Seeds to Weeds : Live & Learn Organic Edition👨🏼‍🌾📝

What’s acid test Joe?
The smoke was pretty decent but got pretty thick with residue towards the middle. I’m hoping 2 more days will have it perfectly dry.


Oh sorry that’s just a figure of speech that means it’s “it’s met the standard and proven it’s value” where you try it and see how it really is.

example: The acid test is what consumers think of the product.


Dude sorry I ask the dumbest questions lol. I thought you were speaking some high tech shit and I wanted to learn more :joy: end of day stoned over here bro

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Just fed and topped yesterday… man they look like they hate me right now. Any tips on whats going on guys? Light is 800w about 8-10 inch from canopy on 15% no idea of true par cause i use free photone which doesnt read led.


I wonder if its overwatering since i fed a day early… hmmm

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I foresee a VERY BUSY future ahead

5/6 wifo popped, all 6 planted.
3/3 legion sour ogee popped,
3/3 og melon breath popped


Well i fucked something up. No idea whats going on. Looks like its getting worse in there. I raised the lights a few more inches and ill do a slurry test when i get home to try and get an understanding of whats going on. Im guessing over fert. Over the last 12 days they got 3 feeds and 1 plain watering.All around 1.0 ec.

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they have a over watered look to me, I don’t think it is a over fertilization thing


Its possible but it has been a long time since i overwatered a larger plant so i didnt considered overwatering. Good thinking !

Makes perfect sense because i fed them a day earlier then i planned so they didnt get a decent dry back i bet. Gonna go light on the water until roots develop a bit more


I bit the bullet and ordered 10x farmer freeman sex testing kits. I know completely unnecessary and a waste of cash but i talked myself into thinking it would be worth it to eliminate males as soon as possible to save my personal time. It can really become quite the hassle and the mind fuck feeding plants and checking them then tossing them after a month or 2

Anyways 10% off code vet10 and cartier work

Its kinda jerked off you gotta pay to ship it back, you would think they would have that included but hey im just a simple man, what do i know about plant sex testing technology overhead

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They’re definitely experiencing some kind of stress response!

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@JoeCrowe i know man im so bummed out right now this happens to me every single time.
Im thinking too much nutes or the light but the light is dummed down to 15% and raised up.

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Shits getting out of control very very fast. Plants are drooped and tops are going yellow. What the fuckkkkk happened? I do the same thing every round. I wonder if its bio bizz :confused:

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Well, there’s a temporal connection, so next time use that on one of the plants and not the others, or some variation. Then you can see what the score is.

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Its all i got id have to go buy a new line.

@JoeCrowe i have a ton of dry amendments, i could amend a 1.5 cu ft bag if roots organic original and i may be able to to stir up a competition.

Im gonna slurry test the only plant that is happy and then compare her numbers to the others to get a slight idea if the ppm or soil ph is off

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I also just started adding labs, root drench, and bti over the last 2 feeds. I wonder if the microbes freed up nutrients and caused a lock out or some shit. Idk much so im just rambling out loud here guys

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What is root drench made out of?

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Its some fox farm shit thats supposed to be organic its like bacteria and microbes and shit

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Well I have used humic acids before, but never fulvic acids. Could be something you could overdose on I used it very sparingly, and then just stopped using it like 15 years ago. Didn’t personally notice a difference for something so expensive!

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@JoeCrowe this was 4 days ago. I think this is what tanked me some how

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