Seeds to Weeds : Live & Learn Organic Edition👨🏼‍🌾📝

@FirstCavApache64 i wonder if this is a safer option than the coil and oil heaters


You still are going to need to exhaust air from the tent to help keep fresh air coming in. Finding the balance between air exchange rates and temp/humidity control is tricky but necessary. Instead of a pallet, you can buy some hard insulation board at Lowes and it actually helps insulate better than just raising them up off the floor.

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What do you mean by hard insulation board? I know of the foam ones but not sure about hard board

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I wish I knew the proper name for it. It’s hard foam insulation and it is around 1-2" thick. Very stiff and comes in sheets like plywood. I think the one I used to use was pink if memory serves me correctly. It made it easy for me to use drain pans with wheels and roll the plants around. Way smoother than on the carpet and insulated the pots really well.

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Going to lowes/homedepot to see today lol

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Well it looks like homedepot sells the pink boards.
Do you know what thickness you got or what r rating or if any of that even really matters in our case

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It’s been a couple years but it was the thickest I could find at Lowes. I want to say 1"-2" at the most. I was more worried about it being stiff enough to not crush under the wheels of the plant caddy.

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Damg that stuff is almost $60 a sheet. Guess you gotta pay to play
Ill be grabbing a sheet just because itll be easier than wrestling a pallet lol

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Didn’t find it earlier in the thread, but maybe I missed it. What light are you under?

And I know you’re already doing most of your own things, but I have read and seen that heaters with the ceramic core are most efficient and best at heating spaces. This is the little display that the heater I use uses. I set my outside temp to 68-70 and inside tent is 71.5 with lights off currently. It’s super important it faces my intake. I use positive pressure in my tents to help repel buggos and so I have 4 inch carbons(one for flower, one for veg.) for intake and two Honeywell tower fans inside the tent. One blowing around the outside and lightly on the plants, the other blowing at the lights. Both oscillating all the time, even during lights out. With a dumb levoit humidifier. This set up has given me the most control I’ve had yet.

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450w mars hydro ts3000
350-400 par as of yesterday using photone so no idea how true of a reading im getting) light is about 21 inches above tallest plant if im remembering correctly. Light is just below 50% maybe 45% if im remembering correctly again lol

How do you obtain positive pressure? My tent literally sucks in even with the mesh vent open. I have a cheap amazon tent so i have one flap and its literally back against a wall so i cant stick a heater behind the tent due to my paranoia lol. I wish it had side flaps!

You just want your carbon fans pulling air into your tent rather than out. I’ve got all flaps close, all vents are pulled shut. So it puffs up like a pillow when it’s closed. With the fans circulating inside and the fan pulling in too, the air pushes out of every opening it can, but pressure is greater inside than out - meaning positive pressure. You’ve got to be able to handle smell though. In my opinion, smell management is the really the best(maybe only?) reason for negative pressure.

And right on about the light. I forgot I asked once already.

Also I’m out of likes or I’d be all over the place

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Ohhhh so you flipped your inline to blow into your tent instead of suck out?

I have to abide by the no smell rules here

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Ah. Does your exhaust run 24/7? Could be helpful to have it on a timer. I’ve had the same heat/cold issues doing what you’re doing. It might sound weird, but getting a string or two of those green led lights may help during nights out if they put out heat. Definitely won’t hurt during veg and theoretically shouldn’t hurt during flower as plants cannot uptake green light, but I’d still sort of use it as last resort. It does look cool though :sunglasses:

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My nighttime temp last night was 72f. My loghts on temp os 73.5 right now which is the same as the fan above the light running on full speed so i cranked that fan back up to promote airflow. Im thinking maybe thing are not as cold as i was thinking but im still throwing in a insulation board this weekend.

Heres the ladies right now. The ones circled in red have not received any food yet. The two up front are light and dry enough for their feed this evening. The one on the back right got a small splash of nutesthe other but not enough to count in my opinion. Just enough to stop the yellowing hopefully. That tall one on the right is still pretty heavy and damp, thinking another day and a half for that one


Hell yeah. The new growth looks good on all these and the plants look responsive to your feeds. They’re speaking lol
I think you’ll be evened out in…2 days. 🫡 Keep on.

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It would make me so happy to see that i get everything back on track. If you scroll up i really been through it lately with fucking shit up and the plants hating me😂

They are looking better to me. Those lower yellow leaves will never really fully recover. You could remove them or just focus on the new growth when inspecting them. Keep on track.


@ReikoX a complete dry back is not beneficial in organics right? I shouldnt let the pot go completely bone dry when drying back? Is it best to water when the pot is light but soil is still slightly damp?


@ReikoX if im watering often (every 3-4 days) should i still stick to the water feed water schedule?

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