Seeds to Weeds : Live & Learn Organic Edition👨🏼‍🌾📝

For now I would do a feed-feed-water schedule for a week or two.


I don’t do complete drybacks. I tend to avoid them because they make the peat moss in my mix hydrophobic. That makes it difficult to water them. Definitely feel if the pot is light, water regardless of a slight moisture content.


@ReikoX @DirtySlowToes @FirstCavApache64
Whoever has time to chime in I have a quick question.
My younger plants are 15 days old. On day 11 I fed all but 2 for comparison reasons. The ones that got fed were hit with a 300 ppm feed. I am transplanting them tomorrow. Should I water in with a veg feed or just plain water? Is a veg feed is full strength too much this early on?
Side note: One plant has a crispy leaf tip and that is one of the plants that did not receive any feed yet.


Well i hope i didnt kill my inkbird. Just picked up an apple cider vinegar trap and this fucker was suspended right above it and one quick dunk is all it got but jeez that fucking thing was soaked.
I hope its waterproof

You’re good with water, I’d think! Sorry to miss this.

Will respond more tomorrow. Lol sad to hear about your inkbird! :sweat_smile:

I’d say the leaf yellow is from humidity or just some environmental cause.

And you could wet the bigger pot with weak veg feed and feed water to those. That’s my two cents. They look dark but healthy

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I transplanted my best looking plant into a 5gal fab pot and fed 1.3liters of 700ppm veg feed as its 2nd official feed. Hopefully it responds well. The rest I will transplant as they dry out. The best looking plants will hit 5 gals and the least favorable 3 gals.
Root shot on my purple kush by kannbia


That’s a solid root ball, my man! Good job. They’ll love their new homes

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Well its a unique feeling seeing that i actually made a difference here. Usually i just get to watch the plants spiral out of control and im clueless to whats going on.
Feels good this morning even tho im tired as shit stil lol


@DirtySlowToes @FirstCavApache64 @ReikoX @Andrane i would like to thank all of you for all the help and advice thrown my way


Most of them look like they have turned around. Good job.


Thank you sir.

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Looking nice in there, great job.

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Thanks man it mans a lot!
I think I got a few for watering the 1 gallon plastic pots now I just need to get a feel for watering the three gal and five gal fab pots.

Do you run bottled nutrients? Do you check ppm when feeding or just follow the feed chart

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I use Jack’s powdered nutrients and feed by EC. Most my plants in veg get 1.2-1.5 EC which is 600-750 ppm on a .500 scale. I just watch the leaves as I increase the feed until I see a little yellow at the tips that tells me I’m overfeeding a little and then back off a little. I water until decent runoff each time they are light when picked up.


Not a probl3m. Wishing you the best for your growing adventures! :wink::+1:

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Dont mean to hijack but just wanted to know if you guys and gals thought this might be wind burn.

Main cola was getting directly blasted by fan. Have since moved the plants
To be under the fan but would she bounce back?

I thought it might be nitrogen toxicity but i grow in homemade and reamended soil, so i figured if anything theres probably a deficit in regards to
The NPK.
I guess it could be lockout or ph issues or even overwatering but the main right next to it is fine other than the fan leaf that was also getting blasted. Thanks for input.

Bottom right plant is what I’m talking about.


Nah man by all means feel free to post :+1:t2:
I hope someone can get it figured out for you quick bro those are some nice looking plants you got there

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Nov 28

December 8th

Following good advice and a feed chart will work wonders it seems


They’re growing ike they’re a little hot @Heavenlygoo
What are temps in there? Some look happy and others look a little curled down.

The super curl could be calcium toxicity. Could be wind damage, though wind damage will usually make leaves fold up like little taco shells first. Did you notice that? Obviously if moved away from fan and it gets better - wind. If not, my guess is calcium or nitrogen overdose but I’m not a doctor.

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Your plants look like they realy got turned around, great job!! I grow organically now after starting with fox farm bottles nutes. It takes a bit to get used especially when your used to that instant food. I’ve personally settled on 3 gal pots for flowering or if I’m feeling extra spicy ill go 5 gallon. I do not check ph nor have I ever. But you have to be careful what your putting in there and like I believe @Reiko recently told me the smaller the pot the harder it is for your soil to correct itself when your dumping in that much organic matter. If I get yellowing issues I flush them then re feed.
Organic growing is a huge rabbit hole and can be allot of fun tho.
The thing that helped me the most is useing really fluffy medium ie. Cocoa coir, Peat and add your own amendments and perlite. Make it virtually impossible for you to overwater if in cloth pots and keep that airflow in the soil. Come check out my thread when you get a chance I do some experimenting. :call_me_hand: