Seeds to Weeds : Live & Learn Organic Edition👨🏼‍🌾📝

@Kasper0909 Thanks for the kind words bro. Im really glad i turned them around so far and im giving them a lot of love.
Heres the ladies today

I seem to always have a problem with underfeeding and not knowing if i should give cal mag or epsom salt or neither lol.
These are all in royal gold kings mix soil and fed bio bizz nutrients under a 450w led.

Back in 2016-2017 i had 3 harvests with roots organic soil, roots organic nutes, and a 315w cmh. I dont remember ever having any problems with those grows. I also didnt know much more than following a feed chart (I’m not sure if know any more than that now lol) so i think its only right i follow the bio bizz feed chart. I seem to be getting shitty results when i wait for deficiencies to show but all of a sudden the plant goes lime green, rust spots pop, and the intervenal chlorosis i call mag stripes where it gets lime green stripes in betwen veins on a fan leaf. Heres some pics of one or two of the 2016-2017 runs i had. Not sure if these pics are all from the same run.

In my earlier posts in this thread i was running royal gold king mix soil and trying to feed with teas instead of my nute bottles. I was following a page out of the TLO book but i didnt have 60% of the ingredients for the tea so i wasnt really following it and screwed everything up. Sorry for the rambling lol stoned


Something odd happened.
My tent always run low Rh and i need a humidifier to keep it around 65% rh.
Temps have been low 70s so i got a pallet to raise plants off the floor. I added the pallet to the tent today and all was well.
Fast foward to lights off. Rh shot all the way up to 72% and my inkbird alarm went off. I got the tent to stablize at 68.5%rh but im not sure what the deal is. Guess the pallet is holding moisture or some shit or the inkbird was near a plant that perspired.

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Heres the ladies today. Chugging along, they could use a little more cal mag im thinking since they greened up but the rust spots never went away. Going to 4ml cal mag per liter

Heres my banana og plants last night. (Ignore the plant on the bottom that is an island sweet skunk runt) Moved to a spare 2x4 for space reasons. I think i may have banged them up quite a bit with their last feed.
I already watered once l but i will be watering 1-2 more times before any more fert


Just had a bunch written but got logged out in the middle. Boy that’s frustrating.

Nutes and soil look good tho little pricey. What water are you using?

I amend with Dr earth dry amendments, perlite and worm poop. Sometimes I’ll experiment with more.
Id say get used to the basic necessities and then fine tune slowly. You can grow great plants with just cocoa, perlite, Dr earth’s, and some worm poop tho blood meal and bone meal are great tools to have at the ready. When you start the under and over correcting and its not working, it seems a flush does wonders.

I think jumping in with all these extra and possibly un necessary things before you learn how to keep your soil healthy makes it harder in the long run.

Just my two cents as I’m also very new. :rofl:


Yea bro i got no clue what im doing (well a slight clue) i mostly rely on luck or fate whichever you wanna call it lol.
I am following my bio bizz feed chart after letting the plants get all out of wack and feeding at 6.0ph and they are finally bouncing back or thats what it seems.
My last grow things got ALL fucked up, if you scroll up you can see some of last rounds shit show. I honestly dont know how i pulled such healthy plants 3 times in a row my first 3 times, then i come back and i cant keep a plant healthy to save my ass.
Well anyway im pretty persistent so i will keep chugging along and hoping for the best.

What do you think is extra or unnecessary that im doing here? Not trying to sound rude at all so sorry if it comes across as a very blunt question. I need all the help/advice/support i can get here


I hate when that happens lol especially when im uploading pics

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I have a lot of dr earth boxes and a lot of organic amendments on my shelf. I made some living soil in the summer and cooked it until last weekend and i took a 3gal fab pot worth and transplanted a island sweet skunk i have growing into it and so far so good.

I tried to ditch my bottles and feed only with teas last round (all the original posts in this thread) and things reallt went to hell. I also half assed the tea and didnt have all the ingredients needed. Then when i got all the ingredients i ditched that and went back to bottles and here i am now

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Haha no problem. I also wasnt trying to come off as critical of anything your doing I hope it didn’t come off as that. :rofl:
But not sure what root juice is. I thought I saw a Couple others but I could be wrong.

Also vpd is something I’d call a fine tuning method and while it may be important its just another thing to make you scramble and tie your brain in knots.

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Yea my brain is in a knot both in the tent and outside the tent lol!

