplanted all 5 solo cups into 1 gal.
Check out the root balls,

Wolf cap by @LoveDaAutos


Gelato by @Andrane

It was really rough transplanting 5 solo cups i had to lay down and relax for a minute

Glad thats done! Now i have 30 days until i can cry my back hurts from transplanting again :muscle:t3:


I didn’t see post one as a wiki. I turned it on. Did they already edit and had it turned of.
Sorry I turned it on before I saw your post.

:green_heart: :seedling:


All done now you can shut it down


Hash check! Whos got some hash to post!? :beach_umbrella:

Visible drops of water on the parchment paper which my hash is laying in!

Oh and heres the pan the parchment was on all melted and shit. If you look close enough it looks like even the pan was disappointed and it managed to spell out “FUCK” in the mess of water


Forgot i had labs in the fridge. I let the rice wash go longer than i liked and it smelled like shieet. Here we are a few months later and my labs smells like cheap dog food. Ahh well 4tbs into 4 gals shouldn’t hurt