Seeds to Weeds : Live & Learn Organic Edition👨🏼‍🌾📝

Finally got my wolf caps and gelatos out of the 2x4.
Shout out @LoveDaAutos and @Andrane, these are some beast mode plants

Up next we have some
Og melon breath @Crafty_Flame
Legion sour ogee @JAWS (major shout out to @DirtySlowToes )
Wifi x faceoff og bx2 @SamwellBB (major shout of to @misterbee as well)
I would like to thank all of you for putting these out into the world so some random guy like me can enjoy them.


Things should get pretty interesting now :+1:t2:


Oowee that’s a really nice set you’re dropping. :metal:t2::fire:Going to be some really nice smoke in there.


Thanks bro. Super excited! Not ready to deal with males tho so hopefully i can get them sexed pretty quick. I was thinking about farmer freeman testing but that can get expensive quick


Can’t wait to see them bloom!


Same i just topped them, super excited for this run


Upper leaves have some droop im guessing from the switch to the 800w and or being 2 days since last watering. Turned it down to like 15% and gave them a 0.8ec feed, now to see how they adjust. Looking good tho for the most part,


Yum rice wash doing magic


Trim day today after 14 days drying they are good’nuff!


Sticky icky. Shit finally fell out after a few seconds


Welp i trimmed up a few branches then life got in the way so i threw the few buds i got trimmed into a jar and brought them to the wife who does not smoke to smell, her nickname is the nose cause she can smell some shit no others can. She smelled the jar and said it smells like tea. My heart shattered into pieces after i was sure 14 days was the day to trim and jar.
@JoeCrowe what would you say here bro? Let them go a few more days? The stems still do not snap, they just bend over. Inside the tent there has definitely been a change of smell from hay to goodness but when she said tea im like what the fuck

Pic of the goods


Depends on the kind of tea? I would do the bag test where you bag up a few buds and see if they get soggy in the bag, or if they seem stable.
I wouldn’t be too worried about what flavor you are achieving from seedlings. When I did my big bud pheno hunt some of them tasted like pencil shavings. Once I found a great tasting female I kept clones of it.


Well i have done about 5 bag tests and i think they seem stable from my limited knowledge. They dont feel any different on the way out then they do before they go in the bag. Im not sure how dry i should get these buds. I feel they can definitely get more dry cause when i grind it up its just all sticking together, im so used to the overly dry dispo bud so its hard to tell whats right here.

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It’s hard to describe over the internet but it’s like a firm, yet flexible that bounces back after you crush it with your fingers. Feels dry. If I squeeze it so hard I can feel the stem inside, there shouldn’t be like a kind of damp feel to the plant material. Yah usually it’s kind of fluffy after you cut it up and not like stringy and forming balls.

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This is the part that breaks my brain because it is flexible and definitely bounces back when crushed, i wanna say its dry but eh might be moist im pretty insane when it comes to this kinda stuff i can second guess a second guess so i kinda end up chasing my tail until

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I could use a trip to Canada anyways man


Small bud that has been in the jar for a few hours. Very sticky buds. Shit isnt bouncing back like i said it was, i posted pics of one fluffing back out a few days ago. I think i should probably let them dry a few more days to be safe.
Also when hand ground it kinda just rolls into little balls


The small bud i just squished i couldnt feel the stem it just all felt like one when squished. Let me try the biggest bud in the jar….

Squeezed hard no feel of stem. Could see trichome goo stretching from the bud to my finger. Very sticky shit


The smoke is definitely improving as well, less harsh and the flavor seems to finally be coming through. Hopefully 2 more days puts us in the sweet spot.


Trying to smoke it is definitely the final acid test.