Seeds to Weeds : Live & Learn Organic Edition👨🏼‍🌾📝

That’s not mildew on the zucchini. Has mildew ever grown on pumpkin/squash/cucumber plants there before? That other plant looks like it needs some FPJ to grow leaves without holes.

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Is that white stuff normal? This is our first time growing it in this area of the property but in the a different area we did have a pumpkin pop up out of nowhere and it had white stuff take over the leaves and kill them

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Well as long as you are growing like 6 meters/20 feet away from where you were before, it should be ok? The thing is, if you suspect mildew, it should be dealt with earlier on than that. I always make sure it’s dead when the plants are still seedlings so it’s easy to cover. Hard to cover them in sulfur water when they are big. How you do it is take powdered sulfur 1 tablespoon per liter of water and spray that on and then again 2 weeks later. After that the mildew is toast.

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I just went over there for the first time this grow season and noticed it. Hopefully it doesnt kill off any of his plants. Next time ill keep an eye out when they first get planted

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Day 53F

Its looking like chop time with all the cloudy trichs, but i never chopped at day 53f before, also a lot of white hairs?. Any thoughts?


@DirtySlowToes what you think bro?

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I’d give them another week for sure to fill out and see some ambers. There are some clears still and most are upright. Another week and check again :metal:t2: those are great shots though. Well done


I had them set to come down in 11 days but the problem i wont be here in 11 days lol!

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Thanks man. Its quite the struggle to get these shots lol

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Oh when do you take off? I’d personally pull a few days later over a few days early but your call.

Are those with your phone?

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Digital microscope on amazon with an app that links to the phone.

Last round i went to day 70 with these but i feel they lacked in the buzz department.

Currently on day 54F

My cut options are day 57, day 62, or day 67.
Day 62 and 67 being the most convenient options.


I’d say 67 but maybe check them at 62 and they could be ready then


You look for 30% amber in the calyx?


Usually the trichomes start to look “trashed”

There’s my phd drawing, lol!


I’ll check something under the microscope when I think they’re two weeks out or so and then go by vibe :cowboy_hat_face:


Based on my pics and your drawing it looks like im still in the middle “cuticle cloudly”

I dont want to pull too soon but i also dont want them to go super amber.

Im going to check again on day 62 and if things look the same i will let them go to 67 then chop. With all the white hairs showing it makes me think it’s definitely too soon as of now


Wolf caps dont look too happy. They have roots shooting out of the bottom of the 1 gal 14 days after transplant. Planning on transplanting them to 3 gals on the 22nd which will give them around 26 days in the 1 gals. 2 of the Gelatos look happy and my kitchen sinks are moving along fine so far


Watered this morning and moved the less happy gelato to the front, heres how they look now


Buds are falling over everywhere in the tent!



@JoeCrowe so i let the hash sit out for idk how long at this point but its been a while, still no bubbling when i burn it. It burns like traditional hash, u light it it turns black then into a red cherry then gone.

I wonder if this is cause it was dry or if i got too much contamination from pulverizing the ice and buds into dust