Not at all my friend,

Root juice is a bottle bio bizz sells that youre supposed to use only in the first week of sprouting a seed or cut. I only used it one time i actually forgot it came with my sample kit.

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Ya I saw their like 6 bottles of nutes package. My first grow I used fox Farm soil and bottles nutes, followed everythinh to a t and it went well. Next time not so much haha cuz i deviated. I feel like those are great if you follow the instructions exactly without deviation haha

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lol i can never stay on track. Im always scared im going to overdose the plants and i wind up starving them like a dickhead. Happens everytime it seems lol! Im working on figuring out my nutes, the large plants i fed late in the game when they were hungry. My banana ogs i started feeding quick and i actually burnt them a little.
Next round im sure i will be able to achieve better results. Hell this round aint over im pretty confident i will pull some nice buds off these plants in the next 3-4 months. (Speaking it into existence lol)


Ya I have a problem with that also. I always get hit right at the transition with 1 yellowing plant :rofl: every time. Then trying to get that plant fixed is like a teeter totter.
It just takes some plants under our belts im sure. Im always learning a little haha.
When I was trying to figure out ppm and vpd and acidic and alkaline and everything else all at the same time it was just so confusing.
The thing I’ve noticed with dry organic nutes is if you mix it in at the beginning, by the time they need it there is enough available. It is also allot harder to over do it.

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What do you mean? Like amend the soil then plant and it breaks down as the plant needs it?

I never figured out ppm in organics the run off was always so different. I actually dont water until run off this run. Vpd i just shoot for 60-65 rh and 75f temp.
The acidic and alkaline thing really drove me nuts on my last run. My soil kept getting alkaline or acidic. It was really a fucking stressfull time and i look back and i learned absolutely nothing last run. I bought hundreds of dollars of amendments, i got photo plus, i made labs, i got the fox farm big bloom, i got kangaroots, the list goes on and i tried to make teas to feed the plants and everything got burnt or went deficient. It was rough
Shit seems to be going good this run so i have not checked soil ph. Last run i had two sticky glue plants get locked out, assuming it was from soil ph being all out of whack

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Heres the ladies today.

Last night they got a 2.5ec 1200ppm (500 scale) feed.Each plant got 1.5liters bottom fed.
3ml bio grow per liter
2ml bio haven per liter
2ml activera per liter
2ml cal mag per liter

Heres my banana og plants. I cant tell of they are burnt or hungry. Really not doing too good. A lot of droop and discoloration. One even has black/gray spots on it.
I put them in my 2x4 without a carbon filter and let them go for 2 days. I opened the tent and was blasted in the face with “dirty turtle tank” smell and humidity. There was pools of droplets on the tent floor and the temp was up to 78f humidity said 48% but i dont believe the probe is accurate.
I installed carbon filter and fan and all is well now. I hope them black spots aint mold on the fan leaf. Finally heres the pics

some of the banana ogs were drooping even with the pot being extremely light.

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@ReikoX hey bro can you take a look at these banana ogs I got. I fed them once so far and I recently moved them to an unstable environment where the temp and humidity shot up very high for 2 days. I’ve watered in 1 cup of plain water 2 times since last feed and got the environment under control and humidity is low around 45%

I’m on my way to work but I’m gonna post a link to an outstanding site for helping.

I’ve seen no better resource.

Definitely too high nitrogen. likely affect yield and quality.

Check out that site. From deficiency to pest it’s fantastic.

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That site is great wow. Such in depth break downs on the ones I clicked on my quick run through. Thanks a lot.

Feeling super bummed out about my banana ogs. I just overcame overwatering in 1 gal pots with my fem plants then i transplant the banana ogs and i overwater all over again🤦🏻‍♂️

It’s all part of gaining our growing legs so to speak.

We learn more from our errors and misfortunes than set it and forget it.

In the moment it sucks but learn to appreciation the little things for that is the important aspects we often error on.

My best advice, it’s about the environment, then media environment, then light/nutrition.

Appreciate the plant stages and recognize the early signs of each developmental stage.

Worry not, my bright butt once ruined a 100 plus seedlings of a hard to get genetic from Greece years ago. I didn’t put the lid on after a pic. We have our moments and it’s just part of the adventure!


Thanks for the kind words bro. It really helped me accept the situation with a more positive outlook.
These banana og are pretty sentimental to me, ive been wanting to smoke it since a young kid. I look forward to getting these babies back on track

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